Wednesday, June 27, 2012
MaxHeadroom - The Blanks Exposition
I am constantly amazed at how prophetic this series was. Here we see two issues; privacy and anonymous hackers.
Max Headroom 1987 Broadcast Signal Intrusion Incident
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Anonymous Hack Cyprus Government Sites
According to Greek press reports the hacker collective Anonymous is behind the 15-hour denial-of-service attack against 47 Cypriot government websites.
In other news, Greek police arrested a 13-year-old hacker who they claim is a member of Anonymous and the Greek group 'Hacking Scene', and that he has participated in over 100 cyber attacks.
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Italian court rules MMR vaccine did trigger autism
In what may be a ground-breaking decision, the Italian Court of Rimini has ruled that causation between an MMR vaccine and the resulting autism in a young child “has been established.”
The unnamed child received the vaccine in March of 2004 and on returning home immediately developed adverse symptoms. During the next year the child regressed, receiving the autism diagnosis one year later and is now 100% disabled by the disease.
The Italian court ruled that the child “has been damaged by irreversible complications due to vaccination (prophylaxis trivalent MMR)” and ordered the Ministry of Health to compensate the child with a 15 year annuity and to reimburse the parents of their court cost.
The judgement can be found in full here and the original news report in Italian appears here. A rough Google translation appears here.
The case is expected to go to appeal as authorities are concerned it may set a legal precedent.
Not the first judgement against the vaccineThis, however, is the second recent judgement to come to this conclusion. Earlier this year a US court also ruled that the MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine can cause autism.
In a ruling that kept very quiet in the press, the US Court of Federal Claims has conceded that the mercury-based preservative thimerosal, which was in vaccines until 2002, caused autism in the case of one child.
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Non-Lethal Weapon: Active Denial System (ADS)
3/9/2012 The DoD Non-Lethal Weapons Program demonstrated it's latest system to a group of Marine Corps and DoD personel. Produced by Sgt. Andrew Milner.
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Handwriting may soon become a thing of past
In a world where we increasingly tap out our thoughts, messages and reminders on a keyboard or a touchscreen phone, writing notes by hand is decreasing at a faster pace, with a typical adult not having written anything for almost six weeks, the study said.
The research, commissioned by online stationer Docmail, revealed that the average time since an adult last wrote by hand was 41 days. But it also found that one in three of us has not had cause to write anything 'properly' for more than six months, the Daily Mail reportedMore...
See also:
After Long Resistance, Pynchon Allows Novels to Be Sold as E-Books
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Occupy Adam's Calendar, Part I - Extraterrestrial Genetic Manipulation: Geneticist William Brown
"Occupy Adam's Calendar, Part I - ET Genetic Manipulation: Geneticist William Brown" is the first release in a multi-part film by Alfred Lambremont Webre
The film is a tour de force on the science of extraterrestrial intervention and genetic manipulation of our Earth human species as seen through the genius of University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown. The film grows out of Occupy Adam's Calendar, a 280,000 year-old Annunaki extraterrestrial site in South Africa. On November 28, 2011 international researchers including University of Hawaii geneticist William Brown joined activist and author Michael Tellinger to Occupy Adam's Calendar, break the cycle of Annunaki occupation, and reveal it to the world.
From the Introduction: "Occupy Adam's Calendar"
"280,000 years ago, Annunaki extraterrestrials in the Deep Abzu (South Africa) established a vast machine for teleporting gold to their planet.
"These Annunakl extraterrestrials also devolved our DNA from a 12-strand DNA to a 2-strand DNA.
"The Annunaki extraterrestrial occupation of Gaia and homo sapiens continues to this day.
"Queen Elizabeth Windsor is current Annunaki bloodline planetary ruler, maintaining perpetual war, Gaia exploitation (GOD = Gold, oil, drugs), and devolving homo sapiens DNA.
Her grandson, Prince William, is being groomed as planetary Annunaki bloodline King, heir to Adam's Calendar.
