President says closing down tribunal altogether in 2010 could give impression that impunity is tolerated.
The president of the Hague tribunal Fausto Pocar says the court could continue to operate on a much smaller scale after its official closure in 2010 to try outstanding war crimes fugitives.
"It's important that we don't leave the impression that some crimes have gone unpunished, and that those individuals who are evading justice don't think that they just have to hide until the tribunal stops working to avoid trial,” Pocar told Russian agency RIA Novosti this week.
According to a completion strategy imposed by the UN Security Council, the Hague tribunal has to wrap up all first instance trials by the end of this year, and all appeals by the end of 2010.
However, four war crimes fugitive are still on the run - Goran Hadzic, Stojan Zupljanin, as well as Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic and his army chief Ratko Mladic.
Many believe that the tribunal's mandate will not be successfully completed if all remaining fugitives, especially Karadzic and Mladic, are not tried by the court.
~ full article ~
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Hague Tribunal for Bosnia may remain open past 2010
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German Schools Introduce Muslim Classes
German-language Islam instruction for Muslim schoolchildren helps with integration and the development of language skills. Now the culture ministers of Germany's states want to introduce the subject for all students.
Lamya Kaddor was out sick for two weeks, but when she returned, the boys and girls in her class greeted the teacher as if she had been gone a year. "Ms. Kaddor, you're back!" Umut, Ebru, Sibel and Gülçin all shouted in unison. "Look, Ms. Kaddor, I was in the tanning booth and I have a sunburn on my nose," "Ms. Kaddor, please come here, Mario and Onur ..."
Kaddor, 29, could pass as the older sister of the girls who place their arms around her outside during break. Few teachers at the Glückauf Public School in the western German city of Dinslaken-Lohberg near Essen are so popular among students, even among boys going through puberty, with their baseball caps pulled deep down over their faces. "It's because she's one of us," a boy named Hüseyin explains proudly.
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Spitzer taken down by Mossad?
Eliot Spitzer took on Wall Street like no other attorney general before him. As the Washington Post reported in 2004, “His targets in the past have included everyone from big Wall Street investment banks and the $7.5 trillion mutual fund industry to polluting power plants and supermarket chains that underpaid delivery workers.” Additionally, Wayne Madsen reports [subscription required] that “Defense sources have confirmed our March 11, 2008, report that Emperors Club VIP, the prostitution firm that entangled New York's outgoing Governor Eliot Spitzer in a call girl ring, is viewed by US intelligence as a front for Israel's intelligence agency, the Mossad. “The sources claim that Spitzer was 'outed' for his aggressiveness in attacking money launderers connected to Russian-Israeli organized crime syndicates and other Wall Street malfeasance.” In an earlier report, Madsen mentioned that “There is also speculation that although Spitzer was implicated in the large international investigation of the Emperor's VIP Club's prostitution business, GOP dirty tricks operative Roger Stone figures in the case as a collateral agent provocateur. Stone has a history of badgering Eliot Spitzer and his elderly father, New York real estate magnate Bernard Spitzer.” ~ read on... ~
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Germany's famed airbridge terminal back in the wars
Sixty years after the Tempelhof airport was at the centre of a round-the-clock Allied operation flying in food and fuel to break a Soviet blockade of the Western section of Berlin, the historic airstrip is at the heart of a new battle.
The 14-month-long so-called "air bridge" mounted by the allies in 1948-49 was a turning point in post-war European history, negating Moscow's bid to drive the Western powers from the city and turn Berlin into a communist stronghold.
Located in the heart of the German capital with a Nazi-era, circular-shaped terminal building resembling an eagle in flight, Tempelhof was built as gateway to Hitler's 1000-year Reich.
"For West Berliners, Tempelhof airport is both a symbol and a monument," said Baerbel Grimm, a receptionist, who remembers the Allied effort to save the city from starvation.
A decision by Berlin authorities to close the airport in October as part of plans for a new international airport on the outskirts of Berlin has aroused passions.
"I remember the critical role that Tempelhof played in the days of the Luftbruecke," Ms Grimm said. "I would prefer that it stays open."
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First Tongue - Early Global Petroglyph Language Deciphered?
The Language of the Lost City of Atlantis Continent
In the late 1990's, William McGlone, an amateur archaeologist and retired space engineer, discovered the same collection of symbols carved in heavily patinated stones surrounding the Southeast town of La Junta, Colorado. Dating of the patina corresponded to the same era as the writing found in Harkarkom in Israel.
The writing in Colorado and Yemen spoke of some event, possibly related to the Sun, which was prophesied to change human civilization. Subsequent translations of sites in Oklahoma, Australia and South America have added more details about this future event; however, the present report is meant to describe and illustrate this ancient writing system, which we are calling "first tongue."
