Thursday, November 24, 2011

Occupy Minneapolis Forms Human Chain to Defend Foreclosed Home, Police Retreat

November 19th, 2011: Occupy Minneapolis encountered a bit more resistance from the authorities on day one of #Operation Occupy Southside than expected. Following two arrests and an incident in which a police officer tried to run down an occupier with a squad car, Occupy Minneapolis formed a human chain around Sa'ra Kaiser's foreclosed home, preventing the officers from boarding it up, and ultimately forcing the police - who had no legitimate legal pretense for preventing occupiers from being their in the first place - to give up and leave.

Bloomberg Forever - short film - Occupy The Movie

See more films at This film is dedicated to the New York occupiers.

AMAZING video of a journalist not taking crap from NYPD

How to successfully Resist Police Intimidation and Defend Your Rights
OccupyTVNY on Nov 22, 2011

An intrepid journalist defends his first amendment rights against a series of attempts to intimidate him by NYPD officers.

ANONYMOUS message to NATO and OBAMA!!


Thrive is a newly released, visual[ly] stunning transformational movie about the state of affairs on our planet and some suggestions for solutions and new ways of thinking about the way that we live our lives.
The movie is written and produced by Foster and his wife, Kimberly, Gamble. Foster is the great-great-grandson of James Gamble, co-founder of Proctor and Gamble. He, alongside his wife, follows his lifelong calling toward a unified understanding of universal energy through the study of spirit, consciousness, the geometry of space and how we can work with it to create boundless abundance. Thrive is their offering to the world, a wake up call to all who sleep, and a message of hope to those who aren't.

Tahrir: November 19 - 22

12 yr Girl Discovers ALL U.S. Presidents Except One Related to One British King

The Impossible Alternative - Daniel Pinchbeck

Personally, I agree with the visionary thinker José Argüelles, who proposes that time is not money: time is art. The next phase of human development should be one of conscious evolution and co-creative collaboration, when we recognize that society is, in itself, an art project. We have the power to use our intelligence and imagination to reinvent society's operating system so that it fulfills humanity's highest hopes and age-old aspirations. If we can develop and construct a new economic foundation that strikes a balance between the gift exchanges of the archaic past and our modern system of swift global transactions, we might manifest a magnificent art project, an ever-evolving social sculpture, together. Such an expression of our collective human genius will benefit our kin and our descendants, and support the greater web of life. Facing a crisis unleashed by human greed and ignorance, we have an extraordinary opportunity to bring about a new-or renewed-society that is far more comfortable, harmonic, relaxed, peaceful, and humane.

Incredible UFOs Burn Over Russia? 2011

(Unverified) Two comet like UFOs blazed a trail over the skies of Adygeysk, Russia, November 2011. Objects obviously under intelligent control, only question is, what are they?

World's oceans in peril

"From a climate change/fisheries/pollution/habitat destruction point of view, our nightmare is here, it's the world we live in."

This bleak statement about the current status of the world's oceans comes from Dr Wallace J Nichols, a Research Associate at the California Academy of Sciences. Al Jazeera asked Dr Nichols, along with several other ocean experts, how they see the effects climate change, pollution and seafood harvesting are having on the oceans.

Their prognosis is not good.

Dr Nancy Knowlton is a marine biologist at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History in Washington DC. Her research has focused on the impact of climate change on coral reefs around the world, specifically how increasing warming and acidification from carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions have affected oceans.

While she is unable to say if oceans have crossed a tipping point, Dr Knowlton offered this discouraging assessment, "We know it's bad and we know it's getting worse, and if we care about having coral reefs, there's no question we have to do something about CO2 emissions or we won't have coral reefs, as we do now, sometime between 2050-2100."

Since at least one quarter of all species of life in the oceans are associated with coral reefs, losing them could prove catastrophic.

"Coral reefs are like giant apartment complexes for all these species, and there is intimacy," Dr Knowlton explained. "If that starts breaking down, these organisms, which include millions of species around the world, lose their homes. Even if they aren't eating coral, they depend on it."

CO2 is the main greenhouse gas resulting from human activities in terms of its warming potential and longevity in the atmosphere, and scientists continually monitor its concentration.

In March 1958, when high-precision monitoring began, atmospheric CO2 was 315.71 parts per million (ppm). Today, atmospheric CO2 is approaching 390 ppm.

350 ppm is the level many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments say is the safe upper limit for CO2 in the atmosphere.

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By 2009, the Pacific oyster industry was reporting 80 per cent mortality for oyster larvae due to the corrosive nature of the water.

