By M K Bhadrakumar, Asia Times
Seldom it is that the Russian Foreign Ministry chooses a Sunday to issue a formal statement. Evidently, something of extreme gravity arose for Moscow to speak out urgently. The provocation was the appearance of a United States guided missile cruiser in the Black Sea for naval exercises with Ukraine. The USS Monterrey cruiser equipped with the AEGIS air defense system is taking part in joint Ukrainian-US exercises, Sea Breeze 2011.
There is nothing extraordinary about a US-Ukraine naval exercise. Last year, too, an exercise took place. But, as Moscow posed, "While leaving aside the unsettled issue of a possible European missile shield architecture, Russia would like to know, in compliance with the Russia-NATO [North Atlantic Treaty Organization] Lisbon summit decisions, what 'aggravation' the US command meant by moving the basic strike unit of the regional missile defense grouping being formed by NATO in the region, from the Mediterranean to the East?"
The Foreign Ministry statement then went on to give its own explanation that the Monterrey was sent to European waters as part of the US administration's phased adaptive approach to building the European segment of the global missile shield. The program's first stage envisages the deployment of a group of US warships in the Adriatic, Aegean and Mediterranean Seas to protect South Europe from possible missile strikes. The role of the US warship's missiles in the Sea Breeze 2011 anti-piracy exercises is also unclear, the statement said.
"We have to state that our concerns continue to be ignored and under the guise of talks on European missile shield cooperation, efforts are under way to build the missile shield configuration whose consequences are dangerous and about which we have numerously informed our US and NATO partners," the Russian statement added.
The US claims that this is a routine naval exercise. On the other hand, Moscow asks: "If this is an ordinary visit, then it is unclear why a warship with this type of armament was chosen to move to this quite sensitive region."
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Syria on the boil, US warship in Black Sea
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Become a member and join us as we initiate a movement for real change.
"The Plan" 1 year. 3 phases. A world of change.
Share this message with everyone you can.
PHASE 1: Better yourself. Spread the message. Be the message.
*Educate yourself on the depths of the system, the functions put it place to inhibit true freedom as well as the mechanisms within the system that motivate the masses to subconsciously accept giving up those freedoms. The structures within the system that promote division within the people of the countries of this world and the injustices that are placed upon the people.
*Spread the message. Share this video and the website with everyone you can. Make your own videos, songs, art, graffiti etc... spreading the word that we are here, the movement is taking hold. Expect us.
*Learn ways that will allow you to break free from the system. Start small and implement them in your daily lives. This will be implemented as a focus of Phase 2 as well, escalating what you have learned.
*ANON hackers - begin supporting the movement. This is a calling to all of you for the aid of this movement. Low-priority targets are your engagement. Assist with the movement and spread the message of "The Plan".
The resistance is here.
Expect us.
Anonymous: Resistance Begins NOW. System Failure: Imminent.
This is the second address in a series. If you have not made yourself familiar with the current course of actions, please direct yourself to the following video prompted by the link on your screen now.
You may be asking yourself what Anonymous is about after hearing the rumors and blatant lies the media has associated with Anonymous. Allow me to simply inform you that Anonymous is and or are not terrorists much like the powers that be would have you believe. Anonymous has been demonized by these regimes simply because we have brought justice to the oppressed. When freedom is jeopardized, Anonymous will avenge the oppressed. We do not forgive. We do not forget. We are many. And for the record, Anonymous was not behind the Playstation Network fiasco. Game on!
We have defended Julian Assange and other members of wikileaks when they were persecuted for releasing information that provided evidence to the corruption within our government and militarys. We restored the internet to the people of Egypt when the egyptian government tried to silence their voice to the world. We have defended and supported countless peoples in their pursuits for freedom. And now we will assist in the bigger struggle. It is time to rejuvenate the human spirit.