Surprisingly, in Colorado, petroglyphs have been found who match old Arabian alphabet 500 BC more than 90% :
Strange Wall in Oklahoma
We were just about to form an expedition to the site when another huge foundation was located nearby. Some symbols, possibly First Tongue, were described on one of the stones. But, sadly, the site was abruptly shut down and the excavations were bulldozed with earth by some arm of our own government. An informed source close to the family that owns the land reported that the family was threatened with harm if they allowed anyone to dig on their land in the future. They were told to forget what they saw. This type of threats remind one of the aftermath of Roswell in the late 40's.
The results of the burial are pictured above.
At Viewzone we receive many such reports from all over the globe. Ancient sites that appear to be very old are shut down or quickly buried by the host governments. Why?
We asked an individual from New Zealand to tell us why some of his country's ancient sites were being covered up. Here is his reply.
Hello Gary & team, You ask why archaeological sites and significant information is being hidden by government the US and elsewhere around the world? I suppose one could write a whole book on the probable answers to that question, but in the end it would all boil down to "power & control". The eradication of archaeological sites & artifacts is most certainly going on in the Australia/ New Zealand region, where "concealment teams" are being employed to both destroy or seal away from sight any traces of anomalous discoveries. In the last few years the New Zealand teams have removed/ buried/ concealed: A trilithon/ obelisk arrangement, composed of about 5 component sets, from the Wairaki area of New Zealand's central North Island. The "Artiamuri Stones", registered by Captain Mair in the 1800's and described by him as the 2nd most significant site he'd seen in New Zealand...these were, seemingly, pushed into a river by a "Forestry Department" bulldozer. A number of burial caves containing large stature skeletons with red, brown & blond hair. These skeletal remains are a most unwelcome find, as the ancient individuals were very definitely of Indo-European ethnic origin. Platted samples of their red or brown hair used to be on display at the Auckland Museum...but have long since been removed from public scrutiny. An ancient stone jetty on a northern river estuary. A beautifully hollowed out and fashioned communal dwelling/ assembly area in a limestone cliff. This was at Castlehill in New Zealand's South Island. A friend who revisited it in recent weeks found that the entranceway had been collapsed...undoubtedly by explosives. These few examples represent some of the skullduggery going on, officially, to throw a spanner in the works of normal scholastic pursuit within the confines of New Zealand. A gentleman named Tristan Rankin, who runs the Australian web site: complains about similar clandestine, insidious "concealment team" interference in Australian archaeological endeavors. A friend of mine, in recent years, had a long talk with a New Zealand girl called Lisa Kerr. She'd done extensive traveling, like many young New Zealanders, who head out on their traditional OE (overseas excursion).
Lisa, amongst several jobs she got around the world, worked for a while with the New Mexico Park's Department. During her term of employment there was a big "washout" in one of the Park regions and I'm assuming it was up in Pueblo country around Taos. The flash flood scoured out embankments and in doing so a large number of anomalous skeletons were exposed. Lisa and her colleagues were assigned the task of gathering up the remains and placing them into crates. Also in attendance at the site were Smithsonian Institute officials and FBI agents.
Each day as Lisa and the other Park's Department employees went onto the site, they were searched for cameras. Similarly they were searched as they left the site each day to make sure they weren't removing artifacts. They were also obliged to sign "secrecy documents" ensuring that they would never divulge details of their participation in this undertaking. The reason for this degree of secrecy stems from the fact that the skeletons were of people who were about 8 feet tall. They had six fingers on each hand and six toes per foot. They also had a strange, double row arrangement of teeth.
The crates containing the recovered remains, at the termination of work, were taken away by the Smithsonian officials and, undoubtedly, will never be seen again. Strangely enough, there is a report of two similar skulls having been found in New Zealand's far north around the beginning of the 20th century. Lisa later had official "hassles" when trying to come home to New Zealand and was severely grilled by US government functionaries as she attempted to depart from the US.
The short answer as to why there is suppression of true archaeological and historical evidence in New Zealand appears to be due, in part, to the ambitions of big business and the multinationals. Using "indigenous rights" legislation as leverage, large parcels of New Zealand natural resources and wealth are wrestled out of the hands of the New Zealand populace. They then fall into the hands of a small number of corrupt, so-called, "indigenous" leaders/ representatives, who turn around and sell "exploitation rights" to big business.
The vast majority of New Zealand's Maori people (Polynesian...officially designated indigenous) derive no benefit from these massive financial "payouts" or from the acquisition of "redistributed" resources.
Privately owned farms and large tracts of land are being gobbled up by the "Waitangi Tribunal" and big business is the final beneficiary. Our corrupt politicians are little more than an executive arm to the multinationals and take their orders from the World Bank.