"On 11.11.11, the government of Deep Abzu (South Africa) closed Adam's Calendar, the Annunaki gold teleportation machine, to the public.
"Occupy Adam's Calendar
"On 11.28.11, international researchers joined activist and author Michael Tellinger to Occupy Adam's Calendar, break the cycle of Annunaki occupation, and reveal it to the world.
"'Occupy Adam's Calendar' Part I - ET Genetic Manipulation with geneticist William Brown" is the first release in this multi-part film by Alfred Lambremont Webre
The film "Occupy Adam's Calendar" is a Faculty Project of : Continuing Education in ExoSciences, PsiSciences, and Exopolitics.
Quantum Electrodynamics of the Biological System
"The Light-Encoded DNA Filament and Biomolecular Quantum Communication" by William Brown, University of Hawaii (PDF)
Download Synopsis - The Light Encoded DNA Filament and Biomolecular Quantum Communication
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"Oh Council of Bastards" [New Edition] - by Rami Essam #Egypt
"Oh Council of Bastards", is a powerful song against the Military dictators of Egypt (known as the military council or the supreme council of armed forces, SCAF). The SCAF is responsible of several crimes committed against the civilian people of Egypt since the start of the January 25, revolution in 2011.
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Finally, a Secret Court Proposal that Makes Sense
As posted on Irregular Times:
On last Friday’s BBC News Quiz, Jeremy Hardy came up with a brilliant proposal for reforms to the new secret court systems popping up all over the “free west”:
I think they should have secret courts that are so secret they just don’t arrest us at all. They’d try us and sentence us and just leave us alone so that we don’t even know we’ve been convicted, and that we’re under house arrest with a degree of leniency.
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Alexander Tarasov: World Revolution 2 - The Return to a Global Revolutionary Strategy Based on the Experience of the 20th Century
Firstly, please note that the current crisis is the first truly global economic crisis coming after WWII. It was quite predictable: as soon as the worldwide confrontation between the two systems (the Cold War, that is the World War III which de facto forced the capitalist economy to work as a military one because of the arms race and the impact the fact of confronting the "external enemy” had upon the internal situation) came to an end, the functioning mechanisms of the capitalist economy, well known to us from the Marxist political economy classics, restarted working without distortion again.
Secondly, let me point out that the economic crisis has hit the capitalist periphery the hardest: it is where the UN and FAO have recorded 1 billion hungry people (the figure unprecedented in the world history!); it is where we have witnessed classic revolts of the hungry in Egypt, Bangladesh, Haiti, etc.; it is where the crisis has destabilized the political structures which appeared to be stable, or were successfully stabilized not so long ago (Thailand, Mauritania, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan, Honduras, Mexico, Côte d'Ivoire).
But, typically for a global economic crisis under capitalism, the current crisis started not in the periphery but in the capitalist metropolis. And it is in the metropolis (which accumulates most capital and other wealth!) where the ruling classes tried to do their best to solve the economic problems at the expense of the workers, at the expense of the wage earners. Banks and corporations on the brink of collapse were everywhere saved with cash from the budget (from budgetary funding to direct nationalization, and nobody is making a secret of the act that it is temporary nationalization), i.e. at the expense of the ordinary taxpayer unable to conceal his income by resorting to the "rightsizing" accounting techniques or placing it offshore. The next step was to introduce, under the pretext of "anti-crisis measures", aggressive neoliberal methods of "cost saving" that is to initiate a new round of counterreforms aimed at dismantling the welfare state.
So how did wage workers of the metropolis respond to this offensive? The attack on their earnings and rights was so blatant and gross, wasn’t it? One could hardly come up with a better test of the revolutionary potential of the broadest masses of workers of the First World.