Allow me to ellaborate on the previous video to eliminate any misunderstandings. We are issuing a calling
to all cyber warriors to join with us as we turn the tables on the regimes who are oppressing their people across the globe. At this very moment, courses of action are being taken to restrict the voice of the net. The net is the last bastian of true freedom for the human race. We have begun sharing our stories and all the gritty details with one another no matter where we may be on this planet. This is worrysome for those who seek to control us. They want us silenced and this is the final straw. Digital supremecy will be the selective targeting of all organizations guilty of treason against the people, guilty of restraint from freedom. Any party who has violated and continues to violate the will of the people and the voice of true freedom will become a priorty for a cyber assault unlike anything this world has witnessed.
It is the duty of the rest of the people to continue their pursuits for these freedoms by any means necessary.
It is time to escalate your actions of spreading the word and reaching out to our neighbors and communities.
Protest must become more frequent and grow in strength and size. Peace is our priorty, but resistance will be met with a fierce and sharp defensive. Our voice and cause is our weapon. Our vigilance is our offensive. Begin your flyer campaigns, protests, art, music, literature and video campaigns now. Paint the walls in every city. Banksy, this means you, my friend. Gather the street artists as a new canvas has been layed out before you. The time for evolved tactics has begun. The resistance is here.
As the voices are attempted to be silenced by the oppressors, the guardians will be here to shut down these priorities and turn the tables on the digital landscape. Through this physical resistance we will grow stronger as our friends maintain the defensive on the digital realm. We are one. We are many...we are the resistance.
Freedom begins now.
Translate and spread.
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Bubonic Superbug: The Coming False Flag
PART 1 - Umbrella Corporation,,15133914,00.html
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'NATO bombs civilians!' - Cynthia McKinney from Tripoli with truth
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Needed: An Antiwar Movement That Puts Peace Over Politicians
After campaigning as the candidate of change, the man awarded a Nobel Prize for peace has given the world nothing but more war. Yet despite Barack Obama's continuation – nay, escalation – of the worst aspects of George W. Bush's foreign policy, including his very own illegal war in Libya, you’d be hard-pressed to find the large-scale protests and outrage from the liberal establishment that characterized his predecessor's reign (and only seems to pop up when a Republican's the one dropping the bombs). That's not for a lack of things to protest. Since taking office, Obama has doubled the number of troops in Afghanistan and now looks set to break his pledge to begin a significant withdrawal in July. He has unilaterally committed the nation to an unapologetically illegal war in Libya and in two years has authorized more drone strikes in Pakistan than his predecessor authorized in two terms, with one in three of their victims reportedly civilians. In Yemen, he has targeted a U.S. citizen for assassination and approved a cluster bomb strike that,according to Amnesty International, killed 35 innocent women and children. But these war crimes, which ought to shock the consciences of the president's liberal supporters, haven't spurred the sort of popular protest we witnessed under Bush the Lesser. At a recent congressional hearing on the bloated war budget, a handful of CODEPINK activists were the sole dissenters. Thousands poured into the streets to cheer Osama bin Laden's death, but no By Medea Benjamin and Charles Davis, Americans were in the streets decrying the drone attack that killeddozens of Pakistani civilians weeks earlier. While die-hard grassroots peace activists continue to bravely protest U.S. militarism, with 52 people arrested last month protesting outside a nuclear weapons factory in Kansas City – if they'd been Tea Partiers protesting Obamacare, you may have heard of them – there's no denying that the peace movement has taken a beating. The question is, why? Part of the reason is the financial crisis. It's hard to protest war when the bank's foreclosing on your house. And it's hard to find money for a trip to Washington, DC, when, like 14 million Americans, you're unemployed. War has also become normal – routine, boring – to many Americans, with U.S. troops stationed for nearly ten years in Afghanistan and eight in Iraq. And after the first volley of smart bombs, wars are barely covered by the media, eclipsed by the latest scandal involving a politician's privates. Beyond apathy, many who once took to the street may now no longer see the value of protest in the face of the enormous power of the military-industrial complex. ~ more... ~
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NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011
I received word today (June 10, 2011) that NASA sent out a mass email to all NASA employees with this following link regarding, "Family/Personal Preparedness".
