As reported by David Miller Smith in Pakistan Daily:
India is the country that is spoken of most often as an enemy in China, a British newspaper reported Sunday, but quoted a retired Chinese officer as saying the men serving the People's Liberation Army (PLA) have no “devotion”.
“Compared with our last war against India in 1962, our equipment is much better.
In an article on the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic, the paper said the occasion is set to be marked by the “grandest martial parade in the history of modern China”, with displays of a new generation of fighters, ballistic missiles, battle tanks and rifles.
“Thursday's parade is certain to provoke an outpouring of virulent nationalism. Curiously, the enemy most often spoken of is India,” the paper said.
Censors, otherwise draconian in their grip over Chinese netizens, permit “alarmingly frank discussion” on the internet on going to war against India over Tibet.
China's People's Daily newspaper declared Friday: “We must abide by (former Chinese leader) Deng Xiaoping's instructions that China must be under the leadership of the Communist Party.
Monday, September 28, 2009
"Curiously, the enemy most often spoken of is India"
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Lost symbols of the U.S. Capitol
Investigative mythologist and author William Henry talked about the significance of the art and symbols in the U.S. Capitol. The Capitol was thought of as a recreation of Solomon's Temple by its builders, Freemasons, who conceived of the building as a "beehive" buzzing with energy, he said. Higher wisdom flows through the Capitol's spiritual imagery, particularly in the painting, The Apotheosis of Washington (see images below), which is featured in the dome of the Rotunda, he shared, adding that the dome of the Capitol is a mirror image of the one in the Vatican. The painting depicts the first President as a deified being along with five pagan gods who are symbols for alchemy.
He noted that a scene in Dan Brown's new bestseller, The Lost Symbol, features a character staring up into the Capitol dome and seeing the painting transform into a gateway. This imagery shares similarities to Henry's work into stargates or portals, which he believes humans can ascend to higher consciousness. The bell-shaped Capitol Dome could be thought of as a kind of stupa that creates a vortex or field of energy, he continued.
Interestingly, Henry detailed that the Capitol contains a "crypt", one story beneath the Rotunda. It has 40 columns and was modeled after the ancient Temple of Poseidon-- this was a way for the United States to pay homage to Atlantis, he commented.
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The end of poverty? [trailer]
In theatres starting November 13th in NYC (Village East Cinema) and November 25th in LA (Laemmle Sunset 5)
The feature-length documentary The End of Poverty? won critical acclaim at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival and is narrated by actor Martin Sheen. It is a daring, thought-provoking and very timely documentary by filmmaker Philippe Diaz. The film takes a hard look at world poverty and challenges capitalism and the American way. In a world of plenty, why are so many families around the planet still living in abject poverty? Looking beyond the popular "solutions" for poverty, The End of Poverty? asks if the true causes of poverty today stem from a deliberate orchestration of resource misallocation started in colonial times.
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Global Systematic Discrimination against the Poor to be signed by States
" ... The above core minimum obligations were devised by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in 1990 after neo-liberal States pursuing globalization ignored the human rights of the poor in past human rights instruments and created under classes around the world.
It is apparent that these core minimum obligations were excluded in the above Optional Protocol because they were seen by the UN and the global elites as incompatible with neo liberalism and globalization. These core minimum obligations include the right to shelter, freedom from hunger, the right to water and basic health and education and very largely affect the most disadvantaged.
It is moment of truth for the United Nations regarding the above Optional Protocol’s interpretation of the UN Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which excludes these core minimum obligations. The UN must decide whether the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the UN Charter are to prevail over neo liberalism and globalization or whether the latter are to be permitted to dominate which will be the case if the Optional Protocol comes into force after 10 States sign and ratify it.
Any exclusion of the core minimum obligations could backfire on the human rights establishment as it is likely to be very difficult for liberal democratic States to justify increasing State control because of terrorism when the latter could claim to be fighting for justice – ‘rebellion against tyranny and oppression’ - for the poor by having the excluded core minimum obligations included in international human rights law.
In the preamble the UDHR states: “Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law”.
There seems little doubt that if the OP is not revisited, even at this very late stage, and core minimum obligations included the poor will look to other belief systems to achieve justice. Fundamentalist groups such as Al Qaida and the Taleban show, irrespective of what you may think of their beliefs and/or methods, that it is not so much military and/or economic might that matters the most but rather the strength of one’s beliefs which allows such groups to overcome seemingly overwhelming odds. In recent times America realized the importance of keeping to its liberal beliefs - it major compromises of the latter i.e. Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay, resulted in a considerable loss of global legitimacy. The UN may also face a considerable loss of global legitimacy with the exclusion of core minimum obligations. ... "
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Polanski arrested in connection with 1970s sex charge
As reported on CNN:
Oscar-winning filmmaker Roman Polanski has been arrested in Switzerland on a decades-old arrest warrant stemming from a sex charge in California, Swiss police said Sunday.
Polanski, 76, was taken into custody trying to enter Switzerland on Saturday, Zurich police said. A spokesman for the Swiss Justice Ministry said Polanski was arrested upon arrival at the airport.
He has lived in France for decades to avoid being arrested if he enters the United States and declined to appear in person to collect his Academy Award for Best Director for "The Pianist" in 2003.
The director pleaded guilty in 1977 to a single count of having unlawful sexual intercourse with a minor, acknowledging he had sex with a 13-year-old girl. But he fled the United States before he could be sentenced, and U.S. authorities have had a warrant for his arrest since 1978.
