Friday, August 10, 2012
Monsanto ‘Biotechnology Book for Kids’ Caught Brainwashing Children
Facing direct opposition from the public, biotechnology giants like Monsanto and Dow are now making a disturbing attempt to brainwash developing minds into accepting their genetically modified foods using blatant lies and propaganda. In a last ditch effort to potentially sway public opinion, the Council for Biotechnology Information (CBI) has launched the “Biotechnology Basics Activity Book” for kids. With the intent to be used by ‘agriculture and science teachers’, the activity book spreads absurd lies about GMO crops — even going as far as to say that they ‘improve our health’ and ‘help the environment’.
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Israel Bars Diplomatic Delegations From West Bank Meeting
A scheduled meeting in Ramallah by 13 members of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) has been cancelled today, after the Israeli government declined to allow some of the diplomatic delegations to enter the occupied West Bank to attend.
The meeting planned to ratify the Ramallah Declaration, an endorsement of the Palestinian effort to upgrade their UN status to “non-member state.”
See also:
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e.e. cummings - pity this busy monster,manunkind
pity this busy monster,manunkind,
not. Progress is a comfortable disease:
your victim( death and life safely beyond )
plays with the bigness of his littleness
–electrons deify one razorblade
into a mountainrange;lenses extend
unwish through curving wherewhen till unwish
returns on itself.
A world of made
is not a world of born—pity poor flesh
and trees,poor stars and stones,but never this fine specimen of hypermagical
ultraomnipotence. We doctors know
a hopeless case if—listen:there’s a hell
of a good universe next door;let’s go
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Salvador Dalí Goes Commercial: Three Strange Television Ads
From Open Culture
Salvador Dalí doing a swan dive is a fun thing to watch, as these three television commercials from his later years demonstrate. The artist appeared in TV ads for a number of clients, including Lanvin Chocolates, Alka-Seltzer and Veterano brandy. In the 1968 Lanvin commercial, the wild-eyed artist takes a bite of chocolate and it curls his mustache. He looks at the camera and says, “I’m crazy about Lanvin Chocolates,” with the emphasis on “crazy.”
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Michael Aquino Revisited
From Alex Constantine:
"The uncanny attraction of the Third Reich – Nazi Germany – lies in the fact that it endorsed and practiced both dynamism and life-worship without end and to a world-shaking degree of success." — Michael Aquino
To hear High Priest Michael Aquino tell it, his Temple of Set, a splinter group of San Francisco’s Church of Satan, is no more sinister than the Order of Woodcraft Chivalry. Setianism, he insists, "is a legitimate and ethical religion, incorporated as such in California in 1975 and enjoying since that time full state and federal recognition as a religious institution."1 Aquino bristles at any suggestion of Satanism at the Temple of Set. The cult "does not believe in ‘Satan’ – our mythology is ancient-Egyptian, after all."2 Yet he has described himself in Temple literature as the "Anti-Christ" and published essays on "Greater" and "Lesser" Black Magic.3 And Don Webb, a priest in the Temple of Set, describes it as a "Satanic religion." The Setian, Webb writes, "chooses as role model a ‘god against the gods.’ We choose an archetype that corresponds the disharmonizing part of our own psyches…. This role model is the ‘Lord of this World,’ who is rejected by the Right Hand Path as the Prince of Darkness."4 Visitors to the Temple’s Web site are met by a blazing white pentagram, and the Temple answering machine has boasted that the caller has reached "the only international Satanic religious institution’ recognized by the government.5 So perhaps it's really about Satan, after all.
The decorated veteran of the Army’s 306th Psychological Operations Battalion is as skilled in the art of black propaganda as he is black magic.
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Pussy Riot & The Fight For Internet Freedom
"Was it art?" the prosecutor asked. "It was witchcraft," the witness replied.
"It", of course, refers to Pussy Riot's now-infamous punk performance at the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow, for which three young women have been charged with "hooliganism." Battling suspiciously shoddy courtroom internet, journalists have been live-tweeting hilarious quotes from the proceedings.
But this is serious business. What are the chances of Pussy Riot being convicted? Over 99%, if you go by Russia's acquittal rate for the past decade. "Not guilty" verdicts in Russian courts are actually more rare now than they were under Stalin, according to a 2011 report.
See also:
Pussy Riot profile: Nadezhda Tolokonnikova
Philosophy student Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, 22, has been described as the evil genius behind Pussy Riot
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Scott Olsen: OWS must force changes, not ask
RT's Anastasia Churkina talks to Occupy activist and war veteran Scott Olsen on the state of affairs in the US today and the changes that have taken place since the beginning of the Occupy Wall Street movement.
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The Rise of the Police State and the Absence of Mass Opposition
In the face of mass opposition, many of the overt police state tactics of the 1950’s went ‘underground’ and were replaced by covert operations; selective state violence against individuals replaced mass purges. The popular pro-democracy movements strengthened civil society and public hearings exposed and weakened the police state apparatus, but it did not go away. However, from the early 1980’s to the present, especially over the past 20 years, the police state has expanded dramatically, penetrating all aspects of civil society while arousing no sustained or even sporadic mass opposition.
