Roger Hayes
Reclaiming Our Sovereignty
Once again, we have reached a crossroads in our history. We are confronted with an enemy that would destroy our nation and its people. We have some hard decisions to make - each of us, individually. Are you prepared to make them?
The British Constitution Group's call for Lawful Rebellion now moves up a notch and our campaign 'Wanted – 1 million rebellious Britons' has commenced, to be formally declared at our conference in London on the 13th June.
If you share our ambition to take back control of our country, then we need your commitment and attendance at this conference, at which we will outline our strategy to build our campaign into a force to be reckoned with.
There is a national mood for rebellion shared by patriots the length and breadth of the country. This must be harnessed under a single campaign with carefully defined objectives in order to win the war to claim back our sovereign right to govern ourselves.
Make no mistake about it, this is a war.
Fought by our enemies (within this country) with the weapons of lies, deceit, subterfuge and betrayal, their aim is to destroy the prinicple of the nation state, and replace it with regionalised global dictatorship. In order to win, we must be prepared to tell the truth about our plight to fellow Britons, the majority of whom exist in an awareness vacuum or a state of abstract denial.
We cannot go to war without an army and 'Wanted – 1 million rebellious Britons' is the foundation to building that army. We know that millions of our fellow countrymen and women share our views but most have been rendered impotent, convinced that there is nothing that we (the majority) can do to challenge the authority of a duplicitous minority.
Our task is to cajole, encourage, persuade, prod, push and insist that the nation rally to our cause and sign up to lawful rebellion as the only means by which we can now take back control of our country.
An honest majority can impose their will, peacefully and lawfully, on the dishonest minority - if they have the collective will to do so. It is our challenge, indeed our duty, to rally the nation around this cause.
We need ordinary Britons in their masses to unite behind our campaign. We need to invoke our Constitution, restate our right to govern ourselves and educate a dumbed-down populous to the reality of their virtual enslavement - a harsh fact that few will recognise or are prepared to accept as true despite overwhelming evidence.
We are over-regulated, over-taxed, spied on, burdened by bureaucracy and political correctness, to the extent that we are even told the words and phrases that we can and cannot utter. Thieves, muggers and drug dealers escape with meaningless cautions, whilst the law abiding majority are fined and harassed by a militia-like officialdom who themselves take orders from compliant and controlled strata of middle mangers with an inflated sense of self-importance, hand-picked for their enthusiasm for social engineering and their busy-body mentality.
These people must be challenged; made to realise that they are working to an agenda of destruction, in which moral values are abandoned, families devalued and society fragmented and manipulated. Whilst we are all caught up and distracted in the chaos so inflicted, the way is clear for the power elites to build their edifice from which they can look down and control us.
Each one of us should know and take heart that we are pushing back the tide of deceit. The elite's plans are exposed - never before has the collective political establishment (the puppets of the elite) been so despised and distrusted.
We know our enemies' strengths and we know they are enormously powerful, but we also know their weaknesses. We know that ultimately our power once harnessed is much greater than theirs. Our power so harnessed is their greatest fear.
Our power comes from our numbers and our ability to funnel these into a single campaign with the objective of taking back control. Our ability to harness this power comes from our preparedness to tell the truth about our predicament, to alert the wider public and fire their passion for freedom and true democracy. They know they are being conned by a dishonest and self-serving elite, they just need to know that there is a way in which they can be empowered. We must offer the direction and inspiration for others to follow. It is up to YOU to carry that message to the wider audience.
Do you have the courage to do so?
If you are willing to play a part in reclaiming our national sovereignty then you will need to grasp the truth of the situation, which is that the three main political parties are controlled by a global elite… whose agenda will not be disrupted one iota by elections, no matter who wins. The Brown, Cameron, Clegg show is just that… a play in which the actors create an illusion that they are in charge, but in reality it is the directors behind the scenes, hidden from our view, who are firmly in control and who will not be revealed to us until the final curtain falls – by which time it will be too late.
We are calling for our Constitution to be reinstated and our laws to be upheld, but even these are useless in the face of tyranny and oppression – ultimately they require the people to stand up and defend them.
Sign up to our pledge today.
Become a First Point of Contact.
Set up your local group.
Organise your local community.
Do it.
Do it today.
Help us turn this tide.
We the British people have a right to govern ourselves, but that right can only be enforced by the people themselves.
The British Constitution Group
~ Source: UK Column ~
Sunday, May 10, 2009
WANTED: One million rebellious Britons
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A vigorous, quiet revolt: 'Things Fall Apart' at fifty
Howard W. French reports in The Nation :
When it was published fifty years ago, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart caused a stir for its revelation of something hitherto strange and unfamiliar in the world of literature: genuine African voices. Achebe was not the first African novelist, as he has sometimes wrongly been called, but his use of standard English to produce believable characters who inhabited a complex and authentic world marked two existing traditions of writing about Africa as evolutionary dead ends.