That's the simple, superficial answer, but the tentacles of control go much deeper. One would have to probe age-old, long established, "control-freak" organizations to find out why they perceive "forbidden archaeology" to represent such an undermining danger. Maybe there's a large element of "religious" interference, wherein those large organizations, with influences reaching who knows where, see an inherent danger to the story they tell and product they promote. I can't fathom the fullness of this insanity, but realize we must all work quickly to photograph and record as much as possible of the ancient traces before "big brother" erases them forever.
Best wishes, Martin Doutré
Last update: December 2007
It is our intention through this site to promote the frank and open discussion of true ancient history in New Zealand. Politics and the agenda's of racial groupings have no place here. We simply wish to uncover the truth as it relates to the distant past and in doing so know better the land which is our home in the present...
The sites name "Ancient Celtic New Zealand" is taken from the book by Martin Doutré whose work has provided the wellspring from which it began. Contributions in the form of articles and pictures are welcomed from all researchers who feel they have further pieces to add to the evolving jigsaw.
Excavations carried out in the UK at Boxgrove Quarry have produced human skeletal remains, stone tools and bones from animals, which provided food including a rhinocerous. The finds have been dated at 500,000 years. In Queensland Australia a mine and substantial harbour attributed to the Phoenicians (est 1,000 B.C) have recently been uncovered. In N E Brazil new finds indicate the presence of people from the African continent 50,000 years ago and more and more earthworks and circles are being discovered yearly in the USA. Everywhere, it would seem, apart from New Zealand the boundries of history are receding... an oversight we hope to correct...
User:Vuara/Ancient alphabet
Announcement of Discovery Gary Vey
An ancient alphabet has been found and successfully translated on six continents. Translations and grammar suggest a global human culture thrived in antiquity.
Note: Viewzone has recently published a book, Evil Fire Made To Burn, which is available at and which gives new details and complete translations of this material, as well as other interesting facts surrounding the old language.
The author, in attempting to document some unusual and very old rock art in remote North America, has discovered an ancient alphabet. This alphabet is similar to ancient writing found in other locations around the globe and the author suggests that this is the result of a cultural migration. The Colorado site, located near La Junta, has been dated to before 800 BC. In the Negev desert of Israel, the same alphabet has been meticulously dated to 1500 BC. In South Australia the alphabet is estimated to be over 5000 years old. Similar alphabets have been discovered in Oklahoma, Mexico, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil and in Western Asia.
The alphabet has been given the name "old Negev," after the location of the alphabet's initial discovery in the Sinai by a Harvard funded expedition (see James Harris, Ph.D., Brigham Young University). In Australia it has been known by the name "Panaramitee Art." In the Americas it has been misrepresented as Native American Indian sign language (See LaVan Martineau, The Rocks Speak). The alphabet has most recently surfaced in Yemen, where it was carved in a beautiful font style associated with the Sabaean Empire under Bilqis, the Queen of Sheba. The alphabet is now understood to be proto-Himyaritic, or Sabaean, and has successfully been translated using the port-Canaanite algorithm.
The author recognizes the danger of describing the language as "old Negev" or "old Hebrew," despite the fact that root-Semetic languages are used in the translations. Evidence of the antiquity of this script in both the Americas and Australia suggest that this root language may pre-date that of the Hebrews by at least a millennia. The author and his associates suggest using an unbiased name, such as "the First Tongue," to avoid any biased association with a specific people, culture or era. The content of the translations, although not complete, suggests a global culture and religious belief system devoted to a monotheistic deity, often symbolized by the word "AL" or "EL." But more scrutiny of this language system, its content and occurrence around the globe is indicated.
Photographic evidence is presented here and on-going translations are posted from the ViewZone Expedition in May 2000 which returned to Colorado and Oklahoma and also the Yemen Expedition of 2001. A discussion of the evidence is welcomed.
Ancient First Tongue Letters of Ka
Semitic Letters of Ka (short for Ka-Baha-La) make up the ancient Ngobe Ka Scriptures
inscribed in ancient rocks as Petroglyphs.
These ancient Ka Letters & Maya Calendar Symbols were spread globally and to other planets by Ngobe Runners sent by Ngobe Kings 18,500-3000 B.C.
Ngobes are the Redmen spoken of by Plato in his Republic from the Island Continent to the West.
Rey de la gente rojo hablado por Platón en su República como los educadores de la Cultura Milenaria enviados desde Panamá hasta Grecia y Egipto, 20,000 - 10,000 años anrtes de Cristo.
First Tongue Ka Letters & Astral Calendar Symbols deciphered using Ka Aramaic, ancient Hebrew and Arabic abound near the Ka-Baha-La Ngobe in the Highlands of the First Nation Ngobe Buglé.