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Merck employees had "hit list" of doctors they sought to "neutralize", court documents reveal (opinion)
(NaturalNews) Previously secret documents that surfaced at a Vioxx court case in April of this year reveal pharmaceutical giant Merck maintained a "hit list" of doctors to be "neutralized" for speaking out against Vioxx. Although this story was reported on NaturalNews and other sites in April, Merck's involvement in the recent round of swine flu vaccines raises new questions regarding Merck's behavior towards its critics (see below).
As was reported in The Australian, documents that have surfaced in the Federal Court in Melbourne expose the criminal intent of Merck staffers who admitted they intended to "stop funding to institutions" and "interfere with academic appointments." (These actions are highly illegal, by the way.)
According to on-the-record testimony in this Australian trial, one Merck employee said, in referring to the doctors on the hit list, "We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live..."
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Musical Innerlube: The Unseen - "Police Brutality" (Unofficial Video)
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Limits to administration of mercury voided
Dr. Weeks’ Comment: This is highly predictable but reckless since mercury is a KNOWN neurotoxin andH1N1 “pandemic” is only postulated. If you get vaccinated, ascertain the lot number of the vaccine and have your doctor sign this form
From the Washington State Department of Health - notice 9-24-09
Mercury limits law temporarily suspended
Secretary of Health Mary Selecky has temporarily suspended Washington’s limit on the amount of mercury (thimerosal) in H1N1 (swine flu) vaccine allowed for pregnant women and children younger than three years old. The six-month suspension is effective September 23, 2009 through March 23, 2010 and applies only to H1N1 vaccines. It does not apply to seasonal flu vaccine.
As a precaution, Washington state law limits the amount of mercury that can be in vaccines for pregnant women and children under three. The secretary of health can suspend the law when there is a shortage of vaccine or during a disease outbreak – both criteria apply to the H1N1 vaccine. Some H1N1 vaccine will be mercury-free, but it may not be available at all times and there may be limited amounts. This could stop children younger than three and pregnant women who want the vaccine from getting it. H1N1 vaccination will be voluntary. Pregnant women and children under three are two of the priority groups to get H1N1 vaccine first because they are at high risk for serious complications if they’re infected with H1N1 (swine flu) virus.
Notification requirements
It is important to note that when the mercury limits are suspended, the law requires that certain groups be told they are getting a vaccine containing more mercury than is usually permitted. This notification requirement applies to pregnant or lactating women and parents or guardians of children under the age of 18 getting the vaccine. There is no single notification method required; the Department of Health has developed a sample notification form to help you with this. There is also a chart that you can use providing guidance on screening patients to determine who needs to be notified. The notification form and other information on the temporary suspension of the mercury limits for H1N1 vaccine are available online (
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U.S., NATO poised for most massive war In Afghanistan's history
Posted by Rick Rozoff on Global
Over the past week U.S. newspapers and television networks have been abuzz with reports that Washington and its NATO allies are planning an unprecedented increase of troops for the war in Afghanistan, even in addition to the 17,000 new American and several thousand NATO forces that have been committed to the war so far this year.
The number, based on as yet unsubstantiated reports of what U.S. and NATO commander Stanley McChrystal and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Michael Mullen have demanded of the White House, range from 10,000 to 45,000.
Fox News has cited figures as high as 45,000 more American soldiers and ABC News as many as 40,000. On September 15 the Christian Science Monitor wrote of "perhaps as many as 45,000."
The similarity of the estimates indicate that a number has been agreed upon and America's obedient media is preparing domestic audiences for the possibility of the largest escalation of foreign armed forces in Afghanistan's history. Only seven years ago the United States had 5,000 troops in the country, but was scheduled to have 68,000 by December even before the reports of new deployments surfaced.
An additional 45,000 troops would bring the U.S. total to 113,000. There are also 35,000 troops from some 50 other nations serving under NATO's International Security Assistance Force in the nation, which would raise combined troop strength under McChrystal's command to 148,000 if the larger number of rumored increases materializes.
As the former Soviet Union withdrew its soldiers from Afghanistan twenty years ago the New York Times reported "At the height of the Soviet commitment, according to Western intelligence estimates, there were 115,000 troops deployed." [1]
Nearly 150,000 U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan would represent the largest foreign military presence ever in the land.
Rather than addressing this historic watershed, the American media is full of innuendos and "privileged" speculation on who has leaked the information and why, as to commercial news operations the tawdry world of Byzantine intrigues among and between American politicians, generals and the Fourth Estate is of more importance that the lengthiest and largest war in the world.
One that has been estimated by the chief of the British armed forces and other leading Western officials to last decades and that has already been extended into Pakistan, a nation with a population almost six times that of Afghanistan and in possession of nuclear weapons.
Two weeks ago the Dutch media reported that during a visit to the Netherlands "General Stanley McChrystal [said] he is considering the possibility of merging...Operation Enduring Freedom with NATO's ISAF force." [2] That is, not only would he continue to command all U.S. and NATO troops, but the two commands would be melded into one.
The call for up to 45,000 more American troops was first adumbrated in mid-September by U.S. armed forces chief Michael Mullen, with the Associated Press stating "The top U.S. military officer says that winning in Afghanistan will probably mean sending more troops."
