Friday, July 13, 2012

Case Study: Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army

“The clowns are organizing. They are organizing. Over and out.”

~ Overheard on UK police radio during action by Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, July 2004

Hoping against hope, clowns ask for their toys back from Nice Mr. Policeman.

Key Principle at work

Use absurdity to undermine the aura of authority

Ridicule and absurdity are powerful tools against authority. To be effective, authority has to be perceived as such, otherwise people would never obey its commands. On the other hand, who ever takes a clown seriously? Rebel clowning used this slippery dichotomy to great effect, turning the tables on authority in the street by posing in mock-serious fashion next to lines of cops, as well as at the highest levels of power, by pointing out the clownish behavior of George W. Bush and other authority figures.

Get arrested in an intelligent way

Watching police handcuff and bundle clowns into police vans is always entertaining for passersby, begging the question: What did the clowns do wrong? What is this all about? An arrested clown also makes for very mediagenic images. By staying in character during the whole process of an arrest, including giving their clown army names (e.g., Private Joke) and addressees (e.g., the big top in the sky) as their real identity, r
ebel clowns caused much mirth and havoc in the police stations.


Rebel clowning helped reframe the media images of protests during the big summit mobilizations of the mid 1990s. A colorful band of disobedient clowns could easily capture the limelight and shift the narrative away from “violent clashes” and smashed windows.


I, pet goat II

I, pet goat II from Heliofant on Vimeo.

A story about the fire at the heart of suffering.
Bringing together dancers, musicians, visual artists and 3d animators, the film takes a critical look at the events of the past decade that have shaped our world.
Main softwares used: Maya, Vray, FumeFX, RealFlow
Our site:

Original soundtrack "the Stream", written and performed by Tanuki Project.

Some of the stellar artists that worked on the short:,,,,

Animation is about half keyframe animation and half motion capture.
Motion capture recording by Lartech.

Russia, NATO Warships Converge on Eastern Mediterranean

Vladimir Putin Sends 11 warships to Syria Coast while Israel sends 5 warships to the area, and NATO also sends warships.

See also:

Two more US carriers, dozens of mini-subs rushed to Hormuz

NATO, Russian naval-air buildup in E. Mediterranean, French units to Gulf

War in August? US sends fourth aircraft carrier and dozens of underwater drones towards Iran

Iran should prepare for war and for “the End of Times”

Rap News 14: Higgs Boson (with Prof. Scott Ridley)

Juice Rap News: Episode 14 - "The Waiting for Godot Particle". This civilisation's Promethean quest for ultimate meaning has taken a giant leap towards its epic conclusion. In the latest prequel to humanity's journey to inner-space, scientists at the CERN laboratory announce that they have unlocked one of the key strands in the origin of Life, The Universe and Everything: 42 years on from its coining, the Higgs Boson particle has possibly been detected at the Large Hadron Collider. What does it all mean? How does it feel to meet our Masster? What is our destiny? Could this be the font of all wisdom? Does it anti-matter that Scientists make use of 'ComicSans' - the font of all evil? Is anyone conCERNed about the MASS amount of Higgslarious Pun-upmanship Colliding in the twittersphere? Join Robert Foster as he takes a journalistic journey into this particular world, and manages to corner a colourful character, CERN Professor Scott Ridley, who is several bottles into getting his Bos-on at the massive "Hadron Collider Higgs Boson PARTYcle" celebration.

A message to the awakened ones...

Anonymous deliver threat to Greece's Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn Expect Us (New Message by Anonymous Greece)

"Greetings citizens of the world

We are Anonymous

During the last elections on the 17th of June 2012 in Greece, one of the most criminal organizations in the Greek community has entered the parliament: The neoNazi organization called Golden Dawn (Chrisi Avgi).

Amidst the crisis and the despair experienced by most Greeks from the Referendums and austerity measures imposed by corrupt politicians they decided to believe the lies and demagogy of a dangerous organization that denies Auschwitz, uses Nazi symbols and military greetings but even worse, exploits the political legitimacy it has earned in recent elections and engages in criminal activity.

All around the country, Golden Dawn members blackmail immigrants, harass and attack all those who are unable to defend themselves and lead them to despair and fear.

