Monday, April 30, 2012
Edge at Eno's in London - Simon Baron-Cohen on Testosterone On My Mind and In My Brain
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RFK assassination witness tells CNN: There was a second shooter
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Deny the British empire's crimes? No, we ignore them
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CIA Human Behavior Control Studies Reported in New York Times
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Interrogators Speak Out: America Is Morally Bipolar
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Ex-CIA officer defends interrogation tactics
The man who helped lead the so-called enhanced interrogation programme in US prisons overseas has defended the policies.
Jose Rodriguez, former director of the CIA's National Clandestine Service, writes in a new book that techniques such as sleep deprivation and waterboarding are justified.
Al Jazeera's Patty Culhane reports from Washington, DC.
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Saturday, April 28, 2012
Noam Chomsky - The Political Economy of the Mass Media
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It Came From Kuchar - Official Trailer
In a mesmerizing stream-of-consciousness style, IT CAME FROM KUCHAR effortlessly interweaves nostalgic footage of 1950's New York, a "greatest hits" collection of Kuchar clips and present day interviews of an all-star lineup of fans including John Waters, Buck Henry, Atom Egoyan, Wayne Wang, Bill Griffith, Gerard Malanga, B. Ruby Rich and Guy Maddin. Both outrageous and lovable, George and Mike will inspire you to pick up a camera and start making movies. IT CAME FROM KUCHAR is a must see for lovers of film everywhere.
Legendary underground, low low budget filmmaker George Kuchar was in Boston for the Underground Film Festival. At Boston University (March 2010) he introduced himself to the startled crowd and screened new prints of his first two films from the 60's: Corruption Of The Damned (1965) which doesn't have sound and is in B&W and the oddly poetic (in color!) Hold Me While I'm Naked (1966).
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Woman facing foreclosure arrested outside bank executive's home
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Slavoj Žižek - Maybe We Just Need a Different Chicken ...
pdxjustice Media Productions
Producer: William Seaman
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The Importance of Being Sassy - How Occupiers, pranksters, and artists speak louder than money
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Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis
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The Manifesto of the Open Source Order of the Golden Dawn
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Friday, April 27, 2012
Patriots or Profiteers?
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Dalton Trumbo's Masturbatory Epistle to His Son
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Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Secretive Bilderberg Group Set To Meet In Virginia May 31st-June 3rd
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Arrests preempt drone war protest
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Google can "more or less know what you're thinking about"
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Occupy Wall Street: '#While We Watch'
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Tax resistance in Catalonia
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Prince Charles' Poundbury developer C G Fry & Son - BBC Southern Eye Freemasonry (2000)
Never seen since its one and only showing in 2000 this took some tracking down I can tell you. Please note the processes by which freemasons keep their mutual interests hidden in official government positions.
Rare BBC masonic planning committee corruption flim (2000)
Here's an extremely rare 30 minute BBC regional documentary programme about masonic corruption from 2000
Save the file if ye can and while ye may
Do we need a register of freemasons or are freemasons being unfairly singled out?
Secret Society with secret ceremonies, protect and promote fellow members.Guilds disappeared but the secret symbols.
Quarrying areas are densely masonic. On Portland there are 6 masonic lodges and 500 members. Nationally about 1 in 70 men are freemasons, in Portland it's 1 in 8.
From Working Men's to Gentlemens' clubs.All male tradition.
Commander Michael Higham, Grand Secretary, United Grand Lodge 1980-1998.
Dorset Freemasons Frank Pratt (former Chief Superintendent Dorset Police) &
Gordon Reynolds.
Cllr John Antell, West Dorset District Council. Cllr Jim Hardman, planning
committees and freemasons.
West Midlands serious crime squad. Robin Corbett MP, Chris Mullin MP, Home Affairs Secect Committee investigation.
Provincial Grand Master, Dorset Province of Freemasonry, Harry Barnes.
Includes reconstruction of masonic initiation and vows: "My hand, given to a
master mason shall be a sure pledge of brotherhood. My feet shall
travel through dangers and difficulties, to unite with his, informing a column
of mutual defence and support".
"Worshipful Master an alarm! Whom have you there? Mr John Smith, a poor
candidate in a state of darkness, who has been well and worthily reccommended, regularly proposed and approved in open lodge, and who now comes of his own free will and accord, properly prepared, humbly soliciting to be admitted into the mysteries and privileges of freemasonry."