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The aphorisms of Yogi BERRA
Delightful insights from Paul Larendau's An inquiry into a sample of vernacular philosophy: the aphorisms of Yogi BERRA
" ... An important amount of the reflection contained in BERRAISMS is about the inner contradictions of knowledge, more precisely, of understanding in the sense of classical rationalist philosophy:
The logia fluctuates here, but in that case, both versions provide the same level of philosophical dept. Strongly influenced by scholarly thought, the doctrine of knowledge of modern culture tends to value the virtues of practical experimentation over simple contemplative observation. That orientation in the tradition is rooted in DESCARTES and the Cartesian continuation. But in 18 th century, DIDEROT and a series of materialist philosophers called the naturalist materialists tried to demonstrate that strict observation, if performed with no prejudice. could supersede experimentation, specially if that one is biased by a priori conceptualizations and prejudices, of the type of the one DESCARTES and his disciples had a tendency to entertain. Furthermore, in certain sciences, for example astronomy, observation was the only procedure of apprehension available. Here, fundamentally in the debate between DESCARTES and DIDEROT on the activity of knowledge, Yogi opts for the ideas put forward by DIDEROT, the naturalist materialist, who analyzed in detail the virtues of simple observation with the senses. This is solidly in objection with the Cartesianist position that lionizes the virtues of experimentation over mere observation. The conscience of objecting to a dominant idea is present in the tone of the aphorism. Yogi speaks here, knowing that he is not saying something everybody will spontaneously agree with. But as a good catcher always knows, the virtues of simple observation of every corners of the field are to be reconsidered in modern culture. The tremendous capacity of millions of fans, gathered since almost a century in stadiums big as canyons, to focus their attention and cognitive activity on the arabesques of a flying object of the size of a fist tends to support such an opinion!
[ ... ]
Here comes dialectics. Stop to laugh and face the flat logical consequences of that aphorism: predictions can be done about something other than the future . Let try to understand that contradiction. First, prediction can be done about the past quite simply, as in Here he comes! I predict you that he will have forgotten to phone Mary . One may not think about it immediately, busy as one are laughing, but it is quite straightforward... and the easiest to do, according to Yogi. Now what about predictions about the present ? So contradictory! Well, let us try to understand the fact (painful for our common sense, but scientifically demonstrated by Einstein) that time varies when speed varies. The subjectivity of Yogi BERRA, as the one of any baseball player, lives the most intense peeks of its mental activity in an endless reiteration of brief instants . Between the moment the pitcher pitches and the moment you strike or catch, there is a short, so short distance that no, you cannot call that the future. And it is on that infinitesimal hiatus between two moments that the most intensive activity of prediction of a baseball batter or catcher is doomed to flourish. You eventually end up knowing for a flat objective fact, when your praxis develops itself in such a universe, that the present has absolutely no stability whatsoever, and that, contrarily to what common sense believes, prediction applies to it as well, because speed alterates time . Other than Einstein, only the antique Greek dialectician HERACLITUS expressed such a sharp consciousness of the fluency of the time process. Then, since that fundamentally fugitive present moment is already difficult to predict about, just imagine what the future, distant, tangled and complex as it appears from the home base, can be... "
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Pittsburgh G20 protests - Firsthand account
The Police Are Rioting: Reflections on Pittsburgh
There is a popular assumption asserted ad nauseam by our leaders in government, by our school text books and by our “mainstream” media that although many other countries don't have freedom of speech and freedom of assembly -- such as Iran or China -- we do, and it's what makes us so great. Anybody who has spent much time trying to exercise their First Amendment rights in the U.S. now or at any other time since 1776 knows first-hand that the First Amendment looks good on paper but has little to do with reality.
Dissent has never really been tolerated in the USA. As we've seen in recent election cycles even just voting for a Democratic presidential candidate and having your vote count can be quite a challenge -- as anyone who has not had their head in sand knows, Bush lost both elections and yet kept his office fraudulently twice. But for those who want to exercise their rights beyond the government-approved methods -- that is, their right to vote for one of two parties, their right to bribe politicians (“lobby”) if they have enough money, or their right to write a letter to the editor in the local Murdoch-owned rag, if it hasn't closed shop yet -- the situation is far worse.
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Unspeakable evil and its discontents
Posted by Vi Ransel on Thomas Paine's Corner:
Propaganda. Shooting. Bayoneting. Beating. Bombing. Burning. Poisoning. Hunting down. Confining. Electrocuting. Hanging.
Would any of these methods, and more, been considered too extreme to use against the Germans and the Japanese during WWII? Are any of these methods, to now include kidnapping for torture and targeted assassination, deemed too extreme for Americans to use to counter “terrorism?”
Are not the recipients of these “gifts” of American Manifest Destiny entitled to refuse them by whatever means necessary? Have they no rights but to say “yes” to their own subjugation, mutilation and murder? And are those unarmed, or those unable to reciprocate these “gifts” – civilians, the elderly, women and children – not entitled to have someone stand up and defend them? Do those with no voice or rights, like children and animals, deserve no consideration precisely because they are unarmed and unable to resist? Is the moral high ground to be found under the iron boot of tyranny? Must one turn the other cheek when it, too, will be eaten off your face?