They are common criminals who exploit the disappointment of the Greek citizens whom they persuade that immigrants to the country are responsible for the financial situation in Greece and not their corrupt politicians.

Every day in Greece, there are victims of the Golden Dawn organization in hospitals and on the streets, beaten and stabbed by the hatred of Hitler followers. Every day, people who have a different color or sexual preferences are terrified by threats against their lives and property. All this, under the tolerance of Greek Police.

This must be stopped.

Fear must end.

There is no place for fascism in a free country

The ghosts of 3rd Reich have no place in any country.

Everyone has the right to diversity, life and freedom.

We are watching them

We know them

Wherever there is injustice we will be there

They should ALWAYS expect us

We are Anonymous

We are a legion"

A-bomb doctor warns of further Fukushima woes

It remains unknown if the health problems are linked to the release of massive amounts of radioactive materials from Tepco's damaged plant. But Hida is concerned.

"I am worried because I received such calls much earlier than I expected," he says.

The amount of research into and public knowledge about internal exposure to radiation is still limited because the United States "concealed" information about the problem for a long time after it dropped the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, Hida says.

A native of Hiroshima, he was serving as an army doctor there when he was exposed to radiation from the atomic bomb. He has since treated more than 6,000 survivors and worked as a director of the counseling center at the Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations.


Facebook Monitors Your Chats for Criminal Activity

Facebook and other social platforms are watching users’ chats for criminal activity and notifying police if any suspicious behavior is detected, according to a report.

10 Ways to Stop Being a Slave and Bring Down the Pyramids of Control

1. Media and Intelligence - Information is knowledge and knowledge is power — this is where it all starts. Turn off the TV, stop passively receiving information that turns you into an idiot at the teat of the “idiot box.” Get creative: start a blog, a neighborhood newsletter, radio show, public access TV or YouTube channel, write encouraging letters to companies you appreciate and nasty ones to those you boycott; DO something; anything to increase awareness. Homeschooling is another great way to help short circuit the negative influences of systematic programming. Even if you don’t agree with homeschooling, or are not able, there are concepts that you can help introduce into your public school to enhance education. Intelligence – there aretechnologies to thwart constant surveillance, as well as low-tech solutions to high-tech tyranny. The Internet is being used to surveil the public, but it also provides an opportunity for the public to surveil and report the real criminals. Use the system against itself.


Hobson-Jobson: The words English owes to India

Mukti Jain Campion reports for the BBC:

Another author who has drawn inspiration from the dictionary is Tom Stoppard. In his play Indian Ink, two characters compete to use as many Hobson-Jobson words as possible:

Flora: "While having tiffin on the veranda of my bungalow I spilled kedgeree on my dungarees and had to go to the gymkhana in my pyjamas looking like a coolie."

Nirad: "I was buying chutney in the bazaar when a thug who had escaped from the chokey ran amok and killed a box-wallah for his loot, creating a hullabaloo and landing himself in the mulligatawny."


International activists to sue Israel

Ramallah: International activists in Palestine will seek to sue Israel in international courts, arguing that the Israeli military is increasingly targeting them at the peaceful demonstrations organized throughout the West Bank to object to the Israeli segregation barrier and the spreading colonies.

“Such an action should have taken place a long time ago as international protestors who have been identified are badly humiliated, beaten, detained and interrogated, and are also now being deported from the Palestinian Territories,” said Jamal Juma’a, who heads the Palestinian Public Anti Wall and Anti Colonies Campaign in the Palestinian Territories.

“The supporters will lodge personal complaints and international human rights organisations will be pressured to play a more active role by supporting them legally.”

Juma’a said that the other side of the international supporters’ campaign will target the countries they come from to encourage them to provide activists with better protection and support.


SWAT Raid on Organizers of Occupy Seattle

Early morning, July 10, SWAT police forced their way into the Seattle apartment of organizers from the Occupy movement. The sleeping residents scrambled to put on clothes as they were confronted with automatic weapons.

Nathan King - Electric Funeral

Fierce clashes in Madrid: Spanish police fire rubber bullets at miners protest

Riot police fired rubber bullets Wednesday at Spanish coal miners protesting in the streets of Madrid over subsidy cuts they fear will jeopardize their meager livelihood. READ MORE

This Is What Democracy Looks Like


image from

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