Page Last Updated: June 9, 2011
Page Editor: Mary Shouse
NASA Official: Brian Dunbar
By August 1st, 2011, everyone will know what's coming. This is why you want to be at your safe zones on or before August 1, 2011. When everyone finds out, too many people will be doing the same thing you're doing, and you don't want to find yourselves stuck.
If NASA is attempting to prepare their employees by telling their families to prepare, I am even more convinced than ever that we DO INDEED HAVE A BINARY STAR TWIN APPROACHING, and it's about to get ugly.
Astronomical alignments as the cause of ~M6+ seismicity
The CDC recently sent out a ridiculous "zombie" apocalypse warning?
The Bilderberg meeting is currently taking place, and all the media/press wants to talk about is some congressman's wang?
More than one movie coming out about a new solar system object, plus NBC's The Event finale with a new planet!!?
It's about to hit the fan people and all this talk about Sept/Oct 2011 looks more and more to be the real deal folks.
I hope you're all ready! God Bless!
This email was fowarded to me from a friend. He said all NASA employees got this in their email today....
******** The Original Email ********
Point of Contact: Darrius Lewis, Mission Support Directorate, NASA Headquarters, 202-358-0608,
Family/Personal Preparedness Plan
NASA is the only federal agency responsible for its people's safety and well-being here on Earth and in space and has a longtime commitment to safety and emergency preparedness. Over the past year, Administrator Bolden has emphasized the importance of Family/Personal Preparedness for the entire NASA family. Family and personal preparedness plans are key to protecting our families and communities during potential emergencies such as fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks and other unforeseen catastrophes.
The most important assets in the successful completion of NASA's mission are its people and their loved ones. The agency has developed a set of informational guides designed to prepare you, your families and pets for emergencies. These guides will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to develop your Family Preparedness Plan.
All employees are encouraged to download these guides, prepare plans, and review them with your families. The agency has taken the steps to prepare our NASA family; now it is your personal obligation to prepare yourself and/or your family for an emergency.
To view Administrator Bolden's video on family preparedness and to download your Family Preparedness guides, visit:
[link to]
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'We Need Compassion, Not Money' H.H. The Dalai Lama
From The Tibet Post:
During his talk on the true meaning of happiness, His Holiness advocated forgiveness, tolerance and patience; also claiming that the frustration and loneliness suffered by mankind was caused by the replacement of affection with greed, and that the way to create a happier world than the one we live in was to bring back that affection to society.
~ more... ~
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Psilocybin, Mystical-type Experience, and Quantum Behavioral Change
Video of presentation by Roland Griffiths, Ph.D. at the 2011 Bioethics Forum.
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Greece: Revolution Under A Red Lunar Eclipse
From the Greek Streets blog:
#620 | The last hours of Pompeii (some thoughts from Syntagma today)
Syntagma, Athens, June 15th 2011. How to put to words what we lived in this square, over the course of a single day?
A society in some spectacular turmoil; the most unusual of suspects have now taken to the streets. Syntagma was meant to be the epicentre of today’s attempt to block off Parliament as called by the square’s popular assembly. It was also the main focus point of the General Strike. At times, it felt like worlds in collusion: the naivety of pacificism, the fetischisation of anti-police violence. And around this collusion, a myriad others… In Syntagma today we fought off the Neo-nazis of the Golden Dawn, who had the nerve to show up at a General Strike. We saw the demonstrators’ clashing with police in the square’s South-eastern corner (for an unjustifiably long time) being followed by an astonishing, but only momentary, sweeping clean of the thousands on its square. People were trampled over tents, gassed like ants, fainting all over. By the time that the Delta motorcycle police tried to come into play, people had learnt the rules of the game — and they pushed them off. Twelve hours of nearly uninterrupted beating, tear-gassing, running, fighting. For these twelve hours, Syntagma compressed and showed naked the haphazard patterns into which people’s actions are cornered by this social order. A social order that is crumbling, an authority at loss, unable to manage its populace any longer. A regime that has fallen a while ago, only resting on the fallacy of some imagined national unity to try engineer change, to lengthen its days.