The question is why has the police state grown and even exceeded the boundaries of previous periods of repression and yet not provoked any sustained mass opposition? This is in contrast to the broad-based pro-democracy movements of the mid to late 20th century. That a massive and growing police state apparatus exists is beyond doubt: one simply has to look up the published records of personnel (both public agents and private contractors), the huge budgets and scores of agencies involved in internal spying on tens of millions of American citizens and residents. The scope and depth of arbitrary police state measures taken include arbitrary detention and interrogations, entrapment and the blacklisting of hundreds of thousands of US citizens. Presidential fiats have established the framework for the assassination of US citizens and residents, military tribunals, detention camps and the seizure of private property.
Yet as these gross violations of the constitutional order have taken place and as each police state agency has further eroded our democratic freedoms, there have been no massive “anti-Homeland Security” movements, no campus ‘Free Speech movements’. There are only the isolated and courageous voices of specialized ‘civil liberties’ and constitutional freedoms activists and organizations, which speak out and raise legal challenges to the abuse, but have virtually no mass base and no objective coverage in the mass media.
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Andrej Grubacic & David Graeber: Anarchism, Or The Revolutionary Movement Of The Twenty-first Century
On one level it is a kind of faith: a belief that most forms of irresponsibility that seem to make power necessary are in fact the effects of power itself. In practice though it is a constant questioning, an effort to identify every compulsory or hierarchical relation in human life, and challenge them to justify themselves, and if they cannot — which usually turns out to be the case — an effort to limit their power and thus widen the scope of human liberty. Just as a Sufi might say that Sufism is the core of truth behind all religions, an anarchist might argue that anarchism is the urge for freedom behind all political ideologies.
Schools of Marxism always have founders. Just as Marxism sprang from the mind of Marx, so we have Leninists, Maoists, Althusserians… (Note how the list starts with heads of state and grades almost seamlessly into French professors — who, in turn, can spawn their own sects: Lacanians, Foucauldians….)
Schools of anarchism, in contrast, almost invariably emerge from some kind of organizational principle or form of practice: Anarcho-Syndicalists and Anarcho-Communists, Insurrectionists and Platformists, Cooperativists, Councilists, Individualists, and so on.
Anarchists are distinguished by what they do, and how they organize themselves to go about doing it. And indeed this has always been what anarchists have spent most of their time thinking and arguing about. They have never been much interested in the kinds of broad strategic or philosophical questions that preoccupy Marxists such as Are the peasants a potentially revolutionary class? (anarchists consider this something for peasants to decide) or what is the nature of the commodity form? Rather, they tend to argue about what is the truly democratic way to go about a meeting, at what point organization stops empowering people and starts squelching individual freedom. Is “leadership” necessarily a bad thing? Or, alternately, about the ethics of opposing power: What is direct action? Should one condemn someone who assassinates a head of state? When is it okay to throw a brick?
See also:
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Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse
From Anthony Gucciardi, Activist Post:
A team of researchers looking into why cancer cells are so resilient accidentally stumbled upon a far more important discovery. While conducting their research, the team discovered that chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth.
Beyond that, it even makes the tumor highly resistant to future treatment.
Reporting their findings in the journal Nature Medicine, the scientists report that the findings were ‘completely unexpected’. Finding evidence of significant DNA damage when examining the effects of chemotherapy on tissue derived from men with prostate cancer, the writings are a big slap in the face to mainstream medical organizations who have been pushing chemotherapy for years as the only option available to cancer patients.
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Fabrizio Petri: Gandhi, Popper and Internet: a renewed relation between Individuality and Altruism
It is my belief, as I argue in my recent essay Karma Aperto (Open Karma), that the rise of the internet’s global world started in the 60s represents a new phase of renovation for the link between individualism and altruism, and that the exchange of ideas with the East has played a prominent, although concealed, role in the proper vein of what is today clearly appearing to be a truly global – and not any more only Western – phenomenon (Petri, 2012). In his groundbreaking work The Rise on the Network Society, Manuel Castells (1996), the father of the studies on the Informational Society, suggested not only that the technological process that emerged in the 70s was linked to the special freedom culture, individualistic entrepreneurship and personal innovative spirit present in California – also due to the countercultural movement - a decade before, he also underlined that internet dynamics were, half-consciously, propagating worldwide such values. In a more recent essay, From Counterculture to Cyberculture, Fred Turner studies the role played by the counterculture, and especially by Steward Brand, in the rise of the Informational Society (Turner, 2006). While we will come back to this noteworthy essay, in my view here lays a crucial implication: American countercultural protagonists – such as poet Allen Ginsberg, leader of the Beat Generation, and writer Ken Kesey, the link between the Beat and the Hippies – performed about the same unconscious role that British philosopher Isaiah Berlin advocates in his illuminating essay The Roots of Romanticism for romantic poets in the rise of nowadays pluralistic societies (Berlin, 2001).
[ ... ]
After India, Ginsberg returned to the USA as a different man. By now he was deeply involved with the message of non-violence found in the old Indian principle of ahimsa that the genius of Ghandi had turned from a millenary instrument of personal salvation into the most important political tool of India’s independence struggle. But Ginsberg was not simply speaking of a noble idea – to trigger a change in your enemy’s soul through your suffering -; he was incarnating it. His behaviour was part of an attitude that would have taken an archetypical form in those years. Non-violence was lived not as a mere imitation, but as the only way a true deep feeling can be expressed; with an amount of personal integrity relevant for the reality where it is to flourish. That reality was the California of the 60s where non-violence became an attitude of inner-outer transformation: Transform yourself and you’ll non-violently transform others and, eventually, the world.
See also:
Hippie Roots & The Perennial Subculture by Gordon Kennedy & Kody Ryan
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