Members of the nationalist Golden Dawn group supported by other right-wing extremists held an anti-immigrant rally early this afternoon at Omonia Square in downtown Athens. The rally sparked a response by leftists and anarchists who held separate anti-fascist demonstrations and clashes continued into the evening.
The fascists atacked immigrants with crowbars and stones. Their assault against an immigrant support center was repulsed. Most provocative of all was the police stance, with two anti-riot squads, motor cops and undercover law enforcement officers supporting the fascist action and chasing away all who opposed them. By some accounts they also set traps for the progressive factions in concert with the fascists.
Clashes and skirmishes extended into the Exarchia quarter.
The following pictures and more photo material may be found here.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Athens clashes sparked by fascist rally
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'Swallowing our skepticism along with our Tamiflu'
From Typhoid Mary's journal of the plague week :
Believe me, I was as bored and blasé as you about this pig flu thing until the moment a nurse stickered my son's name on to a pack of Tamiflu. And then the opinions rained down. “I hope you're not going to give him that!” railed a homeopath friend, e-mailing me links to scary websites citing the immunity-nuking properties of antivirals and the satanic intent of the Roche corporation.
The morning after we collected our yellow and white capsules from the crash team of Health Protection Agency medics assembled at Alleyn's, my elder son's school in South London, I was still prevaricating. The five pig flu cases weren't in his class or even his year. The children's malaise was not so bad that they couldn't chat to national newspapers.
The drug is heavy, with nasty side-effects. The boy was healthy, rudely so, bouncing around the house, dripping teabags and leaving tops off my pens, celebrating his school's closure by driving me mad. Was this all an arse-covering exercise, litigation-avoidance, a monumental health and safety overreaction?
So I rang a fellow parent, a sane and calm woman, who said that, of course, her daughter was taking her meds adding, politely but firmly, that if my son wasn't, she'd rather they didn't meet. Who wants to be Typhoid Mary, a pariah responsible for a widening outbreak, cursed by one's peers not just for spreading pig pestilence, but messing up their childcare plans. It is a rare moment in our atomised lives when a small private act is freighted with such social responsibility. So my son swallowed his Tamiflu and I my scepticism.
But I know plenty who haven't: doctor-parents who didn't even bother to collect the drug, others who did but are sitting on it, keeping schtum to avoid a collective guilt trip. The trouble with this South London outbreak is that the agents of contagion are not rats or Chinese chickens or some imagined, pox-ridden underclass but children with names like Hannah and Felix, born to parents wealthy enough, not merely to pay private school fees, but afford long-haul Easter jaunts to Florida and Cancún.
And those they are likely to infect are educated, questioning and self-confident, uneasy about being bounced into action by the State in its blue-flashing emergency mode. Maybe governments can no longer rely upon unthinking deference to doctors that has hitherto ensured compliance in national heath crises. Public medicine has to take on the anti-MMR autism army, the holistic hypochondriacs, health page readers, toxin dodgers and pharma-conspiracy theorists. “What if,” one parent said, “Tamiflu turns out to be the new thalidomide? It's a new drug, how can we be sure?”
Two sides line up glaring at each other - those with utter faith in modern medicine, the others only suspicion. And the rest of us caught in the middle cannot help but feel a tad patronised by government leaflets ordering us to cover our mouth when we cough and balk at having the President of the United States take to YouTube to tell us to wash our hands after making pee-pee. The numbers now breaking out the anti-bacterial hand gel are only equalled by those who believe there is no better innoculant than eating a peck of dirt. I made the concession to public health, for the first time in eons, of changing the hand towel in the downstairs loo.
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Thousands join Army to escape recession
Deborah Haynes writes for The Times :
The Army is nearing full strength for the first time in a generation as the recession is prompting thousands of young people to sign up.
Recruitment rose by 14 per cent in the six months to March 31 compared with a year earlier. It is expected to reach full strength in 2011 after years in which it struggled to win recruits.
There are also fewer people leaving. The number who quit the Armed Forces in 2008 dropped by 8.3 per cent year on year as fear of competing in a shrinking civilian jobs market persuaded more to stay on.
The figures come despite a rising death toll in Afghanistan where four more British Service personnel, including one Gurkha, were killed on Thursday, the deadliest day in almost a year.
Recruitment officers said that, far from deterring the young, the chance of deployment to the front line was an incentive for those keen for a slice of the action. They also noted that many army jobs, such as plumbers and barbers, had nothing to do with combat.
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Writings of a Finnish military expert on 9/11
The 9/11 Operation: A Summary
The 9/11 operation consisted of at least the following:
Military exercises by the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) with 22 imaginarily hijacked planes on 9/11/2001, before and simultaneously with the 'real' hijackings. Some of the defense interceptors flew to Alaska, as far as possible from the cities that were being attacked.