Before Achebe's breakthrough, there had been folklore-based African narratives, more entertainments than novels, written in English vernaculars that sought to reproduce the aural texture of African pidgins. The most famous of these, The Palm Wine Drinkard and my Life in the Bush of Ghosts, was written by another Nigerian, Amos Tutuola, and published six years before Things Fall Apart was released by Heinemann. Today it is hard not to hear a condescending ring in Dylan Thomas's praise of Tutuola's book for what he called its "young English."
Earlier still, there had been yet another tradition of European writers ventriloquizing what they imagined to be an African voice. The classic example is a novel published in 1939 called Mister Johnson, by Joyce Cary, a former British colonial officer in Nigeria. It is an ostensible tragedy written in a comical style with a central African character, the titular Johnson, whom Cary described as someone who "swims gaily on the surface of life." Two decades ago, an essay about Cary in The New York Review of Books described the book's lightheaded eponymous figure in terms that un-self-consciously echoed one of the oldest and ugliest stereotypes of Africans--their inability to master the concept of time: "A fragrant breeze, a blazing tropical sunrise, a pretty girl--such things so overwhelm him that past and future alike momentarily disappear."
In interviews Achebe has suggested that his book, which has been translated into some fifty languages, was written partly in reaction to the patronizing caricature of Johnson. Things Fall Apart, however, unlike Mister Johnson, is tragedy pure and simple, both deeply personal--in the case of its main character, the excessively proud Okonkwo, whose Sophoclean fall is foretold by any number of omens--and collective, as Okonkwo's society is sundered and then subjugated by the British empire's one-two combination of missionaries and colonialists.
However remarkable on this score, Achebe's first novel achieved far more than revealing genuine African voices. Things Fall Apart was the first novel in English to depict Africans who exist in an intricate moral universe; one that resonates with indigenous thought and values and concedes nothing, even in the face of the arrival of far more powerful outsiders. In place of the ignorant and superstitious "oogah-boogah"-muttering natives served up by generations of Westerners in literature and film, Achebe breathes life into sentient and articulate characters, people like Akunna, who delights in refuting a white missionary who insists that the Igbo divinities are false idols. "Yes," says Akunna, referring to a carving. "It is indeed a piece of wood. The tree from which it came was made by Chukwu, as indeed all minor gods were. But He made them for His messengers so that we could approach Him through them. It is like yourself. You are the head of your church."
Among the greatest qualities of Things Fall Apart is the vigor of its revolt against the everyday amalgamations and condescension that treat Africa as an undifferentiated wasteland. Indeed, without ever stooping to polemic, Achebe sustains this quiet rebellion on nearly every page. One way is through an accumulation of anecdotal detail. In passage after passage he remarks on differences both subtle and dramatic between the customs and laws of various clans in his Igbo ethnic group, and less frequently with references to the world beyond. Briefly, sometimes, he even resorts to wicked humor, yet still manages to be pointed, as in a discussion of alien marriage rites. "But what is good in one place is bad in another place," a character remarks. "The world is large," replies Okonkwo. "I have even heard that in some tribes a man's children belong to his wife and her family." "That cannot be," comes the incredulous reply. "You might as well say that the woman lies on top of the man when they are making the children." Achebe's defiance of Western contempt is married to a subtle but unmistakable appeal to Africans not to submit to feelings of inferiority, and this achievement is all the more remarkable for the book's utter lack of mawkishness.
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Pakistan to masses: 'Eat broadband'
From 'Broadband to have positive impact on people's socio-economic status'
KARACHI: Chairman Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) Dr Mohammed Yaseen has said that broadband services have potential to revolt the means of information and communication in all spheres of life, impacting positively on the socio-economic status of the masses.
Speaking as a chief guest at Connect Conference 2009 on Wednesday, Dr Yaseen said the telecom regulator has taken a number of key initiatives for the upbringing of broadband with rapid pace in the country. He stressed the need to create awareness of technology in users for its speedy penetration that would widen the customers' base and reduce the rate of services after emergence of quality conscious competitors.
“PTA is facilitating growth of various telecom services including broadband particularly new entrants like Telecard and Wi-tribe that are preparing to launch Wimax Broadband services in the market,” PTA chairman added.
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Nigerian politicians and The Myth of Sisyphus
...Since independence, Nigerian politicians have turned every election into a political theater of the absurd, by suspending decorum, truth, and values; by setting aside the constitution and statutes; and by replacing the rule of law with the rule of the street. They then collude with electoral officials and law enforcement agents to recycle various malpractices, including manipulation of the voters' register; shortage, under-supply, or non-supply of voting materials at polling stations; deployment of thugs to harass, intimidate, maim, or kill political opponents and their supporters; the stuffing, swapping, and snatching of ballot boxes; and the falsification of election results.
These malpractices were reproduced in Ekiti the other weekend, when a rerun governorship election ordered by the Appeals Court in selected wards ended in fiasco. Political leaders, who have a conscience, should cringe at the details of the mayhem that greeted the election, more so when such gory details have been documented in print and audio-visual media for posterity. They also should be ashamed of the new twists added to the already abysmal election routines, including the disappearance, resignation, non-resignation, and re-appearance of the Ekiti Resident Electoral Commissioner; the beating and detention of journalists and election monitors; and the withholding of election results by the Independent National Electoral Commission.