Are you therefore prepared to take a solemn oath founded on the principles I
have stated. To keep inviolate the secrets and mysteries of the order?"
"I am, I am."
"Then you will kneel on your left knee."
"Give me your right hand."
Peter Marks, curator of Dorset District Provincial Museum.
Harry Palmer - freemason. Housing Develpoer. Cllr Derek B. F. Burt - freemason Bryan Rowe & Eddie Fry (C.G. Fry and Son Ltd.) - Bridport lodge freemasons
Sylvia Wilkes - local resident.
Protect and promote - declaration of interests.
Jerry White, local government ombudsman.
In Dorset Southern Eye identified 16 freemason councillors and 13 of them are involved in the planning committee.
Cllr. Terry Farmer, Owen Curtis both from Sherbourne Lodge and West Dorset
District Council. "All the lodge members do not go to the lodge."
BBC Southampton - Executive Producers Peter Pitt and Eve Turner, Senior Producer Jonathan Bigwood, Producer Andrew Head. BBC South.
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Refuse to Give Your Tax Money for Wars on April 15
- Billions to the corrupt Karzai Government in Afghanistan for the continuation of a war that fewer Americans support every day.
- Millions to unscrupulous companies like Blackwater, Halliburton, and Kellogg, Brown, and Root to occupy Iraq.
- Millions to funding of The School of the Americas where future militarists are taught torture and state of the art killing techniques.
- Millions to defense contractors like Lockheed Martin (who receives an average of $105 from each taxpayer) who make drones and other weapons of mass destruction.
History of war tax resistance
How to Not Pay Taxes
I started by going to my employer’s human resources department to ask if I might take a significant pay cut. “How significant?” they asked. I said, “I’m not sure yet; maybe 75 percent?”
Starve the Beast of Empire - Ax the Personal Income Tax
Conscription of our money for war (Don’t wanna pay for war no more, Part 2)
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Gatlif comes up with two films: 'Indignados' and 'Indignez-vous!'
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Black Venus - Trailer
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Ghost of Occupy Wall Street to haunt GE meeting
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‘Why do oppressed people have such great jokes?’ — The Yes Men’s Andy Bichlbaum
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Upriser Callisthenics!
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Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Le Havre (2011) - Official Trailer
Starring: André Wilms, Blondin Miguel, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Kati Outinen, Elina Salo, Evelyne Didi
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Hot Millions (1968): "I Believe It Was Hitler..."
Movie clip. Paroled con man Pendleton (co-screenwriter Peter Ustinov), posing as "Smith," his first interview with American big-shot Kemper (Karl Malden), bluffing computer expert Gnatpole (Bob Newhart) with newly-acquired technical jargon, in Hot Millions, 1968.
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Monday, April 23, 2012
Congo: White King, Red Rubber, Black Death
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Suicide riddle of weapons expert who worked with David Kelly: Scientist tells wife he is going for a walk, then takes his life in a field... just like his friend
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Secrets of Prometheus Film Leaked
No, we're not going to give away any SPOILERS here; instead we will reveal the agenda behind Prometheus, the new film by legendary director Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator) hitting theaters June 8.
The secret is that the elite believe they are attaining godhood and are destined for the stars. Their ancient and occultic views are reflected in the dark themes of Prometheus, the very name of which hints at the quest for eternity and power among a group who think a divine right bestowed by a higher intelligence gives creedence to their meddling with the affairs of common man.
For more on Ridley Scott's Prometheus, visit:
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Devil Worship - The Rise of Satanism
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Saturday, April 21, 2012
Assange RT Show Sparks Zionist Media Frenzy
Watch the World Tomorrow on RT's official video page
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The Wall Street Conspiracy - Trailer
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Federal Reserve Officials Leave For Wall Street With Privileged Info
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The Framing of Bo Xilai
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Pakistani journalist tortured, killed in Karachi
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The American who quit money to live in a cave
He has no job, no bank account and does not accept government welfare. In fact, Suelo has no money at all.
Suelo may have shunned all the trappings of modern American life, but he is not an isolationist.
Since abandoning money in 2000, the former cook from Moab, Utah has remained an active member of his community and avid blogger.
Mark Sundeen, author of The Man Who Quit Money, admits many people would regard Suelo's alternative lifestyle as bizarre. But the 2008 financial crash has led many to question the value of money. He explains some of the lessons found in Suelo's philosophy.