The machine to be raged against, however, is not a machine. It is a sociopathic set of people. The system that enables the Fordism of death and destruction is a set of rules consciously created and administered by perhaps point-oh-one percent of the system’s most lavish recipients, enforced by its multi-millionare minions and held up to the rest of us as an inevitable law of nature, to which there is no alternative. And as we participate in this Great Game, we become the racket ball of the ultra rich, who have us inculcated, enticed, bribed and coerced into submission to their dominion.
These “people” are individual sociopaths without a shred of empathy for fellow beings, human or otherwise, who make the daily decision to crush the rest of us into the dirt under their feet. Everybody and everything below billionaire-level is “fair” prey for the vicious, ruthless, deliberate decision-makers who create a daily holocaust to serve their insatiable lust for power, a lust they themselves cannot, or will not, control. And like any bully, they bully – as if daring someone to stop them – until someone or something smacks them down. Since they lack the ability and/or will to control their murderous, sociopathic tendencies, they need someone else to create that discipline for them. Like giant, temper tantrum-throwing two-year-old tyrants, they need time out. And it’s our job to give it to them – by whatever means we can – to stop the murder they deliberately decide on, which only serves to fuel their insatiable lust.
They appear to be asking Earth to stop them in one giant, extinction event evoked by their bullying hubris, and in that event, take the rest of us along to the woodshed of failed evolutionary experiments. The only question left is will we go with them willingly, or will we put up a fight?
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Catholic Church bans Reiki
Bella English reports for the Boston Globe:
"... last spring the US Conference of Catholic Bishops announced that reiki - hailed by many as therapy, derided by others as quackery - would no longer be practiced in the church’s hospitals and retreat centers. Reiki, according to the bishops, is not grounded in science or Christianity and is therefore inappropriate for Catholic institutions.
Practitioners and clients claim that reiki (pronounced RAY-kee) reduces pain, stress, and anxiety; accelerates recovery from surgery and illness; and boosts the immune system. The church hierarchy begs to differ. “Without justification either from Christian faith or natural science, a Catholic who puts his or her trust in reiki would be operating in the realm of superstition, the no-man’s-land that is neither faith nor science,’’ according to the six-page guidelines. “Superstition corrupts one’s worship of God by turning one’s religious feeling and practice in a false direction.’’
Griseuk, who lives in Merrimack, N.H., read about the decision and chuckled. “It must have been a slow day at the Vatican,’’ says Griseuk, who was raised in the Catholic Church.
The following week she got a call from St. Joseph saying the hospital would no longer offer reiki. Griseuk had to close the seven-year-old volunteer clinic located at a wellness center associated with the hospital. “The bishops did not do their research,’’ she says. “Reiki is not a belief system, not a cult, not a weirdo thing.’’ ... "
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'Waste Reporting Form about the killing of William Colby'
Waste Reporting Form
filled and signed by Dr. Dekov
and sent via email to the Inspector General of the USA
on 21 September 2009,
Section "Description":
I am a witness of the killing of the former Director of the CIA
William Colby. In 1996, the FBI Director Louis Freeh and the special
agent Johnson from the New Orleans office of the FBI, have killed the
former CIA Director William Colby. President Clinton has approved the
killing. Since 1996, the USA governments keep in secret the order of
President Clinton for the killing. President Clinton has ordered the
society to be misled and the USA government to describe the killing as
an accident. President Bush has repeated the same order. Finally,
President Obama also has repeated the same order. President Clinton,
President Bush and President Obama protect the killers and prevent the
truth about the killing to become public.
More details are available at the site devoted to the Ames-Colby
Below is my letter of 30 July 2009 to the Minister of the Foreign
Affairs of Bulgaria. The letter and the answer of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria are available at the site devoted to the
Ames-Colby story.
30 July 2009
To Mrs. Minister of the Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria, Sofia
Dear Mrs. Minister,
I appeal for your assistance to obtain from the government of the USA
the status of a victim of criminal activity of the USA government.
On January 5, 1991, I was preparing myself to leave the USA with
documents in order. I have bought a plain ticket to another country.
At the airport of Philadelphia, PA, I was abducted by a group of
agents of the FBI of the USA. The FBI agents transported me by a plain
to New Orleans, LA. A few days later I understood that the order for
the abduction has been given by Mr. Johnson, at that time special FBI
agent in the FBI office in New Orleans and Director of Department of
the FBI for the state Louisiana. Since January 5, 1991 to May 22,
1992, that is, more than one year, I was a captive of the FBI in New
Orleans. The FBI prohibited me to leave New Orleans and to call to
Bulgaria or to the Bulgarian embassy in the USA. After the abduction,
in January 1991, Mr. Johnson took my passport in order I to do not
have the possibility to travel. All this FBI activity was criminal
activity and a violation of the USA laws. In violation of the FBI
orders, in March 1992 I succeeded to call to the Bulgarian embassy in
the USA. I explained to the officers of the embassy: "I am a captive
of the FBI in New Orleans, in violation of the laws of the USA. I am
not accused in any violation. I am abducted and a captive. The FBI
took my passport in violation of the USA laws". A few days after my
call to the Bulgarian embassy, Mr. Johnson gave me back my passport.
Mr. Johnson told me that my passport has been all the time in his
personal safe. Mr. Johnson again prohibited me to leave the town. He
told me that the FBI follows me and will arrest me and put me in the
jail if I try to leave the town. The same statement I have heard many
times from Mr. Johnson. On May 22, 1992, after one year and four
months captivity, finally I succeed to leave New Orleans. The next
day, May 23, 1992, I arrived at the Sofia airport, Bulgaria. Since
that day I have not visited the USA and I have not asked to get a visa
for the USA.