The Ka-Baha-La Ngobe is the Oldest & the Source of all Kabala Letters & Astral Calendars found on earth.
Ngobe Ka-Baha-La Glyphs match ancient Semitic Cabala Glyphs safeguarded by the Museum of Israel in Israel, with ancient Aramaic Letters used as Numbers.
The system of Ngobe Ka-Baha-La Glyphs also matches the same astral math system used by the Mayas, and is found in dozens of Petroglyph sites in the Comarca Ngobe Bugle & Chiriquí, including: Ka-Baha-La Ngobe on Hacienda Motta, Remedios, Chiriqui, which is the Source of Sun Calendars used by the Mayas, Aztecs, Incaicos & all Solar & Semitic Tribes.
It is found universally in Sun Calendar Systems, even on Mars & Neptune Moons.
This NASA site has been decoded and deciphered with Letters & Codes deciphered by Professor Gary Dragna using ancient First Tongue Semitic Ka Letters found in Ngobe and Anasazi Petroglyphs
All these Petroglyphs show Millenarian Calendars counting a Long Count of 5200 Tuns using FACTORS to count Astral Conjunction Cycles, just like the Aztec-Mayan Calendar does.
Compare Ka Letters and Symbol Concepts on Proteus, Mars and in Ngobe Ka-Baha-La Petroglyphs.
They use the same Millenarian Concepts and Cycle Factors counted by the Ka-Baha-La Ngobe,
which confirm Ngobe Oral History accounts of travel to other Planets from Cheriqui, Pa-Na-Má.
For example, Ancient Letters & Symbols of Ngobe Ka the size of Nazca lines define Ngobe Ka-Baha-La Sun Cycle Concepts on Proteus, a Moon of Neptune, in color codes deciphered by Professor Gary Dragna.
The same Letters & Symbols of Ngobe Ka that define Ngobe Ka-Baha-La Sun Cycle Concepts on Proteus exist on Mars in NASA Petroglyph Site 1.
Below are NGOBE SUN CALENDAR Glyphs found on all continents on Earth, all based on the same Sun Calendar Concept used in Mexico & also found on Mars and the moons of Neptune:
1 Sun = 5200 Tuns = 13 x Tav =
13 x 400 Tuns = 20 x 260 Tuns =
1,872,000 Earth Days,
the Cycle of the Sun to orbit into direct alignment with the Center of the Galaxy, forming the Cosmic Cross.
Ancient History Of The Six-pointed Star and Messia
Even though some scholars scoff at this truth, ...the "Star of David" IS from as early as 1,700 - 1,500 B.C., and this symbol of the six-pointed star was found amongst the petroglyphs of the Negev Desert of Israel, on Mount Karkom, which is now believed by many to be the true Mount Sinai(Horeb) where Moses and the Israelites received the Torah-Law and the 10 Commandments from Yahweh. Along with this symbol are various Proto-Sinaitric(First-Sinaitic) words, images, and phrases. This was a Pan-Canaantite Aleph-Bet language often called "Old Hebrew", even predating Paleo-Hebrew. Some call this the "First Tongue", and examples of this language have been found all over the world, including Australia and the North American Southwest, being at least 3,800 years old. The Name of Abba "Yah" "El" is repeatedly found in the Negev location on Mount Karkom(Sinai), as well as symbols of the menorah with fruit ornamentation(7-branched oil lamp of the tabernacle/temple), and the 10 commandments, etc.
First Tongue: An Ancient Global Language
In the last part of the 20th century, a handful of archaeologists discovered a collection of symbols carved in stone as petroglyphs that appeared to be writing. Dating of these symbols showed that they were made over an extended period time, beginning around 1700 BC, and located on as many as five continents.
This unique collection of symbols was first examined in the Negev desert of Israel by Dr. James Harris, a brilliant archaeologist from Brigham Young University. He identified the alphabet as being a proto-Canaanite system which successfully translated by using old-Hebrew or Thalmudic phonetic sounds.
The earliest examples of this writing were described as graffiti left by workers of a turquoise mine. Later, excellent examples were found in a mining site that collapsed and remained intact from around 1500 BC, thus establishing a date from carbon dating of wooden beams used to support the tunnels.
In the late 1990's, William McGlone, an amateur archaeologist and retired space engineer, discovered the same collection of symbols carved in heavily patinated stones surrounding the Southeast town of La Junta, Colorado. Dating of the patina corresponded to the same era as the writing found in Harkarkom in Israel. McGlone documented the locations of this writing before his untimely death in 1998. Prior to this, he gave many of his maps and notes to Gary Vey, editor of Viewzone. Vey was able, with the help of Dr. Harris, to successfully translate many of these old petroglyphs and developed a computer program to do this in the field.