The 'hijackings' of four civil aircraft and the substitution of all of the planes that really were used on the real flights to remote-controlled ones. It is certain that an operation this complex and heavy in the preparations of the demolitions is not left to be handled by arabs with carpeting knives. Plissken-Valentine or Pearl are well-assumed estimations on how the aircraft operation was performed. Since the part of airplanes hijacked and flown into buildings was critical to the real aims of the operation there must have been a couple of reserve planes for the USAF Boeing 767's and the Global Hawk. Alternatively, the Boeing 757 shot down in Pennsylvania might have been a remote- controlled reserve plane like those.
The booking of seats on certain flights was artificially kept low; those coast-to-coast flights were booked by 20% instead of the usual 75% in order to minimize deaths, which could cause problems. If the flights were real, the passengers on them had to die (or at least disappear). Two of the flights were probably nothing but fictious, real only on radar screens, which minimized the amount of passengers to be murdered.
There was use of put options with airline stocks and with the re-assurance companies related (American Airlines, United Airlines, Allianz, Munchener Re, Schweizer Re, AXA…). Furthermore, the assurance values of the WTC were doubled in July 2001.
The camouflaging of six remote-controlled aircraft in order to make them look like Boeing 767's or 757's. The four planes probably were 2x USAF 767 tankers, a Global Hawk in Pentagon and a 'real' 757 in Pennsylvania.
False tracks leading to 'terrorists' using young moslem looking persons, who take aviation classes in Southern USA and party at night clubs, were created.
The demolition preparations of the wing of the Pentagon that was under reparation. This was supposed to collapse a horseshoe-shaped area of the building, which would seem to be caused by the crash of a Boeing 757 after the Global Hawk attack. This partly failed. There is photographic evidence of a small plane before the actual collapse of the wing of the Pentagon. The structures did not collapse until firefighters sprayed lots of water on the ceiling of the building.
The demolition preparations of the WTC towers and WTC 7 so that it was possible to make them collapse completely. Also the positioning of an electronic homing device in the towers and in Pentagon in order to ensure the accurate hits of the remote-controlled aircraft. Extra napalm for dramatizing the effects of hits of airliners. The WTC buildings could have been exploded down to earth in same way even completely without the airplanes.
Ordering, preparing and transportation of the charges for the demolition of the WTC. Solely for the steel pillars of the outer circle 40 x 240 charges were needed, let's say 10 000 cutting charges each weighing 50 lbs for each tower. For WTC 7 at least 4000 charges were needed. Also at least one small thermonuclear bomb for each of these three buildings.
The locating of critical targets for the conspiracy in the WTC towers. For example, there was a lot of evidence of world-wide economic crimes. The FBI was in WTC 1 in the floors from 22 to 24. (It has been said that one case was the case against Mobil Oil and James Giffen on illegal oil swaps between Iran and Kazakhstan and the evidence in the investigation of gold price fixing stemming from charges brought against Alan Greenspan, Morgan & Company, Goldman Sachs.) It is possible that some targets were attacked because of the unique opportunity exploitable where the human bodies and all evidence of the crimes automatically disappeared when a hydrogen bomb exploded. Explosions heard from the towers before the commencing of the 'collapse' may have been related to these attacks. There is a reason for the huge explosion in the customs building, as well.
1) One needs to find out the right size and the dimensions of suitable cutting charges and then order 24 000 pieces. One must as well order fitting detonators (detonators were needed a lot more). Fitting detonators usually already exist in stores of military forces (or the CIA). Time of delivery is several months in any case. All detonators must be equipped with some kind of safety mechanism, which will be removed by a radio signal at the final moment.
2) After this, the cutting charges are installed in the selected rooms that are not in use. Some of these rooms may as well serve as temporary storages for charges needed elsewhere. After this the apartment is renovated and circulated to the clients in the WTC. One man continuously assembles maybe 5 cutting charges per hour. With 10 assemblers 350 charges are installed a day. As surplus transportations of supplies, renovators and guards. Maybe about 20 people more were needed (5 of them know what is going on, 15 do not). For the installation of the charges this operation takes at least four months with 30 men. Considering step 1), six months are probably needed. The amount of personnel could not have been increased, but probably decreased, if more time was available.
3) To some of the chosen apartments, no one had access. That is why on the weekend on 9/8/2001 and 9/9/2001 it is announced, that floors up from the 40th floor are being equipped with cables and no normal employee has access to the working area there. The installations of explosives are completed and at the same time at least in the charged areas listening devices are set to find out a possible premature discovery of the plan. If someone finds charges the guards are soon on the scene and will deal the situation in one way or another.
4) One completes the area of secret service in WTC 7 so that its demolition operation can be carried out. A military flight beacon is placed there (planes are homing to it from far away). Remote controls for air planes and radio transmitters to be capable of blowing up at least one third of the cutting charges are placed. At this location, the ability to eavesdrop any area of the WTC, for example by a laserbeam, aimed to a selected window, probably already existed.