In 1991-1992, Mr. Johnson forced me I to work out a plan for killing
of Mr. William Colby, a former Director of the CIA of the USA. Later,
in 1996, Mr. Johnson and Mr. Louis Freeh, at that time the Director of
the FBI of the USA, have used the plan in order to kill Mr. Colby. I
am not guilty for the preparation of the plan, since at that time I
was a captive of the FBI of the USA, so that I was forced to execute
the criminal orders, in order to can survive.
In 1994, I sent from Bulgaria a letter to President Clinton with
description of crimes of Mr. Johnson. Unfortunately, the FBI Director
Mr. Louis Freeh has misled President Clinton that I had been FBI
agent. Indeed, in 1992 to 2001, possibly to later, the FBI information
system contained such a file, but the fail has been complete, 100%
falsification. The file is one of the FBI criminal actions against me,
but also against the USA President, since in 1996 the FBI Director has
used the same file to mislead President Clinton so that President
Clinton to approve the killing of Mr. William Colby. The aim of the
FBI possibly has been to make President Clinton its hostage by making
facts able to discredit him. I heard for first time about my file in
March 1997 in the USA embassy in Sofia from Mr. Fogarty, an officer of
the embassy. Later I saw some confirmations. In 2007, I sent a letter
to President Bush containing a protest against the creation by the FBI
of a completely false file about me.
I could notice that the activities of the USA government are not in
correspondence with the activities of other USA institutions. For
example, the USA Senate does not like the killing of William Colby. In
May 2001, a group of a few USA Senators forced the FBI Director Mr.
Louis Freeh to resign because of the killing of William Colby. There
are also other actions against the criminal activity of the USA
government, from USA institutions, as well as US citizens. But these
actions by now are not public.
I have to notice that the USA government does not want to announce
publicly that President Clinton has ordered the killing of an American
citizen - William Colby - without a trial and a sentence. Possibly,
the USA government does not want to make a public announcement because
the President Clinton's order is a crime. In accordance with the USA
laws, the USA President does not have the right to murder a USA
citizen. Unfortunately, the USA government has published and holds on
a description of the William Colby's death which contradicts to my
description. Because of this fact, some persons who are not familiar
with the facts, call into doubt my reputation of a honest person.
Every time when my reputation is called in question, I suffer losses.
Hence, I consider as a measure for clarifying of my name, the USA
government to confirm the truth of all my statements.
Because of the above, I consider the status of a victim of criminal
activity of the USA government as well-founded and well-grounded. I
had and I continue to have losses because of the activity of the USA
government. The USA government did not have and does not have, neither
juridical nor moral grounds for its actions. I appeal the USA
government to respect the facts and to grant me status of a victim of
criminal activity of the USA government, together with all the
consequences of the status. I appeal the government of Bulgaria to
protect my rights of a Bulgarian citizen.
Best regards,
Dr. Deko Dekov
Zahari Knjazheski 81
6000 Stara Zagora
From the above letter to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Bulgaria
one could see that I was forced to participate in the killing of
William Colby. Since 23 May 1992, I am in Bulgaria. I am outside of
the control of the USA government and I am free to decide. Since 23
May 1992, I am a witness for the preparation of the killing of William
Colby. Since May 1996, I am a witness for the killing of William
It is unusual the USA government to involve into the killing of the
Director of the CIA of the USA a person, who is not a USA citizen.
Also, it is unusual the USA government to give to this person the
opportunity to live outside the USA, and to be outside the control of
the USA government. That is, it is unusual the USA government to give
to this person the opportunity to be a witness of the killing and to
describe the killing into the Internet. In addition, many times during
my captivity in the USA I have made the statement, that if I am free
to speak, I will unmask the killers. But this is the reality. The USA
government has to explain these facts. I had a few talks on these
questions with different persons, familiar with the facts. Here I will
note one of my talks. In March 1997, I had a talk within the USA
embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, with Mr. Fogarty, at that time an officer
in the embassy. Mr. Fogarty is familiar with the facts. Mr. Fogarty
told me that his explanation is as follows: "The persons involved into
the killing of William Colby have an amazing absence of
professionalism." My personal explanation is more complicated. I will
explain my personal views when necessary. But the facts about amazing
absence of professionalism by the FBI are undoubted.
The fact that the killers left a witness of the killing and the
witness lives outside the USA, has made possible the killing to be
described in the Internet. If a witness is into the USA, he will not
be able to speak, because the FBI will stop him. Possibly, the FBI has
killed many people. Possibly, in other cases there is no a witness or
the witness is under the control of the USA government. But in this
case there is a witness, and the witness is outside the control of the
USA government. This fact makes the case important.
During the years I have made many efforts the killing of William Colby
to become public. In 1994, I have described the plan for the killing
of William Colby to persons in Bulgaria, including influential persons
from the Bulgarian KGB and a leading Bulgarian politician. In 1994 and
1995, I wrote a few manuscripts (5 or 6 manuscripts) about the Ames
story, which is the beginning of the Ames-Colby story. I have
disseminated these manuscripts to approximately 10 countries around
the world. Since December 2000, I have published a description of the
Ames-Colby story in the Web. In 2001-2007, I have published parts of
the Ames-Colby story as a sequence of Google postings - approximately
10 postings from 2001 to 2007 (Google Groups, Search, "Dekov, Colby").
