We, the people of Occupy Santa Fe, hereby issue a statement of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples.
We begin by recognizing and affirming that we are all related. As the Haudenosaunee teaching says, we are a part of everything that is beneath us, above us, and around us. Our past is our present, our present is our future, and our future is seven generations past and present.
We will uphold the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
We stand in support of decolonization and the full transformation of our society and civilization to one that is just, democratic, inclusive, respectful, and honoring of the Earth and all beings. We acknowledge colonization and its harmful impacts, beginning with the genocide of the land-based peoples and the physical occupation of this land by the various European colonial governments and later by the government of the United States of America and the corporatocracy.
We see that at the very root of our societal racism and the corporatocracy’s rise to power is a colonizing view of and relationship to the Earth and all beings. We know that redressing historical wrongs starts with ending this culture of violence and moving towards inter and intra-national peace. While recognizing the demoralizing and exponential nature of historical trauma, and the impossibility of redressing all historical wrongs, we acknowledge the necessity of healing the wounded ancestral spirit of life-giving.
We honor the ground upon which we stand as the ancestral land of many Pueblo and other First Nations’ Peoples. We humbly offer our respects for ancestral landedness, and recognize the sovereignty of the remaining 19 pueblos of New Mexico, (Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Kewa, Laguna, Nambe, Ohkay Owingeh, Picuris, Pojoaque, Sandia, San Felipe, San Ildefonso, Santa Ana, Santa Clara, Taos, Tesuque, Zia, and Zuni), the Jicarilla Apache Nation, the Mescalero Apache Tribe, the Navajo Nation, and the Ute Mountain Tribe.
We understand that the Occupy movement must consult with, partner and work with others to help create healed and decolonized societies. We must work upon ourselves to unlearn the effects of colonization and to initiate efforts to eradicate all systems and forms of violence and oppression.
We acknowledge the complexity of the use of the word “occupy” to name this movement, and that, as the movement gains maturity, the word itself must also be transformed.
We pledge our commitment to educate ourselves on the told and untold history, and the effects of white supremacy and racism.
We will listen deeply and respectfully to all voices within our communities and give voice to the silenced ones and to the voiceless amongst us.
Let us now all move towards healthy relationships with the Earth and all our inner and outer relations.
This is an open, living document. The Occupy Santa Fe community has the right and responsibility to review and revise this document on an ongoing basis
Source: (un) Occupy Albuquerque
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Santa Fe GA’s statement of Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples
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Salvador Dali: Surrealist Party from 1941
Salvador Dali hosts a Surrealist party as a fund raiser for displaced European artists, at the Bali Room, Hotel Del Monte, California, in 1941.
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Occupy Congress - U.S. Capitol - January 17
Where will you be on January 17, 2012?
For media inquiries: media@occupyyourcongress.info
Website: OccupyYourCongress.info
Twitter: twitter.com/Re_Occupy
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/Occupy-Congress-January-17th-2012/203536356392018
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Occupy 2012, an American Spring?
Protest musician David Rovics inspires DC occupiers and others to stay "right here" in advance of a possible American spring.
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Independently made by Giavano and Devilred productions.
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#occupy 2012 - Occupy Wall Street New Years Revolution
New Years Eve 2012 at Occupy Wall Street in NYC. Started with a tent in the park, during the GA. A sound demo at 159 park row in front of the MCC and then a nye celebration that ended up in the park being closed well after 130am. Full length video also available.
Video edited by - Maggie Korthchmar
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Germany/Belgium: Occupy Europe - European Journal
Protest movements are forming across Europe, mostly among young people. They have demonstrated in front of the European Central Bank in Frankfurt and at a European Union summit in Brussels.Some commenters are calling this a new"protest culture"of a kind Europe hasn't seen in decades. The young protesters are demanding a more just distribution of wealth and want the power of the banks to be broken. They have little interest in traditional political parties or labor unions, which they say haven't learned any lessons from the financial crises of the past few years.
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Occupy Tokyo: Mass demonstrations go unreported by Japanese media
You've heard about the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, Los Angeles, London, Toronto, Berlin, Tel Aviv and elsewhere around the world. But did you know that huge demonstrations have been taking place in Tokyo as well? We certainly didn't until a SOTT forum member sent us the details. The general lack of awareness of the protests in Japan is probably due to the fact that there has been zero coverage of 'Occupy Tokyo' - which has grown out of the country's large (and growing) grassroots anti-nuclear movement - in Japan's mainstream media.
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Eviction notice for the Occupy Berlin camp has been given
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Compassion is the New Currency - Keeping the faith by Kathryn Harvey
In the 20th century most protesters who set themselves against the status quo were reading the Communist Manifesto, not the New Testament. Christianity, on the other hand, was the religion of Empire and was used with great efficacy on every continent to oppress, repress and suppress. But there is something about the Occupy movements of 2011 that seems to herald a reclaiming of a language of faith.
Someone holds up a sign in New York: Compassion is the new currency. A sign in Toronto: Don’t Stop Believing. In Montreal: Re(love)ution, Be humanKind, and Put Not Thy Faith in Banks.
In the United States, neighbours form human chains around houses to prevent the bailiffs from seizing the properties. People mass at banks to protest each other’s foreclosures. This is not American-style rugged individualism or survival of the fittest. Rather, this is neighbourliness and community in action, this is Jesus at the temple raging against the money lenders, speaking truth to power. While we have been worshiping at the alter of consumption, buying the latest gadget, plugging in and tuning out, we have been neglecting our relationships with each other and the Earth.
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Is this how the global currency will be served to the public?
[ With thanks to Mary G. W. ]
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Class War: Low Wages and Beggar Thy Neighbor
Dr. Heiner Flassbeck: The words "class war" may be unfashionable, but it is still a battle between labor and capital
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The success of October 15th has triggered an unprecedented momentum for global action. Humanity has united across boundaries in a struggle for real democracy and individual rights. Essential to this struggle is the respect for human life and living conditions, including environments
Global civil society is being threatened by a system based on power and not on human values. Day after day it represses basic freedoms and consistently favors the greed of the few over the needs of the many. This power finances wars, food and pharmaceutical monopolies, it sponsors dictatorial regimes across the globe, destroying environments, manipulating and censoring information flow and transparency.
Despite our different cultural backgrounds and social contexts, we all suffer the same threats. Our freedom and dignity are under attack as a result of market dynamics and corrupt government institutions that are turning our local and global societies into increasingly unjust places. The governments of this planet must work for the people, not against them. The time has come to stand up for our rights together and to demand the rights we were promised in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed and approved by most of the world's governments and the basis for many of our constitutions.
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