Coming against the backgrounds of the universally condemned rigged Nigerian elections of 2007 and the universally acclaimed successful elections in Ghana and South Africa afterwards, the Ekiti debacle could only heighten Nigeria's negative image. Its documentation would provide data for future negative ranking of Nigeria on international indices, such as the Failed State Index...
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Updates on yesterday's clashes in Athens
Clashes at Athens building taken over by migrants
By Elena Becatoros
ATHENS, Greece (AP) — Far-right protesters tried to storm an old courthouse in central Athens Saturday where hundreds of illegal immigrants have lived for months amid piles of fetid rubbish and human waste without electricity, running water or sanitation.
The group of several dozen people hurled rocks and firecrackers at the eight-story building from the street and nearby buildings, while those living inside threw back slabs of masonry and bricks. At least three people were hurt in the clashes, two of them with head injuries.
Police fired tear gas and stun grenades, and a tense standoff followed. Some immigrants accused the police of ailing to protect them and said they would stand guard around the building throughout the night because of fears of further attacks.
The attack followed an anti-immigrant demonstration by the far-right Chrisi Avgi, or Golden Dawn group. Scores of protesters waved banners reading "foreigners means crime" and "we have become foreigners in our own country."
"We didn't do anything. Why do they treat us like this?" questioned Fouad, a 33-year-old Moroccan immigrant living in the building. "The police did nothing. ... Here in Greece, human rights don't exist."
Left-wing and immigrants' rights groups staged a counter-demonstration nearby, and riot police kept the two sides apart.
Greece is on a main smuggling route for immigrants heading to Europe, with tens of thousands entering the country every year. Authorities say the Greece needs help to cope because it stands on Europe's eastern frontier.
Thousands of the new arrivals head to the cities in search of work. But with the global financial crisis beginning to bite in Greece, both immigrants and aid groups say jobs are becoming scarcer, leaving many unable to pay for even basic necessities. Although Greece has not yet faced major layoffs, the economy is slowing and unemployment jumped to 9.4 percent in January.
Aid workers said Saturday that conditions at the courthouse had been allowed to spiral out of control and turn into a public health hazard. The building is owned by an insurance fund and has been vacant since 2000.
"It's a lot worst now," said Maurice, a 22-year-old Algerian living among the estimated 500 squatters, mostly men from Morocco and Algeria, inside the old Appeals Court building. "We live in misery."
He, like all the other squatters willing to speak, would only give his first name for fear of trouble from the authorities.
"It is an epidemiological time bomb in the center of Athens," said Nikitas Kanakis, head of the Greek section of the medical aid group Medecins du Monde (Doctors of the World), which set up a mobile medical unit outside the building Friday.
The immigrants live amid piles of rubbish and human waste in former judges' offices. Several men share a room, with most using cardboard covered with the occasional blanket to sleep on.
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Anti-foreigner riots break out in Athens
The violence brought downtown Athens to a standstill, and erupted after some 300 members of neo-Nazi group Chryssi Avghi, or Golden Dawn, gathered for a protest. They claimed they wanted to liberate Athens and Greece from what they described as "hordes of illegal immigrants".
They unrolled a huge Greek flag and banners calling for the "departure of foreigners from Greece" and claiming "foreigners equal crime".
At the city's old Court of Appeal, where 500 immigrants have been squatting for several weeks, dozens of protesters hurled rocks and firecrackers at the eight-story building which has no electricity, running water or sanitation. Others shouted "Out of Greece" and "Leave Greece for the Greeks".
The squatters retaliated by throwing stones from the upper floors of the building and riot police were called to break up the clashes.
Counter-protest triggers further violence
Further fighting broke out between the neo-Nazis and a group of anarchists, as police struggled to separate the two sides.
In a counter-protest, the young anarchists protested against the extremists' demonstration, which they termed a "racist gathering". They set fire to garbage cans and cars. There were no injuries but at least two people were arrested.
The clashes followed a call from rights groups for the Greek government to abandon a planned police operation, that would see the immigrants expelled from the old courthouse. They suggested instead the building be cleaned until appropriate alternative lodging can be found.
Greece has been rocked by a wave of violence since December, when the fatal police shooting of a teenager triggered the country's worst riots in decades.
~ Deutsche Welle ~
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The Residents- 'Vileness Fats' (The Mother's House)
Welcome to the surreal Mother's Day Matinee!
The Residents- Picnic in the Jungle
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'She's a mother and she's looking good'
Snakefinger - 'The model'
(performing a Kraftwerk original)
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Pure special video art - Athens video art Festival 2009
Athens Video Art Festival 14-17 May
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Video of yesterday's anti-fascist protests in Athens
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The cooperation between police and fascist elements is clearly shown.
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