In 2006, I created a special Web site devoted to the Ames-Colby story
- the above quoted Web site. I plan to build mirror sites of this site
in the near future.
I have sent many letters - email letters, paper letters and faxes, to
many institutions and many persons around the world. I have sent a
sequence of email letters, with description of the killing of William
Colby and with many topics related to the killing, to President Bush -
approximately 100 letters, to President Obama - approximately 20
letters, to all US Senators since March 2001 - approximately 2000
letters, to all Attorneys General of the USA since 2001 -
approximately 100 letters, to the Inspector General of the USA -
approximately 100 letters, to the Supreme Court of the USA -
approximately 50 letters, to Congressmen and Congresswomen of the USA
Congress, to private persons, newspapers, organizations for protection
of human rights and so on.
I have received many answers - possibly a few hundreds. All these
answers express support for my efforts. But the USA officials reject
public trial against the killers. President Bush prohibited any
publicity of the killing. President Obama has repeated the order.
The US media (TVs, newspapers, and so on) are under the control of the
oligarchy, that is, under the control of very reach people who insist
to control the USA. The effort of the USA media to keep in secret the
killing of William Colby is a wonderful illustration. This fact makes
the situation very dangerous for the USA citizens, and also, very
dangerous for the peace at the planet.
In my paper "The impact of the killing of William Colby on the 2008
campaign for president of the USA", published on 23 August 2008, at
the Web site devoted to the Ames-Colby story, I noticed that from the
fact that the USA government is able to keep the killing in secret
from the USA society, it does not follow that the killers do not have
problems. The description of the killing is published in the Web and
the governments of many countries know that it is true. In March and
April 2001, I sent via email the description of the killing to a few
US Senators. I have received a few answers. As a result, a group of US
Senators forced the FBI Director Louis Freeh to resign because of the
killing of William Colby. Mr. Freeh announced his resignation on 1 May
2001 (I expect that the same is the date of the death of William Colby
- 1 May, but 1996). On January 29, 2007, I sent the following letter
to Hillary Clinton (the letter is available at the Web site devoted to
the Ames-Colby story):
January 29, 2007
Dear Senator Hillary Clinton,
You must make a public statement confirming that your husband
President Bill Clinton has ordered to the former FBI Director Louis
Freeh to murder the former CIA Director William Colby.
I have sent you during the last years many times letters insisting you
to confirm the murder of William Colby. You refused. Now you appeal
for the post of the US President. I wish you success, but you must
confirm the murder of William Colby and to appeal the guilty persons
to go into the jail. (Please see the enclosed list of the guilty
persons). The President of the USA must be honest person who says the
truth. Today this is important for the future not only of the USA, but
of the whole planet.
Your husband President Bill Clinton must make a clear public statement
that he has ordered the murder of William Colby. President Clinton
must clearly explain the reason for his order. It is well-known that
Louis Freeh suggested to President Clinton William Colby to be
murdered without a public trial. President Clinton must confirm this
fact and to accuse Louis Freeh. If your husband refuses to make a
public statement that he has ordered the killing of William Colby, you
must cancel your campaign for president.
I am a witness of the murder of William Colby. I can give lots of info
about the murder. More info:
I recommend you to use your position as a US Senator and to initiate a
campaign for a new US law. The law must prohibit to US officials to
make false public statements. If a US official has made a false public
statement, he/she must go into the jail. The reason a US official to
make a false public statement is always the same - the official wants
to receive illegal income or to conceal a bad work or a crime. The
Ames-Colby case is an excellent illustration - Louis Freeh decided to
kill William Colby instead to accuse him officially, in order to
protect his position as FBI Director and to conceal the bad work and
crimes of a few FBI agents. The new law must ensure the most basic
right of the US citizens - the right the citizens to protect their
rights against the abuses of the US government. Such a law would be
the basis of a new era for the USA and the whole planet - the era of
prosperity and stability.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
A list of guilty persons:
1.Johnson, FBI agent,
Mr.Johnson was the Director of the Russian Department in the New
Orleans office of the FBI in 1990-1992. He is an organizer and
executor of the killing.
2.Louis Freeh, former Director of the FBI, the main organizer and
executor of the killing.
3.Robert Mueller,
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,
Mr.Mueller uses his position to prevent any investigation of the
4.John Ashcroft, former Attorney General of the USA,
Mr. John Ashcroft used his position to prevent any investigation of
the killing.
Mr. John Ashcroft decided to resign instead to accuse Louis Freeh.
5.Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the USA
Mr. Alberto Gonzales uses his position to prevent any investigation of
the killing.
For questions:
Alberto Gonzales, Attorney General of the USA
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Glenn A. Fine
Inspector General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Robert S. Mueller
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20535-0001
Dr. Deko Dekov
I have sent the above letter to Hillary Clinton and to all US
Senators. I have received many answers from US Senators. I have not
received any answer from Hillary Clinton. As result, in 2008 the
leaders of Democrats eliminated Hillary Clinton from the 2008 campaign
for USA President because of her participation in the killing of
William Colby. If today Barack Obama is the USA President, this fact
is mainly because of the elimination of Hillary Clinton by the leaders
of Democrats, not because of the personal abilities of Mr. Obama.