Produced for the BBC by David Eckenrode
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“Greece Should Involve Turkish Coup Trial”
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U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan are committing atrocities, lying, and getting away with it
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Coup Feared As Greece Veers Toward Economic Collapse
In an interview published in the French newspaper Liberación, March 3, 81-year-old Michel Rocard, Prime Minster during François Miterrand’s administration, declared, "My conclusion is that the inequitable developments will lead to a civil war. This implies important questions for Greece. How can elections be held in this environment? How can anyone govern telling the people that they must give up 25% of their salary over the next 10 years in order to pay the debt? No one talks about this, but the only way to get out of the problem in Greece is through military rule."
Three days later, the Spanish El País published an article by sociologist Ignacio Sotelo about the Greek crisis which arrived at the following conclusion, "The danger exists that democracy could be destroyed by a developing process approaching social revolution. The radicalization that this process could imply would not be tolerated by the upper classes in Greece and most likely, not by their European associates either. This obliges them to justify some form of military intervention." Several British media have expressed sentiments along these same lines, "Fears of army coup as Greece hits meltdown," according to the Daily Express.
We should not underestimate the seriousness of these statements, mistaking them as exaggerated. Despite the social horror being proposed and the enormous difficulties, the lack of continuity and leadership within the popular movement (which cannot be derailed by the elections, a hopeless quagmire), a social explosion is not inevitable. The question is not if it will happen, but when and how and what the outcome will be.
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5000+ Artists Line Up For a Pirate Bay Promotion
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Occupy All Streets Not Just Wall Street
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Thursday, April 19, 2012
Occupy movement turning to shareholder meetings
Looking to build on the Occupy Wall Street movement, activists say they're turning to corporate shareholder meetings this spring to vent their anger over economic disparity in the United States and to promote an assortment of other causes.
A group called 99% Power -- a reference to those not among the top 1 percent of earners -- says it plans actions at 36 shareholder meetings, with the first big push coming at Tuesday's Wells Fargo & Co gathering in San Francisco.
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Alan Watts - A Conversation With Myself
A 1971 television recording with Alan Watts walking in the mountains and talking about the limitations of technology and the problem of trying to keep track of an infinite universe with a single tracked mind.
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Occupy 2012 and the Doomsday Cult of Profit
One thing that became abundantly clear was that neither the Aztecs nor the Mayans were any more concerned about 2012 than the Catholic priests were concerned about the rapture. Several prominent shamans and tribal elders actually told me that they do not believe there is any pragmatic science behind the western interpretations of the 2012 prophecy.
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Russia Stunned After Japanese Plan To Evacuate 40 Million Revealed
A new report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Foreign Ministry on the planned re-opening of talks with Japan over the disputed Kuril Islands during the next fortnight states that Russian diplomats were “stunned” after being told by their Japanese counterparts that upwards of 40 million of their peoples were in “extreme danger” of life threatening radiation poisoning and could very well likely be faced with forced evacuations away from their countries eastern most located cities… including the world’s largest one, Tokyo.
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2012: The Year of the Cooperative
The United Nations has named 2012 as the International Year of Cooperatives, and indeed, co-ops seem poised to become a dominant business model around the world. Today, nearly one billion people worldwide are cooperative member-owners. That’s one in five adults over 15 — and it could soon be you.
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Shocking photos show Swedish Minister of Culture celebrating with ”n*g*er cake”
A macabre scene with racist undertones took place on Saturday when Swedish minister of culture Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth attended a tax funded party for the Stockholm cultural elite. The self-proclaimed "anti-racist" Liljeroth declared the party officially started by slicing a piece of a cake depicting a stereotypical African woman.
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OWS Insight
From Responses to “I Fought the Law:
Yesterday I wrote about a sense that Occupy was under triple attack from academia, the police and the Law. There were a good deal of mostly hostile responses on Facebook. While I don’t agree with most of them, as you’ll see, I thought it was fair to post them in the interests of transparency. They are long but all the more reason not to limit the audience.
There was a great deal of discussion about Jodi Dean’s New School keynote, its use of theory and her questioning of the organization of Occupy. The length of these comments suggest that a nerve was touched–or, to be fair, that I was wildly wrong.