How can we possibly buy this? The hundreds of thousands who were out in Athens today already know: Syntagma was a storm; we are just waiting for the thunder.
#619 | Greek PM Papandreou announces government reshuffle and vote of confidence for Thursday; Syntagma protests continue
In a televised message, Greek PM Papandreou has just announced a government reshuffle and a vote of confidence in parliament for Thursday, June 16th – both in light of his government’s inability to handle reactions to his proposed new IMF/EU/ECB deal and the new round of cuts that would come with it, along with the fierce response on the street level in today’s general strike.
The Syntagma assembly is undergoing at the moment (22.25 GMT+2). Tens of thousands of people are at the square now and the assembly’s existing decision holds – that is, that the mobilisations will continue until governments, banks and the IMF are ousted.
More info as it comes.
#618| Updates from the June15 general strike and day of action
20.41 (GMT+2) An estimated 20-30,000 people are at Syntagma at the moment and more are arriving by the minute. Tonight’s assembly is starting very soon, and it will most likely concern itself with the impeding announcements by Greek PM Papandreou, possibly about a “national unity” government.
17:43 (GMT+2) The situation in Syntagma is slightly calmer. Thousands are on the streets around the square and in front of the parliament, with more coming. Earlier, the luxurious Hotel Prince George and the Ministry of Economics were both attacked by protesters.
17:21 (GMT+2) The doctors of the clinic-tent of Syntagma Sq. are making a plea for supplies. A lot of people are injured by the brutal attacks of the police. People can approach Syntagma from Amalias Ave, from Propylea and possibly from the Metro station.
People are chanting anti-police slogans and clap ironically to the cops, battles still go on around the square, DIAS forces were hit in Fillelinon Str, while a few minutes earlier they had attacked people in front of the national garden and in Stadiou st. DIAS speed up and down on Amalias Street, hitting the rally.
17:07 (GMT+2) DIAS motorcycle police attacked people on Amalias St. People chant ‘Bread-Education-Freedom-The junta did not end in 1973′ and ‘Cops, Pigs Murderers’, gas bombs and sound grenades are thrown again by the police. Music is blasting once again from the speakers of the square. Ten minutes ago, the Syntagma Square Media Centre circulated the following announcement:
” NO PASSARAN! Now WE talk!
The Greek Parliament is under Siege. Thousands of protesters have flooded the greek Bastille and the surroundings. Since 7 in the morning, the greek “indignados”, shouting “no more!”, and with only means of struggle their own body, have blocked the streets and have encircled the Parliament.
What if the police has risen irongated barriers in front of the Parliament (V.Sofias) bombarding with unprecended teargases the gathered people…What if all the “sides and faces” of police forces (DIAS, MAT.e.t.c.)have tried to disperse the two blocks at V.Konstantinou &Rizari and V.Konstantinou & Rigillis, we are still here and we are continuing!
The greek government with the always pront to help, greek police, has for some hours now tried to murder and destroy ethically the great movement of the greek “indignados”, of the honest people who have taken to the squares and streets of the country.
To whoever tries to stop the peacefull siege of the “worthless and dangerous”, the greatest protest of the post Junta era, we will say only this! We are here to stay! All the people’s assemblies, we will stay and no ethical or politicall provocator will stop us. There is no space for such a species in our future history! ”16:53 (GMT+2) a big group of demonstrators chased a group of DIAS/DELTA motorcycle police on Panepistimiou st. The speakers on Syntagma Sq. call for people to go back to the square. It is difficult to stay there due to the tear-gas, yet people remain.
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