One Day Occupy L.A. from Alessandro Cima on Vimeo.
The Reverend Billy of the Church of Stop Shopping.
One Day Occupy L.A.
The music and words in this film are by Tom Morello (, former Rage Against the Machine guitarist. He sings his own 'Maximum Firepower' and Woody Guthrie's 'This Land is Your Land.'
The mood at City Hall was high energy and cheerful. The underlying anger and frustration of the movement seemed to be moving through a positive channel. It was exciting but also comfortable there because of the people and their open attitudes.
The Los Angeles police headquarters is directly across the street from the protest grounds. That's where I began shooting my film - right into the windows of police headquarters. Several squad cars drove up First Street, but there was not a single cop anywhere near the protest area. The crowd is organized and respectful, but also very serious about its messages which are various and multifaceted.
The city has taken a protective stance over its protesters. I'm very proud of Los Angeles for this.
Occupy Los Angeles is one of the spreading protests coming out of the Occupy Wall Street protest in New York. Hopefully, the incredible momentum of the movement will continue and be heard very clearly across the country and the world.
The simple messages that I get from the protests are that government cannot function while it is under the control and influence of corporations. The economy cannot function properly while corporations and their extremely wealthy owners are allowed to operate without oversight and control. The country cannot pave its roads or build its schools or house its people while corporations and the wealthy play with money that is nearly tax-free, removing it entirely from the real world economy. The country cannot function as a democracy while its politicians and Supreme Court justices are working for corporations. The country cannot be free while racism and bigotry are increasingly seen as legitimate reactions to change. The country cannot be secure while corporations are given the power to run wars and people's basic privacy rights are removed.
That's what I see in the Occupy movement.
If every city in the U.S. could have as fine an Occupy movement as Los Angeles, they would be very lucky indeed."
Why Musicians Matter to the Occupy Movement
As far as we're concerned, the more music, the merrier; the louder, the better.
'Occupy' movement reaches New Zealand
Almost 2000 protesters with tents and sleeping bags plan to occupy Auckland's Aotea Square for the next six weeks as part of a worldwide grassroots movement against corporate greed and inequality.
‘Writers in Support of the Occupy Movement’ Petition Counts 200+ Signatures
The petition is composed of a single sentence: “We, the undersigned writers and all who will join us, support Occupy Wall Street and the Occupy Movement around the world.” So far, the petition has virtual signatures from Alison Bechdel, Samuel R. Delaney, Jennifer Egan, Barbara Ehrenreich, Neil Gaiman, Jonathan Lethem, Ann Patchett, Salman Rushdie and many other authors.
Deepak Chopra - The 'Occupy' Movement: Turning Anger Into Awareness
If you haven't found yourself caught up in the Occupy movement yet, the best place is in the thick of the action. I went down to Wall Street one night to see for myself. Like many people, if not all, the outcome of the financial crash still rankled. No one can watch the TV coverage of the Occupy America sit-ins and marches without sharing in some kind of frustration and anger.
Occupy movement goes global - in pictures
Occupy Wall Street protests are linking up with other Occupy movements around the world
10 Ways to Support the Occupy Movement
There are many things you can do to be part of this growing movement—and only some of them involve sleeping outside.
Top 15 Ideas For The Occupy Movement Right Now
Written for you, all of you, from some friends in Portland, Oregon.
Occupy Wall Street, JPMorgan, And The Fall Of The Banks
There is a connection between JPMorgan’s disappointing earnings, and what probably will be a disappointing earnings season for the whole sector, and the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Rev. Billy - Moving Words to Occupy - REVOLUYAH!
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A manifesto for regime change on behalf of all humanity
Inspired by protests from Tunis to New York, activists and people's assemblies have collaborated on a vision for a new global governance
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United for #GlobalDemocracy
On 15 October 2011, united in our diversity, united for global change, we demand global democracy: global governance by the people, for the people. Inspired by our sisters and brothers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Bahrain, New York, Palestine-Israel, Spain and Greece, we too call for a regime change: a global regime change.
In the words of Vandana Shiva, the Indian activist, today we demand replacing the G8 with the whole of humanity – the G7,000,000,000.
Undemocratic international institutions are our global Mubarak, our global Assad, our global Gaddafi. These include: the IMF, the WTO, global markets, multinational banks, the G8/G20, the European Central Bank and the UN security council. Like Mubarak and Assad, these institutions must not be allowed to run people's lives without their consent. We are all born equal, rich or poor, woman or man. Every African and Asian is equal to every European and American. Our global institutions must reflect this, or be overturned.
Today, more than ever before, global forces shape people's lives. Our jobs, health, housing, education and pensions are controlled by global banks, markets, tax-havens, corporations and financial crises. Our environment is being destroyed by pollution in other continents. Our safety is determined by international wars and international trade in arms, drugs and natural resources. We are losing control over our lives. This must stop. This will stop. The citizens of the world must get control over the decisions that influence them in all levels – from global to local. That is global democracy. That is what we demand today.
Today, like the Mexican Zapatistas, we say "¡Ya basta! Aquí el pueblo manda y el gobierno obedece": Enough! Here the people command and global institutions obey! Like the Spanish Tomalaplaza we say "Democracia Real Ya": True global democracy now!" Today we call the citizens of the world: let us globalise Tahrir Square! Let us globalise Puerta del Sol!
Guide for civilian participation on #15OCT
From Tahrir to Toronto: it’s time to occupy the world!