Rhetorics aside, at the heart of it is a central issue: does the horizontal leader-less strategy of Occupy continue to be beneficial (we all agree it was so at first, I think) or not? I continue to think that the process is the energy of the movement. If leaders are appointed, Occupy becomes just another political party or a pressure group like And it would just disappear into the fringe. Others seem to be repelled by the process.More...
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Thousands of Honduran farmworkers occupy land
Thousands of farmworkers have occupied 30,000 acres (12,000 hectares) of land around Honduras as part of a dispute with large landowners and the government, activists and officials said Wednesday.
Activists say the seized territory is arable public land that small farmers have the legal right to grow crops under Honduran law. The large landowners who have been farming the land say they bought it legally from the government. A land dispute between small farmers and landlords in the northern Aguan Valley has led to dozens of deaths among farmworkers in recent years.
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"Television": Lacan on the unconscious
Slavoj Zizek on How to Read Lacan
... A century ago, in order to situate his discovery of the unconscious in the history of modern Europe, Freud developed the idea of three successive humiliations of man, the three “narcissistic illnesses,” as he called them. ... Today, a hundred years later, a more extreme picture is emerging: the latest scientific breakthroughs seem to add a whole series of further humiliations to the narcissistic image of man: our mind itself is merely a computing machine for data-processing, our sense of freedom and autonomy is merely the user’s illusion of this machine. Consequently, with regard to today’s brain sciences, psychoanalysis itself, far from being subversive, rather seems to belong to the traditional humanist field threatened by the latest humiliations.
[ ...]
Nonetheless, in the case of psychoanalysis, the memorial service is perhaps a little bit too hasty, commemorating a patient who still has a long life ahead. In contrast to the “evident” truths of the critics of Freud, my aim is to demonstrate that it is only today that the time of psychoanalysis has arrived. On reading Freud through Lacan, through what Lacan called his “return to Freud.” Freud’s key insights finally become visible in their true dimension. Lacan did not understand this return as a return to what Freud said, but to the core of the Freudian revolution of which Freud himself was not fully aware.
Lacan started his “return to Freud” with the linguistic reading of the entire psychoanalytic edifice, encapsulated by what is perhaps his single best known formula: “the unconscious is structured as a language.” ...
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Monday, April 16, 2012
Unlucky indeed: Tragic events that happened on Friday the 13th
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Neil Heywood death: Bo Xilai's son 'escorted from his home near Harvard university by US officials'
Mr Bo's father, a charismatic senior Chinese politician once tipped as a future premier, was purged by the ruling Communist party this week while his mother, Gu Kailai, was detained on suspicion of murder.
She is accused of plotting the killing of Neil Heywood, a 41-year-old British expatriate and former confidante, whose death in a hotel room last year was initially blamed on alcohol poisoning.
[ ... ]"If you can establish there's a well-founded fear you would be persecuted in China because you would be imputed with the subversive or corrupt political views of your father, you would be just as eligible for asylum," said Bruce Einhorn, a retired judge and professor at Pepperdine University.
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Online dating for preppers, survivalists, doomsday believers
... "Most will agree that something is brewing that may change life as we know it, whether it be a collapse of the economy, an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) or other natural or government disaster," Burke said.
The site is free for now, but Burke is planning to charge a $5 monthly membership fee so she can generate income from her project. She is considering using a slogan like, "Find love for less than the price of a box of bullets" to draw in paying members. ...
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The Occult Mockery Of Police And Military by Mark Passio
See also:
Paranormal ESPionage - The Military-Occult Complex
NEW DAWN: What prompted you to write Psychic Battlefield?
MANDELBAUM: I had served four years in military intelligence during the Cold War. I was involved in electronic espionage. You know, one of those “gentlemen” who aren’t supposed to listen to the conversations of other “gentlemen” – but do. Back then, it was the Czech military and diplomatic types who merited my attention. That experience gave me a fascination with intelligence. As far as the paranormal goes, I always felt that the intelligence services were using psychics, and was aware that the Eastern Bloc had done extensive research in this area. The use of the paranormal for military and intelligence purposes goes back to before biblical times. While there had been books published on specific time periods and specific projects which dealt with military use of the paranormal, there never had been a complete history of the subject, nor the identification of what is in reality a military-occult complex, comparable to a military-industrial complex.
HEXEN2039 - New Military-Occult Technologies for Psychological Warfare
Our programme involves the testing and analysis of existing occult based research in connection with military histories, in order to develop accurate neurological based technologies for the new British military-occult industries.