In 1999, Viewzone visited and photographed the petroglyphs in Colorado and posted them on the internet. Within a few years, images of similar petroglyphs were sent to Vey by archaeologists and historians from many different global locations. This included a refined and huge collection of writing from the Republic of Yemen at the site of the palace of the Queen of Sheba. Vey was immediately invited to visit the museums and archaeological sites in Yemen and photographed as well as translated many of the older stone and bronze artifacts.
The writing in Colorado and Yemen spoke of some event, possibly related to the Sun, which was prophesied to change human civilization. Subsequent translations of sites in Oklahoma, Australia and South America have added more details about this future event; however, the present report is meant to describe and illustrate this ancient writing system, which we are calling "first tongue."
Global Petroglyph Map
Click on the region of the map to view the growing collection of petroglyph images.
From Greece:
Photo of an incised New Zealand stone.This is the Puniho stone found on a Taranaki Marae. According to a European farmer living nearby, the already incised stone was hauled out of the "Stoney River".
The same farmer says that there are many more with these strange markings on them at the bottom of the river.
The apparent design, in consideration of the severe weathering, appears to be very old and is hard to identify as a recognizable pictograph. It is also a significant departure from anything seen within recent eras of Maori culture. The ancient inhabitants (the Stone-people), when under siege from the Maori warriors, hid a lot of their most precious possessions in rivers or swamp/ wetlands...greenstone items...ornately carved panels, etc in the hope of being able to return and retrieve them later.
Queen of Sheba
The Mahram Bilqis contains priceless documents, artifacts from the time of the biblical queen.
September 13, 2000, 01:43 PM
TORONTO (Reuters)
A Canadian archaeologist said on Tuesday that his team was slowly unravelling the secrets of a 3,000-year-old temple that may have belonged to the Queen of Sheba. Half-buried under the sands of the southern Arabian desert in northern Yemen, the Mahram Bilqis or Temple of the Moon God contains priceless documents and artifacts from the time of the biblical queen.
The Yemeni government does not have control over the various tribal groups that live in the country and who believe that they own the land'The temple was a sacred site for pilgrims in Arabia from around 1200 BC to to 550 AD, the time that fits with history's record of the Queen of Sheba and her visit to King Solomon of Israel. "To have such historical, religious and cultural connection to one site is tremendous. Not often in archaeology do we have that." Professor Bill Glanzman the project's director told Reuters. The discovery and excavation of the temple began in 1951 by the late American archaeologist Wendell Phillips. But it was halted abruptly a year later because of political unrest. Work was restarted in 1998 by the American Foundation for the Study of Man, a nonprofit organisation that spearheads such projects.
Surprisingly, Phillips and Jamme, in the 1950's, remarked that some of the oldest scripts in Yemen seemed to have proto-Canaanite characteristics and did not translate using Arabic dialects. The team were ousted from Yemen before this could be explored. Curiously, none of the subsequent research -- including the present work at the Temple Bilquis -- has attempted to apply this method to the texts.
Glanzman, leader of the recent University of Calgary expedition to Yemen, said the Bilquis Temple could become an "eighth wonder of the world," attracting people from around the world. But another expert disagrees. "This is the most optimistic of statements at the moment, given the economic and political situation and the problem of raising money for such things," said Edward Keall, senior curator of Middle Eastern Archaeology at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
"I do not expect to see it in my lifetime," he said. "As of the moment, the Yemeni government does not have control over the various tribal groups that live in the country and who believe that they own the land," Keall said. But Glanzman tries to sell the importance of the excavation, saying it is as important a discovery as the ruins of Pompeii, the pyramids of Giza or the Acropolis. "The sanctuary is packed with artifacts, pottery, artwork and inscriptions, opening a new door to the ancient civilisations of southern Arabia," he said. Glanzman said his team could be finished with the excavation within 15 years.
Mysterious Petroglyphs of Western America
Viewzone recently received images of some petroglyphs from Shawn Davies, one of the founders of the Ancient Historical Research Foundation and co-author of the article "Mysterious Petroglyphs in the Western US". One of the current projects of the Ancient Historical Research Foundation is concerning a series of mysterious petroglyphs that, so far, has only been found in the western US. To date no major headway has been made concerning the critical information of these petroglyphs, including any knowledge as to who made them and why.
Shawn said that he would like to further their existing knowledge base concerning these petroglyphs by soliciting additional help from other individuals who may know of other existing panels. For this reason, he asked Viewzone to publish the attached photos and to ask readers to contact us concerning any knowledge they may have concerning the Mystery Glyphs.