5) A radio beacon helping the final approach is placed in targeted apartments in the WTC towers. Close to these, remote controlled napalm explosives are placed as well, in order to draw the interest from the planes to fires. The higher in the towers the planes are targeted, the less there will be deaths. (Real terrorists would do exactly the opposite.) Evacuation from lower floors should be possible through the staircases. The target is to create a new reason for odd wars and fascistic laws, not to kill as many Americans as possible. 'A new Pearl Harbor', meaning the death of about 3000 citizens is probably the desired loss of lives.
6) The attack plans are made so that they can be executed during the chaos, for example in the offices of the investigations of the economic crimes by the FBI. (The attackers had already their own men infiltrated in these facilities.) Also in WTC 6 (customs) either a small nuke or a very strong bomb is blown out (which one, depends on whether there was melted steel ponds in the cellar of WTC 6.) An explosion, of course, hides the loss of any supplies (A nuclear explosion covers up murders, as well.)
7) In the morning of 9/11 the operations are performed after a timetable in which seconds are important. From the command post facilities the actions in towers are monitored. To hide the true nature of the operation, there was probably an agent on call in both towers, who could silence the people finding out too much. (The agent probably did not know what was going to happen.)
It is not likely that all the people, who knew about the demolition charges in the WTC, or those who installed the remote controls of the aircraft or did some camouflage paintings for drones are still are alive and capable of telling about their acts, which changed the world.
8) The mini-nukes are transported to the cellar floors in elevators. After that the elevators are locked down, guarded and monitored - no service repairman will be allowed near these elevators. The thermonuclear device used in WTC 7 was different, its yield was set lower and it was directed in a way better suitable for that building.
9) The explosions have been timed so that 99.9% of people around will look at the top of towers, and perhaps two seconds later the small thermonuclear bomb is exploded in the cellar of the south tower, and again two seconds later another very powerful charge in the WTC 6 customs building while nobody is looking that way. There are also the continuous explosions of the thousands of cutting charges tearing the south tower down at the speed of gravity-driven free fall.
10) The demolition of either of the WTC towers took at least half a year to prepare, including installation of 10 000 cutting charges and the delivery of a thermonuclear device at the last moment. The demolition of those ultra strong steel pillars in the central core using cutting charges only is not possible without waking up unwanted attention. These charges must be in touch of the steel pillars, and there is not enough enclosed space in the central core to hide these biggest possible charges.
11) The demolition operation is finished by destroying WTC 7 using a nuke and completely destroying the op center with its equipment. Concrete evidence like the military flight beacon and the remote control devices for cutting charges and napalm as well as the recordings of eavesdropping devices regarding events within the towers vapourize and vanish without a trace.
Most of the media is controlled by people related to the attack and tell misleading stories only, as if crushing of the airliners or a weak fire could have caused the 'collapse' of the towers. The true attackers are the ones with strong and vigorous broadcasting around their false version of the events which is very different to what really happened.
Until these days, no single newspaper, magazine nor a national tv channel in the western nations have taken a critical view on the so-called truth, according to which the planes and fires caused the WTC towers to collapse. The destruction of WTC 7, which has no explanation at all, is bypassed without any comments. A huge bomb, explosed in WTC 6 is also bypassed as a non-existing event.
Some things, like the sharply-drawn pictures of the closest seismographs may have been falsified. A Specialist in demolitions, V. Romero, may have been forced to change his original statement. The hoax is completed by Osama Bin Laden, who as a CIA agent 'confesses' to have ordered the airliner strikes. The Bin Laden hoax and the suicidal arabs construct a net of lies that catches the most of the mankind.
Laymen have no experience in observing differences in collapses, controlled demolitions and underground nuclear demolitions. Even the destruction of heavy steel constructions or a typical fire damage are far away from their field of experience. These towers were build to take the impacts of hitting Boeing 707's, comparable to Boeing 767's, taking into account the fires caused by the aviation fuel. And the buildings did survive well all that.
The knowledge of relevant advances regarding weapon technology is even rarer. Many of those who are up to date are bound by strict commitment of loyality – that is vigorously looked after. In some cases, they get executed (an 'accident' occurs).
The author of this text feels as his duty to spread mainly the advanced knowledge in explosives from a military point of view in public discussion as it is obvious that lacking this information the events observed around 9/11 cannot be explained.
The photographs attached in this non-profit distribution are for securing volatile, important evidence on 9/11 for discussion and education. Author hereby grants full permission to reproduce the drawing 'The Bombs in the WTC' and his writings. You are encouraged to mail, publish and mass produce these documents or your enhanced versions of them.
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Pentagon pundits: New York Times reporter David Barstow wins Pulitzer prize for exposing military’s pro-war propaganda media campaign
Democracy Now! exclusive
In his first national broadcast interview, New York Times reporter David Barstow speaks about his 2009 Pulitzer Prize-winning expose of the Pentagon propaganda campaign to recruit more than seventy-five retired military officers to appear on TV outlets as military analysts ahead of and during the Iraq war. This week, the Pentagon inspector general’s office admitted its exoneration of the program was flawed and withdrew it.
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