Occult Military Patches
The New York Times has an article up about Trevor Paglen's book I Could Tell You but Then You Would Have to Be Destroyed by Me: Emblems from the Pentagon's Black World, which highlights the patches worn on the uniforms of "secret military units [and] classified Pentagon programs."
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The SOLO File: Declassified Documents Detail "The FBI's Most Valued Secret Agents of the Cold War"
From the National Security Archive:
The "FBI's most valued secret agents of the Cold War," brothers Morris and Jack Childs, together codenamed SOLO, reported back to J. Edgar Hoover starting in 1958 about face-to-face meetings with top Soviet and Chinese Communist leaders including Mao and Khrushchev, while couriering Soviet funds for the American Communist Party, according to newly declassified FBI files cited in the new book by Tim Weiner, Enemies: A History of the FBI (New York: Random House, 2012).
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Sikkim by Satyajit Ray - The Unseen Film for 39 long years
Sikkim is a 1971 Indian documentary about the nation of Sikkim, directed by Satyajit Ray. The documentary was commissioned by the Chogyal (King) of Sikkim at a time when he felt the sovereignty of Sikkim was under threat from both China and India. Ray's documentary is about the sovereignty of Sikkim. The film was banned by the government of India, when Sikkim merged with India in 1975. In 2000, the copyright of the film was transferred to the Art and Cuture Trust of Sikkim. The ban was finally lifted by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) in September 2010.
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The Experiment (2010)
A great psychological thriller, produced by none other than KADDAFI'S son...(Saadi Kaddafi).
26 men are chosen to participate in the roles of guards and prisoners in a psychological study that ultimately spirals out of control.
Released on 2010
Starring: Adrien Brody, Forest Whitaker, Cam Gigandet, Clifton Collins Jr. , Maggie Grace.
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In a Year with 13 Moons - The panel discussion
Roundtable discussion about the Fassbinder film "In a Year with 13 Moons," with panelists Thomas Elsaesser, Wayne Koestenbaum, Leo Lensing, Edward Nersessian, and Brigitte Peucker.
Watch video here.
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Mass arrests of the 1% underway?
Tycoon arrests rock Hong Kong
Brothers at the helm of a company that helped build Hong Kong's skyline and the man who once was the city's number two official were arrested in an investigation of a bribery case has shocked the former British colony.
Thomas Kwok, 60, and Raymond Kwok, 58, and their families control Sun Hung Kai Properties, which built the city's three tallest skyscrapers. The billionaires were taken into custody by the city's Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Share price Sun Hung Kai, the world's second largest property developer by market capitalization, was down as much as 15% in the first four hours of trading Friday, losing nearly $6 billion in market value.
MAJOR EVENT: Liens Filed Against All 12 Federal Reserve Banks
Financiers and Sex Trafficking
Insider Drake Freedom Reigns Update April 12, 2012
Drake stated that everyone who is associated with anything that is detrimental to the public will be held accountable for their actions. One caller asked if the mass arrests will include the people who spray chemtrails in our air, those who place fluoride in our water and those who abuse animals. Drake stated, “You might want to include everything you can think of in terms of making things right.”
Drake has been revealing a new movement regarding a mass arrest of all corrupted politicians, banksters, etc... which possibly might involve the selection of Ron Paul as an interim or temporary President of the United States until formal elections can be held.
If you look at the massive number of banker resignations since September 1, 2011 (450 and counting) it makes sense that these people are quitting in the hopes of not being persecuted for their crimes against humanity. According to Drake, everyone will be held accountable whether they are employed in their current positions or not.
Still, major corporate crimes remain unpunished:
The Latest SEC/Goldman Sachs Sweetheart Deal is the Worst One Yet
No wonder the SEC didn't appear before reporters to announce this latest settlement, choosing instead to announce in an email. Cowardly - but then, would you want to show your face in public after signing a deal like this?
The Crime
What crimes did Goldman Sachs employees commit this time around? They pressured their top analysts to share confidential information in meetings called "huddles," exchanging "high conviction" rating changes the analysts planned to make but hadn't announced yet. These changes were then shared with what the SEC called "a select group of Goldman's top clients" under a program called the "Asymmetric Service Initiative," or "ASI."
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Occupy Spring 2012 Chicago: The Leech, the Vermin and the People!