I would like to notice here that the elimination of Hillary Clinton
from the 2008 campaign for USA President was known in advance. On 18
November 2007, I sent email letters to the USA ambassador in Sofia, as
well as to a few other ambassadors, including the ambassadors of
Russia and China in Sofia. I informed them that (I quote): "Hillary
Clinton will be eliminated from the 2008 campaign for USA President"
because of her participation in the killing of William Colby. At this
time, in November 2007, Hillary Clinton was an indisputable favourite.
In the letter I have informed the ambassadors that I plan to write an
article devoted to the elimination of Hillary Clinton. The article is
published at the Web site devoted to the Ames-Colby story. My letter
to the ambassadors of 18 November 2007 is available upon request.
Also, the reader may ask a copy of the letter from the Department of
State of the USA.
On June 5, 2006, I sent the following letter to the Supreme Court of
the USA:
To the Supreme Court of the USA
June 5, 2006
Dear Sirs:
I appeal the Supreme Court of the USA to begin a criminal trial
against Louis Joseph Freeh, the former FBI Director, for the killing
of the former CIA Director William Egan Colby.
The Attorney General of the USA knows well the facts. The US Attorney
General refuses to charge Louis Freeh. President Bush knows well the
facts. He refuses to charge Louis Freeh.
A few US Senators know the facts. At least one action is known. Mr.
Freeh was forced to resign in May 2001 by a group of a few US
The former Attorney General Mr. John Ashcroft knows the facts. He
preferred to resign.
The FBI and CIA Directors since 1996 know the facts, as well as a few
officers. By the moment they prefer to conceal the crime.
A few foreign countries know the facts.
The International Criminal Court at Hague recorded the Colby case. In
2005, a set of documents was presented to the International Criminal
Court at Hague concerning the killing of the former CIA of the USA
Director William Colby by the FBI Director Louis Freeh.
The American society still does not know the facts.
The uninformed society cannot protect itself. The well informed
society can take good decisions. Hence, the main loser is the US
society, and hence the main loser is the USA country.
By a trial against Louis Freeh the Supreme Court of the USA will
protect the USA people and the USA country.
I am ready to contribute to the Supreme Court of the USA as a witness.
If the US government decides to contribute to the Court, the trial
will end quickly - the US government has a complete set of evidences.
If the US government refuses to contribute to the Court, there is
still one possibility - the Supreme Court of the USA could invite
foreign governments to contribute. At least ten foreign countries have
evidences, and at least five foreign countries have enough evidences.
If the foreign governments refuse to contribute to the Court, the
crime still could be proven. The Court could invite citizens from a
few countries.
I enclose a description of the Ames-Colby case:
Download links:
I am ready to present to the Supreme Court additional information.
On October 10, 2005, I sent my first letter to the Supreme Court of
the USA. This is my second letter.
If the Supreme Court of the USA refuses to protect the law, the main
loser will be the American society and the USA country.
Best Regards,
Dr.Deko Dekov
Dr.Deko Dekov
Zahari Knjazheski 81
6000 Stara Zagora
I have noticed in the above letter to the Supreme Court of the USA:
"The former Attorney General Mr. John Ashcroft knows the facts. He
preferred to resign". Here I will not give details. I just will say
that Mr. John Ashcroft has the morality to resign. The other Attorneys
General did not have such morality.
In 2004, a US Senator wrote me (the letter is a paper letter and I
keep it): "I understand your concerns regarding the case of William
Colby. We cannot afford to sacrifice our nation's defining ideals of
liberty and justice for all." Justice for all. The USA government
violated this basic ideal in 1996 when the USA government has killed
without a court trial and a sentence a USA citizen - William Colby.
But many times bigger crime is the concealment of the crime by the USA
governments - already 13 years continued saga of dishonour in which
step by step have been involved more and more USA officials.
The killing of William Colby begins as a criminal murder of a USA
citizen by the USA government. But since 1996 the story is different.
The President of the USA, the Attorney General of the USA, the
Inspector General of the USA and the directors of the FBI, CIA and the
Secret Service act as an organized criminal group in order to prevent
the truth about killing to become public. The organized criminal group
has conducted criminal operations against USA citizens. President
Bush has ordered these criminal operations. Today President Obama
continues the criminal operations. The truth will become public and
the USA citizens will be surprised that even famous USA citizens,
known to all Americans, are victims of these operations.
But the organized criminal group do not limit its operations within
the USA. The organized criminal group conduct operations in other
countries. The organized criminal group conducted operations within
the European Union. The governments of the countries-members of the
European Union, the European Parliament, the European Commission and
the citizens of the European Union have to be informed about these
criminal operations, in order to can protect themselves.
During the last years US secret services and agencies, like FBI, CIA
and Secret Service conduct hundreds criminal operations around the
world, aimed to keep in secret the killing of William Colby.
I appeal President Obama and the US Senate to stop all criminal
operations and to make public all the information about all crimes
made by the USA government. The USA citizens and the people at the
planet must know the truth.
Below is my letter to President Obama of 18 July 2009. The letter is
published at the Web site devoted to the Ames-Colby story.
July 18, 2009
Dear President Obama,
I appeal you to make the following public statement:
"The USA government has killed the former CIA Director William Colby
because of an order by President Clinton. Many years many people at
top positions in the USA government have used their positions to
prevent the truth about the killing to become public. All these people
are criminals. They have to go into the jail."