Shawn states that he does have information leading him to believe that they are at least 100+ years in age, since one of the panels was first seen by pioneers in the 1850's. To date they know of 24 panels scattered across the western US, separated by hundreds of miles. There is at least one known panel in all of the western States, California, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona. The two exceptions being Washington and Oregon where they donÕt know of any existing panels É yet. They do have a few leads indicating that there was a panel in Oregon but it is now under water due to a man made dam.
Up until now, most of the panels that have been found are close to population centers. That's probably one of the reasons they have been found. They just received a solid lead for a new panel which they have never seen before in Colorado, and this one is in a very remote location. They only have a sketch to go by, but it does appear to be another panel of this type of petroglyph which includes a symbol that does not appear in any of the other known panels. Hopefully they will get a chance to visit this panel this summer to verify that it is really there.
The petroglyphs appear to be chiseled in the rock, unlike the regular pecking you would normally see in Native American petroglyphs. This could be an indication that they are relatively recent and were made with metal tools rather than stone implements. Metal tools were unknown to Native American Indians prior to the 16th Century when the Spanish migrated to the western region of America. Since the symbols appear to be made after this period it is likely that they are not directly related to an ancient language.
Frequently, in Colorado, New Mexico and Oklahoma, Viewzone has seen chiseled and scraped petroglyphs that had similar symbols and were believed to be the brands of various cattle ranches; however, these symbols were usually in small groups and not arranged in a linear patters suggestive of writing.
In the interest of perspective, here's an earlier theory:
By Robert L. Pyle
Some time in prehistory perhaps as long as 17 centuries ago, someone carved a message into a sandstone cliff overhung by a sheltering ledge in what is now southern West Virginia. Who cut the strange symbols? Why were the carvings done at that location? Precise answers to these questions are unknown. For many years, people assumed that the weathered writings, called the Wyoming County Petroglyph, were the work of American Indians. But a recent translation of the message there by an expert on ancient languages is astonishing and promises new significant insight into West Virginia's early history...
And its rebuttal:
A Linguistic Analysis of Some West Virginia Petroglyphs
By Monroe Oppenheimer and Willard Wirtz
The West Virginia Archeologist Volume 41, Number 1, Spring 1989
The March, 1983, issue of Wonderful West Virginia contained a fascinating account of the "Wyoming and Boone County petroglyphs" (Pyle, 1983; Gallagher, 1983; Hyde, 1983; Fell, 1983). Markings on the stone walls of two rock shelters in the southern part of the state had been interpreted by Dr. Barry Fell, described as an emeritus professor at Harvard and "America's leading ancient language expert," as being in old Irish script called Celtic Ogam (or Ogham) and as dating back to the 6th or 8th Century A.D. They were interpreted by Dr. Fell as carrying, in extensive detail, the story of Christ's nativity.
The momentous implications of the reported discovery were obvious. It meant that somebody had come to this country from Europe, carrying Christianity's message, seven or eight centuries before Columbus...
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Freemasons open a lodge at Buckingham Palace... but the Queen isn't amused
A branch of the Freemasons secret society is being formed by members of the Royal Household and police who protect the Royal Family.
And their decision to call it The Royal Household Lodge has put them on a collision course with Buckingham Palace – as has their plan to co-opt the royal cipher – EIIR – for their regalia, to underline their connection to the Queen.
Although the Queen's cousin, the Duke of Kent, is head of the secretive organisation – he is Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England – the new branch has not gone down well with the Royal Family.
The Palace has no power to halt the formation of the lodge, but it is determined to stop it adopting its chosen name and block it from hijacking the Queen's EIIR.
Use of the Royal Household title and any related symbols requires official permission.
Angry officials clearly feel the new lodge's proposed name is the last thing the Palace needs at a time when it is trying to be seen as more modern and open.
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Brain Machine Interfaces
Modifying the human body or enhancing our cognitive abilities using technology has been a long-time dream for many people. Nano-bio-info-cogno-synbio (NBICS) is now reaching a critical stage where it could lead to the fulfillment of that dream.
An increasing amount of research tries to link the human brain with machines allowing humans to control their environment through their thoughts. It is said: "Ultimately the technology will be used for people whose spinal cords are destroyed in accidents or those handicapped by strokes." (1)
Scientists demonstrated in 2002 that human thoughts can be converted into radio waves and used by paralyzed people to create movement. (1) "Scientists in Australia have developed a mind switch that enables people to activate electrical devices (e.g. turn on a radio or open doors) by thinking."
The IDIAP Research Institute (formerly the Institute Dalle Molle d'Intelligence Artificielle Perceptive/Dalle Molle Institute for Perceptual Artificial Intelligence) is developing non-invasive brain machine interfaces.