If one looks through leftist periodicals, whether anarchist, Trotskyite, Maoist, Stalinist, or of smaller tendencies, published in the countries of the metropolis, overoptimism leaps to one's eye. "The workers got up for their rights!", "Mobilization unseen in many years", "General strike, the first one for... (a number of years follows)", "All trade unions were unanimous for the first time in... (a number of years again)!", "Revival of the working class spirit!", etc., etc. Though the tone is quieter and optimism contained in the countries where mass mobilizations and large-scale strikes took place not so long ago. The French left, for example, on the one hand, are boasting of their achievements but, on the other, are already looking for those responsible for the failure (although the struggle seemingly is not over).
It's clear why. General strikes (especially in the countries which hadn't seen those for decades) and multi-million demonstrations are impressive, of course, but the result is always the same: the ruling class quietly spits at them and continues their neoliberal counterreforms everywhere. We can see it in Greece, and in Italy, and in France, and in Spain, and in Portugal, and in Germany, and in Britain, and in Ireland. Elections, which do not change anything, serve as a bone tossed to the embittered people: Labour may take over from the Conservatives (in Britain), and vice versa the Conservatives (neoliberal radicals) may replace the Socialists (in Greece) that does not matter; whoever forms the government, it keeps pursuing (and even intensifying) the same policy of counterreforms despite the widest and most impressive protests of the population.
Why is it happening? Because participants of the mass protests in the metropolis, who are wage earners, representatives of the middle class, make no attempt at the founding principles of the System. These classes, which have been for decades bribed with a share of the super profit extracted by monopolies from the Third World and distributed among the general population, are quite satisfied with capitalism, and all they want is to have capitalism with a "human face". And they are completely unaware of the fact, or rather prefer not to hear about it because it is an unpleasant fact, that such a "human face" in the metropolis can be made possible only by way of looting and overexploiting the periphery. That means their protest is purely defensive (and even conservative where it comes to preserving the vanishing welfare state under capitalism), they think in terms of conformism and reformism.
All the scandalous electoral successes of the ultra-right in various countries, including the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Denmark, Austria and even Greece, go with the above-said phenomena. The successes are diverse in scale but all are thought-provoking.
Let us recall what was the first response of British workers to the crisis? It was “wildcat” strikes and pickets by energy sector workers clamouring against the employment of foreigners (i.e. their class brothers!), those protests being spontaneous, not organized and not inspired by any right-wing groups, parties, publications.
In fact it is already at this point that the British left should have asked themselves what have they been doing all these decades? Was the failure of the grandiose anti-Iraq war protests, which they were so proud of, an accident?
This is not a question of right/false ideologies, of correct/false tactics. As always in cases like this, this turn of events is rooted in economic causes. In this case, the transformation of the metropolis (the First World) into the collective exploiter of the periphery (the Third World), a collective parasite, is the cause. Exploiters and parasites don't make revolutions. And if they do, those turn out to be "conservative revolutions".
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The Ovarian-Psycos Bicycle Brigade Make a Space for Women on the Eastside
Two months ago, when 22-year-old Bree’Anna Guzman was murdered in Lincoln Heights, the all-women bike group Ovarian-Pscyos Bicycle Brigade scrapped their previously planned ride to ride instead through the neighborhood to protest the killing.
“Whose Streets,” one woman called out.
“Our Streets” the more than 30 women riding answered.
While many recent bike groups are either bicycling for recreation, bringing awareness to bicyclists on the road, or use the bicycle for social justice movement events, the Ovarian-Psycos Bicycle Brigade is a community inspired women’s movement that does all of the above and then some.
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The Julian Assange Show: Noam Chomsky & Tariq Ali
A surprise Arab drive for freedom, the West's structural crisis and new hope coming from Latin America. That's the modern world in the eyes of Noam Chomsky and Tariq Ali, two prominent thinkers and this week's guests on Julian Assange's show on RT.
See also:
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Funny Money
One case of an unusual image that did not involve a misprint occurred with a series of Canadian banknotes. George VI's death in 1952 placed his daughter Elizabeth onto the British throne and thus created the need to display a likeness of the new monarch on various monies throughout the British Commonwealth. In Canada, those new bank notes (issued in 1954) featured portraits of Elizabeth II, and it didn't take long for
Canadians to notice something unusual and even seemingly sinister about the young queen's hair as depicted on their money: a grinning demon appeared to be peering out from behind her ear.