[COOPERATIVE MEDIA]: Edited footage of the Occupy Spring event @ Chicago 2012. Footage of Jesse Jackson and Vermin Supreme. Promoting May 1st General Strike!
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Vultures gather for Greek state asset sell-off
Gazprom Cleared to Bid for Greek Gas Monopoly
Gazprom and Russia's mid-sized Negusneft oil firm comply with the tender requirements, along with 12 other companies from different countries, including Japan's Mitsui, Italy's Eni and Edison, the Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund (HRADF) said.
European railway companies eye Greek network sale
Russia is considering buying the entire Greek railway network and its operator Trainose, while Romania's largest private railway company, Grup Feroviar Roman (GFR), has expressed interest in the cargo business, two high-level Greek officials said.
Ireland is apparently being prepared for a similar fate: Roll up, roll up, for the greatest asset-stripping event this century
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Blogger Files Lawsuit Against Murdoch Paper
... According to court documents, a report from the Times, Patrick Foster, hacked into Horton’s email account in an attempt to unmask him.
As the New Statesman says, the Times at first denied accessing Horton’s emails, only to admit that one of its journalists had done this. Foster has since left the Times and done freelance work for the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph; he is not named in the suit against the Times. ...
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Sunday, April 15, 2012
Iceland forgives mortgage debt of its population
The government of Iceland has forgiven the mortgage debt for much of its population. This nation chose a very different way of stopping the crisis from the rest of European countries. It decided to hear the requests of the population and to put politicians and bankers on the bench of the accused three years after their financial excesses sank one of the most prosperous economies in 2008. teleSUR
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Changing Consciousness
Opening Ceremony video for the 2011 Melbourne Sci Fi and Pop Culture Convention, Continuum 7: Changing Consciousness.
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Brazil's Landless Movement: Without Firing an Arm, We Created a Revolution
By Ilda Martines de Souza and Beverly Bell, Toward Freedom
“We take the land from one hand and put it in the hands of a thousand...landowners would only use this land for cattle, and now we produce beans, milk, food, for the entire population.” – Ilda Martines de Souza, a leader of Brazil’s landless farmer movement.
Long before the Crusades, through centuries of colonization, to the oil-motivated wars of the present day, land has been the currency of religious, imperial, and national power. Farmers have been made landless by economic and political forces within their own countries, as well as those from far reaches of the globe. Spikes in food prices over recent years have triggered the latest wave of international land grabs, with investment firms snapping up agricultural land, hoping to turn a profit for their investors in the next food crisis. An estimated 50 to 80 million hectares of land have been a part of international investment deals in recent years —approximately two-thirds of them in Africa.
Land and development experts Shalmali Guttal, Maria Luisa Mendonça, and Peter Rosset write, “Fair and equitable access to land and other resources like water, forests, and biodiversity is perhaps the most fundamental prerequisite for… a decent standard of living and… ecologically sustainable management of natural resources.” Today, land access remains largely unfair and inequitable. Never has such a high percentage of the world’s population been displaced from their indigenous or ancestral lands, left without land, a secure home, or the ability to feed themselves.
As the consolidation of land as a private resource for profit-making is global, so is the movement to relate to land in an alternative way, one which meets everyone’s needs. Landless, peasant, family, and indigenous farmers worldwide have long been engaged in land reclamation and land reform movements—either seizing unfairly owned or consolidated land or winning laws mandating redistribution. (The same concepts often underlie the struggle for fair housing.) Examples range from Americans fighting foreclosures as a part of "Occupy Our Homes" to Indians lying down in rows to block corporate tractors encroaching on their villages, Haitians still living in tents since the earthquake two years ago marching for their right to housing, and indigenous Hondurans reclaiming their territories in the face of violent repression.
Newer movements have much to learn from groups that have been mobilizing for decades, such as the Movement of Landless Rural Workers (MST by its Portuguese acronym) in Brazil, a country with one of the highest levels of land and income inequality in the world. The MST’s response to poverty, hunger, and landlessness is to put fallow land back into production in the hands of small farmers. It does this by organizing landless, unemployed, and slum-dwelling people to gain legal title to the nation’s vast unused land. Roughly one and a half to two million MST members have created about 2,000 cooperatively-run, democratic communities on tens of thousands of reclaimed acres. On them, they have established their own models of self-government, restorative justice, self-produced media, ecologically sound agriculture, collective production, law, social relations, cultural expression, and education.
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image from