The Institute states in a recent publication: "Brain activity recorded non-invasively is sufficient to control a mobile robot if advanced robotics is used in combination with asynchronous EEG analysis and machine learning techniques. Until now brain-actuated control has mainly relied on implanted electrodes, since EEG-based systems have been considered too slow for controlling rapid and complex sequences of movements. We show that two human subjects successfully moved a robot between several rooms by mental control only, using an EEG-based brain-machine interface that recognized three mental states. Mental control was comparable to manual control on the same task with a performance ratio of 0.74."
Many researchers are working on brain machine interfaces.
Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems, Inc. of Foxborough, Massachusetts, received FDA approval to test the "Brain Gate." The company started with people with spinal cord injuries and is now recruiting patients for BrainGate ALS trials, according to
Researchers at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, are developing a wireless neuroprosthetic that could potentially be used to control robotic limbs for quadriplegics. Dr. Miguel Nicolelis of the university's Department of Neurobiology has a variety of articles on his webpage. A 14 year-old boy plays space invaders using thoughts alone, as a grid connected to his brain measures his electrocortigraphic activity.
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The 4-year-old Manchurian Candidate
Easily lost, on page 425, in the mass of the CIA's notorious "Family Jewels" files is a short paragraph outlining "potentially embarrassing Agency activities".
"Experiments in influencing human behaviour through the administration of mind- or personality-altering drugs to unwitting subjects."
Of all the heinous acts committed by the CIA in the name of national security, these experiments, done on the agency's behalf by prominent psychiatrists on innocent victims - including children as young as four - may be the darkest.
"We have no answer to the moral issue," former director Richard Helms infamously said when asked about the nature of the projects.
[ ... ]
he nature of the experiments, gathered from government documents and testimony in numerous lawsuits brought against the CIA, is shocking, from testing LSD on children to implanting electrodes in victims' brains to deliberately poisoning people with uranium.
"The CIA bought my services from my grandfather in 1952 starting at the tender age of four," wrote Carol Rutz of her experiences.
"Over the next 12 years, I was tested, trained, and used in various ways. Electroshock, drugs, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and other types of trauma were used to make me complain and split my personality (to create multiple personalities for specific tasks). Each alter or personality was created to respond to a post-hypnotic trigger, then perform an act and (I would) not remember it later.
"This Manchurian Candidate program was just one of the operational uses of the mind-control scenario by the CIA.
"Your hard-earned tax dollars supported this."
The US began these experiments after World War II when it made a grab for hundreds of Nazi scientists and doctors who had been researching mind control in concentration camps, fearing they would fall into Soviet hands.
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Parents face prison for refusing vaccinations
From Yahoo! News :
As doctors struggle to eradicate polio worldwide, one of their biggest problems is persuading parents to vaccinate their children. In Belgium, authorities are resorting to an extreme measure: prison sentences.
Two sets of parents in Belgium were recently handed five month prison terms for failing to vaccinate their children against polio. Each parent was also fined 4,100 euros ($8,000).
"It's a pretty extraordinary case," said Dr. Ross Upshur, director of the Joint Centre for Bioethics at the University of Toronto.
"The Belgians have a right to take some action against the parents, given the seriousness of polio, but the question is, is a prison sentence disproportionate?"
The parents can still avoid prison — their sentences were delayed to give them a chance to vaccinate their children. But if that deadline also passes without their children receiving the injections, the parents could be put behind bars.
Because of privacy laws, Belgian officials would not talk specifically about the case, such as why the parents refused the vaccine or how much longer they have to vaccinate their children.
The polio vaccine is the only one required by Belgian law. Exceptions are granted only if parents can prove their children might have a bad physical reaction to the vaccine.
"Polio is a very serious disease and has caused great suffering in the past," said Dr. Victor Lusayu, head of Belgium's international vaccine centre. "The discovery of the vaccine has eliminated polio from Europe and it is simply the law in Belgium that you have to be vaccinated. ... At the end of the day, the law must be respected."
Some ethicists back the hardline Belgian stance.
"Nobody has the right to unfettered liberty, and people do not have a right to endanger their kids," said John Harris, a professor of bioethics at the University of Manchester.
"The parents in this case do not have any rights they can appeal to. They have obligations they are not fulfilling."
Aside from Belgium, only France makes polio vaccinations mandatory by law. In the United States, children must be vaccinated against many diseases including polio, but most states allow children to opt out if their parents have religious or "philosophical" objections.
In the U.S. state of Maryland, prosecutors and school officials in one county threatened truancy charges against parents who failed to vaccinate their children. The measure sharply reduced the number of unvaccinated children although nobody has been charged.
The only other case of mandatory polio vaccines is during the Muslim yearly Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia. Pilgrims from polio-endemic countries — Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan — must prove they have been vaccinated. Saudi officials even give them an extra dose upon arrival at the airport.