This series of paper currency came to be known as the "Devil's Head" or "Devil's Face" series, and many people continued to see the Prince of Darkness in the Queen's tresses until 1956, when the Bank of Canada ordered bank note companies to modify the existing plates by darkening the highlights in Her Majesty's hair, so concealing Ol' Scratch from view.
Who is Love 22…?
…and what does he have to do with money?
According to Love 22‘s own web site:
When I asked for ideas on another web site, one person wrote: ” I worked in a market in Narragansett. Love 22 would often pay using 2-dollar bills folded so that 2′s were side-by-side, making a ’22.’ He now prints his own 22-dollar bills.” And the thing is: people are actually dumb enough to take these $22 bills as real money.“LOVE 22″ is (A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE), a Unique Comic Performer, and (A CHAMPION FRISBEE PLAYER) who prints up real “$22. BILLS.” He performs at (THE MALLORY SQUARE SUNSET) festival in Key West, Florida. “I.K.W.F” Using origami he entertains the crowds by fashioning (BOOTS, SHIRTS, BOW TIE & RINGS) out of the “$22. BILLS.” LOVE 22 also appears world wide at Festivals, Cruises, Commencements, Conventions, Colleges, National Events, Corporate Functions, Weddings, Birthdays, Cocktail Parties and Stage Shows. The “$22. BILLS” have been “CASHED” over 500 times in the (“22″+ YEAR HISTORY OF “$22 BILLS”).
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Story of Burqa: Case of a Confused Afghan
Story of Burqa: Case of a Confused Afghan
Brishkay Ahmed, Canada, 2012, 70 mins
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Occupy Tao
From Lao Tzu: Father of Taoism
Why are people starving?
Because the rulers eat up the money in taxes.
Therefore the people are starving.Why are the people rebellious?
Because the rulers interfere too much.
Therefore they are rebellious.Why do people think so little of death?
Because the rulers demand too much of life.
Therefore the people take life lightly.Having to live on, one knows better than to value life too much.
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'Dead' Berlusconi artwork unveiled
In a glass case in Rome appears to lie the corpse of former Italian Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi. The body is in fact a waxwork, the latest provocative piece by Italian artists Antonio Garullo and Mario Ottocento, which they have entitled, 'The dream of all Italians'.
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How to Bring Down Modern Civilization
Today's rambling rant is on the lofty subject of "immanentizing (or is it imminentizing) the eschaton," which is a fancy way of saying "purposefully bringing about the end of the world" (otherwise known as modern civilization). If you agree with me that this is a worthy goal, and a necessary part of saving the planet from ourselves, then I offer a few tips about how you can join me in my own effort to immanentize the eschaton.
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Canada: Aboriginal Women’s Overrepresentation in the Sex Trade
Women migrating from reserves often do not have the education or skills-training required to find adequate work in the city and often find themselves and their children struggling with urban life (p.151).Poverty combined with a history of colonialism, racism, and sexism has lead to an overrepresentation of Aboriginal women in the Canadian sex trade, particularly in the city of Vancouver, where, in the downtown east-side (VDES), many Aboriginal women live. This paper will explore the current realities faced by Aboriginal women in the sex trade within Vancouver’s downtown eastside, how their overrepresentation in the sex trade is linked with colonialism, and the ways in which Aboriginal women are working together for change.
See also:
Declaration from the Aboriginal Women’s Action Network
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Bahrain's Olympic Chief Accused Of Torturing Anti-Regime Demonstrators
See also:
Bahraini Revolution Shifts Attention to US
Part I: Speaking With Bahraini Revolutionary Asma Darwish (Head of Public & International Relations – EBOHR) about Her Exile, Human Rights & the Future of Bahrain
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