Also, you have to explain why you have refused to say to the US people
the truth by now.
A list of guilty persons (I will delete you from the list after your
public statement):
1. Johnson, FBI agent.
Mr. Johnson was the Director of the Russian Department in the New
Orleans office of the FBI in 1990-1992. He is the organizer and
executor of the killing. Mr. Johnson is the main guilty person. He is
the source for all problems for the USA since 1990.
2. Louis Freeh, former Director of the FBI.
Mr. Louis Freeh is the main organizer and executor of the killing. He
has suggested to President Clinton to approve the killing.
3. Robert Mueller, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Mr. Mueller is using his position to prevent any investigation of the
killing, from 2001 till now.
4. John Ashcroft, former Attorney General of the USA.
Mr. John Ashcroft has used his position to prevent any investigation
of the killing. Mr. John Ashcroft decided to resign instead to accuse
Louis Freeh. Mr. John Ashcroft is a victim of the criminal activity of
Mr. Johnson.
5. Alberto Gonzales, former Attorney General of the USA.
Mr. Alberto Gonzales has used his position to prevent any
investigation of the killing. Mr. Alberto Gonzales is a victim of the
criminal activity of Mr. Johnson.
6. Glenn A. Fine, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice
Mr. Glenn Fine is using his position to prevent any investigation of
the killing, from 2001 till now. Mr. Glenn Fine is a victim of the
criminal activity of Mr. Johnson.
7. President Clinton.
President Clinton has ordered the killing of William Colby on the base
of a suggestion by the FBI Director Louis Freeh. President Clinton is
a victim of the criminal activity of Mr. Johnson.
8. President Bush.
President Bush has used his position to prevent any investigation of
the killing. President Bush is a victim of the criminal activity of
Mr. Johnson.
9. Mrs. Hillary Clinton.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton refused to make a publics statement that her
husband, President Clinton has ordered the killing of William Colby.
Mrs. Hillary Clinton is a victim of the criminal activity of Mr.
10. President Obama.
President Obama is using his position to prevent any investigation of
the killing. President Obama is a victim of the criminal activity of
Mr. Johnson.
Dr. Deko Dekov
The list of guilty persons given in the letter to President Obama of
18 July 2009 is a partial list. There are many other persons involved
in the criminal activity of the USA government and responsible for
many crimes. Especially I would like to point out here the role of the
FBI special agent Johnson. The story begins with the crimes of Johnson
in 1991-1992. The only aim of Johnson is to improve his career in the
FBI. For this aim he is ready to do any crime, and he did many crimes.
One day the people will know the truth, and they will be surprised to
learn that the damages for the USA caused by Johnson are much bigger
that one can expect. I have sent many appeals to the USA officials to
investigate the crimes made by Johnson. Between the many crimes is the
production by Johnson of completely false, 100% false file about me.
In this file, available many years in the FBI information system,
Johnson describes me as a FBI agent. (?!) Johnson has produced the
false file in order to mislead the FBI and to improve his career. The
problem for the USA is that no one could stop Johnson.
Today the USA society lives in lies. From these lies to a beginning of
a nuclear war there is just one step. The only way to avert a nuclear
crash is as follows: The lies in which lives the USA society must be
broken. The Ames-Colby case gives a wonderful opportunity the lies to
be broken. If the US society knows the truth, then every American
citizen will be convicted that the USA officials are liars. A liar is
the President of the USA, a liar is the Attorney General of the USA, a
liar is the Inspector General of the USA, and so on. They lie day
after day, year after year. If the society well understand this fact,
possibly the US society will be able to make radical changes.
Possibly, these changes will stop the nuclear war. The US officials
very well understand the battle. That is way the US secret services
and agencies, like the FBI, CIA, Secret service and so on, conduct
hundreds operations around the world, in order to prevent the killing
of William Colby to become public.
President Obama has inherited the problem about the killing of William
Colby from President Bush. But I think that this fact is not an excuse
President Obama to continue the criminal politics of President Bush.
Today the situation is as follows: President Obama demonstratively
violates the USA laws and the USA constitution in order to protect the
Here I would like to note the role of the Inspector General of the
USA. Since 2001, the Inspector General of the USA Glenn A. Fine has
used his position to protect the killers and to prevent any publicity
of the killing of William Colby. Possibly, he will say that he just
executes the orders of the President of the USA. But, it is well known
that if the orders of the USA President are unlawful, the Inspector
General of the USA has to resign, instead to execute the orders.
I appeal the USA government to begin a court trial against the killers
of William Colby and against the USA officials responsible for
criminal operations against USA citizens and citizens of other
I appeal the US Senate to form a special committee in order to
investigate in depth the killing of William Colby and the criminal
operations of USA officials against USA citizens and citizens of other
I am ready to submit to the USA Senate and to the Supreme Court of the
USA a description of the facts and circumstances surrounding the
reported activities, such as the evidence forming the basis of this
report, the names of the individuals involved, dates, location, how
the matter was discovered, potential witnesses and their involvement,
any corrective action already taken. It is not reasonable I to submit
this information today. If I submit this information today, I just
will give to the USA government the opportunity to execute new crimes
against USA citizens and citizens of other countries. Also, I am a
witness of the killing of William Colby. I am ready to contribute to
the USA Senate, to the USA Supreme Court, or to a court of the
European Union.
[ link ]
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