Since the polio virus can live in the human body for weeks, it jumps borders easily. That makes health officials even in developed countries nervous, since the threat of an outbreak remains as long as the virus is circulating anywhere.
Polio is a highly infectious disease spread through water that mainly strikes children under five. Initial symptoms include fever, headaches, vomiting, stiffness in the neck and fatigue. The polio virus invades the body's nervous system and can lead to irreversible paralysis within hours. In extreme cases, children can die when their breathing muscles are immobilized.
Incidence has dropped by 99 percent since the World Health Organization and partners began their eradication effort in 1988. But the virus is still entrenched in Afghanistan, India, Nigeria and Pakistan, and occasionally pops up elsewhere.
For developed countries, imported polio cases could cause chaos in the health system, warned Dr. Steve Cochi, an immunization expert at the United States' Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
He said that unlike other medical problems, in which rejecting treatment only affects the individual, refusing a vaccine for a transmissible disease like polio puts others at risk as well.
"Most of the time, polio outbreaks do spill into the general population," Cochi said.
Ethicists argue that people who refuse vaccinations are taking advantage of everyone else who has been vaccinated. Once the majority of a population is vaccinated, there are few susceptible people the disease can infect, thus lowering the odds of an outbreak.
People who refuse to be vaccinated are "free riders," Harris said. "They can only afford to refuse the vaccine because they are surrounded by people who have fulfilled their obligations to the community."
Health officials doubt that Belgium's strategy will be useful to countries still battling polio.
"It is up to individual countries to decide their own policies, but we do not feel that imprisonment would help," said Dr. David Heymann, WHO's top polio official.
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World's oldest cartoon
From The Circle of Ancient Iranian Studies:
LONDON, (CAIS) -- The Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization (CHTHO) announced on Monday that it has recently completed the production of a documentary about the ancient Iranian earthenware bowl bearing the world's oldest example of animation.
Directed by Mohsen Ramezani, the 11-minute film gives viewers an introduction to the bowl, which was discovered in a grave at the 5200-year-old Burnt City by an Italian archaeological team in late 1970s.
The artefact bears five images depicting a wild goat jumping up to eat the leaves of a tree, which the members of the team at that time had not recognised the relationship between the pictures.
Several years later, Iranian archaeologist Dr Mansur Sadjadi, who became later appointed as the new director of the archaeological team working at the Burnt City discovered that the pictures formed a related series.
Nonetheless, according to English daily Mehr, during a ceremony held on Sunday to promote the production, CHTHO's cultural authorities claimed the image is a depiction of 'Assyrian Tree of Life': “the earthenware bowl, which is wrongly known as 'The Burnt City's goat', depicts the myth of 'The Assyrian Tree of Life' and a goat.”
Depiction of 'The Assyrian Tree of Life' on this bowl which was made at least 1000 years before the Assyrian civilisation even appear in historical records is one of the most preposterous claims by the new-breed of experts in post-revolutionary Iran.
The image is a simple depiction of a tree and wild-goat (Capra aegagrus) also known as 'Persian desert Ibex', and since it is an indigenous animal to the region, it would naturally appear in the iconography of the Burnt City.
The wild goat motif can be seen on Iranian pottery dating back to the 4th millennium BCE, as well as jewellery pieces especially among Cassite tribes of ancient Luristan. However, the oldest wild goat representation in Iran was discovered in Negaran Valley in Sardast region, 37 kilometers from Nahok village near Saravan back in 1999. The engraved painting of wild goat is part of an important collection of lithoglyphs dating back to 8000 BCE.
However, wild goat representation with a tree is associated with Murkum, a mother goddess who was worshipped by all the Indo-Iranian women of the Haramosh valley in modern Pakistan, which culturally had closer ties with Indus and subsequently the Burnt City civilisations, than Mesopotamia, which could had influenced the ancient potter who made this unique piece.
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Global Sacred Fire Ceremony Midnight, March 21, 2008
Elders of Kyrgyzstan invite Indigenous healers and ceremony leaders to create an unprecedented event – the simultaneous lighting of sacred fires of remembrance around the globe.
In ancient times, the Indigenous Healers of Kyrgyzstan acted on the most urgent matters by employing the power of the Uluu Ot fire to create unity of vision, and the energy and will to act on it. In reigniting this fire in Kyrgyzstan, its leaders will stand in the last location that the people of the earth stood together as a single community of humanity, thousands of years ago.
Today's over-development and environmental destruction cry out for humanity to rekindle its connection with the Earth and each other.
Please light the sacred fire of your own tradition, and help to spark the remembrance of our relatedness to each other. By supporting this ceremony with your simultaneous global fires, this event will powerfully re-create the single community of humanity.
March 21, 2008
12 Midnight Kyrgyzstan Time
Convert to Your Local Time!
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