It is time to occupy the world. We are the masses. We are the power. We have glimpses of what we want. We need only have the courage to fight for it.
After Goldman, Italian Protestors Besiege, Storm Headquarters Of Berlusconi's Fininvest
First Goldman, next the heart of all that is wrong and corrupt with Italian politics: the headquarters of Silvio Berlusconi's Milan Fininvest office itself. And this is just the beginning...
From Wall Street to South Africa - The Rebellion of the Poor
In The Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck’s novel about the Great Depression, Tom Joad, the novel’s central character, a man who has been made poor and who is on the run from the law, tells his mother in the climactic scene that: “I been thinking about us, too, about our people living like pigs and good rich land layin’ fallow. Or maybe one guy with a million acres and a hundred thousand farmers starvin’. And I been wonderin’ if all our folks got together….”
Occupy the World
Day of global Occupy protests gets underway
People of the world urged to 'rise up' and 'claim their rights and demand a true democracy'
A day of worldwide protests inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement in the United States began Saturday with the hundreds of people gathering in cities from Japan and South Korea to Australia.
We Are The Ones
"Human history has been recorded as a succession of wars and changing empires. But a ray of hope has been carried forth throughout the Ages by Dreamers who have envisioned a more peaceful, just and sustainable world.
These Visionaries have manifested milestones that have transformed the world as it had been -- rewriting the rules that governed that society so that they were more fair, just and equitable -- more Utopian. The Magna Carta, The US Constitution, and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights were quantum leaps forward in our collective quest for a better world. We still have far to go, but we can help create that better world countless Dreamers have imagined, wished for, and endeavored to make come true. Every moment has brought us to this moment. We are the ones we've been waiting for to manifest our shared Peacetopian Dream." - Robert Alan -
Message To Humanity: The Time is Now - The rEvolution Is Coming!
A revolution is coming to America.. Not Just America but the World, people are waking up and finally realising how the world works and that their rights as free human beings are slowly being taken away from them.. The 99% are rising up!
The Nation: The 99 Percent Rise Up
Occupy Wall Street started small, took a beating from the cops and struggled for weeks to get the attention of the political class, the media and even its own natural allies. The only thing going for this unlikely intervention has been the pitch-perfect resonance of its founding premises. The American people understood Occupy Wall Street, and began to embrace its promise, long before the mandarins who presume to chart our national discourse noticed that everything was changing. That's because the generators of this movement—and it is a movement—have gotten three things right from the start...
Can a Supercomputer Predict a Revolution?
On Dec. 6, 1941, the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS), a radio monitoring operation set up by the U.S. intelligence community and one of the earliest experiments in what it now called open-source intelligence, delivered its very first report, an analysis of Japanese media sentiment. The report noted that Japanese radio stations had sharply increased their level of criticism of the United States and dropped their calls for peace. The next day, Pearl Harbor was attacked.
#Syntagma release on #DIRECTDEMOCRACY #globalchange
At Zuccotti Park Occupy Wall Street protesters are disconnected from the news. Since most of their time is taking up Occupying Wall Street and not in front of a television, a group came together to bring the news to the protesters. Arun Gupta, head of The Indypendent newspaper, tells us why it was important to have a newspaper for the Occupy Wall Street movement.
OWS Contagious: Global Revolution Live
The anti-corporate protests in America have spread, and so now have the arrests, and the accusations of police heavy handedness. Dozens more activists have been taken into custody across several cities. One New Yorker was pushed face-down into the pavement, after apparently being run over by a police motorcycle. By the thousands of demonstrators camping out in a park near Wall Street for a month, have claimed a victory over the mayor. Michael Bloomberg's orders to evict them under the pretext of a clean-up, were overturned when the park's owners said the protesters can stay - for now. The movement against corporate influence has gone global, with demonstrations planned in dozens of cities worldwide. But the American members of "Occupy together" claim they're still being ignored by the mainstream media. RT's Marina Portnaya met an activist who's breaking the information blockade.
Incredible Speech By Wall Street Protester "End The Fed" 2011
Chris Savvinidis
Protesters in Tokyo join 24-hour global 'Occupy Wall Street' movement
Groups spanning the globe from Asia to Europe—and in every U.S. state—announced demonstrations and other action on Saturday protesting corporate greed and inequality in what organizers describe as 24 hours of public action.
Détournement in Bahrain: Revolutionary arts & crafts
Recently some Bahrainis have taken to collecting used rubber bullets/slugs and tear gas canisters that the regime's security forces fire at protesters in clashes almost every night in villages around the country. With some glue and a pair of scissors,the spent ammunition is then creatively put together to make something altogether new and with the opposite message intended for it.
Occupy Melbourne joins day of global solidarity
The Occupy Melbourne day in Melbourne's City Square kicked off with approximately 750 people and a large number of police.
Globe against the greedy: protests spill worldwide
Protests against economic mismanagement and corporate greed are going global. In addition to the Occupy Wall Street movement sweeping the US, protesters from over 70 European and Asian nations are set to hold co-ordinated mass rallies on October 15.
Israel to build new east Jerusalem district
Israel has formally submitted plans for a new settlement neighbourhood in annexed east Jerusalem in what will be the sector`s first new district in 14 years, Peace Now said on Friday.
Six60 - Rise Up 2.0
The new Six60 music video for Rise Up 2.0 exclusive to Rip It Up
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