"Acidification has the potential to change food security around the world, so I think it's incumbent upon the entire world to recognise this and deal with it," Cooley told Al Jazeera.


A Spiritual Revolution. By SKULL BABYLON /
3V0LV3 London is a collective educational community of people who are focused on personal evolution and learning more.

Occupy Wall Street and the Poetry of Now-Time

The reason the protests in Zuccotti Park are so powerful is that they are more about love than anger.

If you really want to understand Occupy Wall Street, you have to talk to the poets.

[ ... ]

In his 1985 cult anarchist treatise
T.A.Z., Hakim Bey, aka the poet Peter Lamborn Wilson, described what he dubbed the temporary autonomous zone: “a guerrila operation which liberates an area (of land, of time, of imagination).” Which is as good a description of Occupy Wall Street as any.

Such zones have flourished, however briefly, around the world, often in secret, Mr. Bey wrote, but in in contemporary America he thought such a space would most likely emerge after three conditions were met. First, people needed to understand not only how the State (Wall Street, the One Percent, whatever) had enslaved them but also “the ways in which we are ensnared in a fantasy in which ideas oppress us.” When the Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Žižek showed up in the park a few weeks back, he compared this process of awakening to the John Carpenter movie They Live, in which the protagonist, Nada, finds a pair of special sunglasses which reveal that the advertising billboards all around him carry hidden messages: submit, stay asleep, conform, consume. The dollar bill? This is your god. (And spoiler alert: the rich are all aliens.)

The second condition was that the internet would need to evolve into a useful tool of dissent and organization.

And third, Mr. Bey wrote, “The State must progress on its present course in which hysterical rigidity comes more and more to mask a vacuity, an abyss of power.”

Check, check, check.

See also:


Political Satire Saves Crowd from Obama Boredom

Democratic president candidate Vermin Supreme - the most honest politcian you'll ever meet

As previously mentioned, political satire seemed to be the theme of the gathering, as evidenced by the numerous signs and jovial nature of the crowd. But the award for Best Political Satire at an Obama Appearance at a Manchester High School HAS to go to Democratic presidential candidate Vermin Supreme. Never wasting an opportunity to explain his platform to his potential constituents, Vermin Supreme campaigned among the crowd, complete with boot-hat and crotch-fist, playing his role of ‘Honest Politician’. He summed up his three main issues thusly: 1. Mandatory Toothbrush Law: “Strong Teeth for a Strong America” 2. Zombie Preparedness, and 3. Time Travel. Being the only candidate to support Federal research into time travel, he pledged to go back in time and strangle the baby Hitler with his bare hands. He further entertained the crowd by attempting to talk to two Secret Service agents on the roof of the high school, using his bullhorn to counseling them against jumping and ending their promising lives/careers. It appeared the SS agents Linkheard his entreaty, and appreciated the levity.


William Cooper predicted 9/11, it cost him his life

John Zerzan on Hunter-Gatherer Arranged Marriages

Small Male Chimps Use Politics, Rather Than Aggression, To Lead The Pack Evolutionary History of Hunter-Gatherer Marriage Practices

Hong Kong Teenagers Sell Sex For Designer Clothes

How far would you go to be able to afford designer clothes? A survey found that one in three teenagers in Hong Kong would consider selling sex for quick money to buy designer clothes.

Betrayal of Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul

Betrayal of Technology: A Portrait of Jacques Ellul from Jesus Radicals on Vimeo.

This hour long interview with French theologian/sociologist Jacques Ellul was produced by "Rerun Productions" ( in Amsterdam. While the interview is available elsewhere on the internet, this is a far higher quality version.

In the interview Ellul discusses how the technological society differs from previous societies, how it leads to a breakdown in ethics and worldviews and the hope we may have in changing.

For writings of Ellul see:

About Pepper Spray

One hundred years ago, an American pharmacist named Wilbur Scoville developed a scale to measure the intensity of a pepper’s burn. The scale – as you can see on the widely used chart to the left – puts sweet bell peppers at the zero mark and the blistering habanero at up to 350,000 Scoville Units.

I checked the Scoville Scale for something else yesterday. I was looking for a way to measure the intensity of pepper spray, the kind that police have been using on Occupy protestors including this week’s shocking incident involving peacefully protesting students at the University of California-Davis.

As the chart makes clear, commercial grade pepper spray leaves even the most painful of natural peppers (the Himalayan ghost pepper) far behind. It’s listed at between 2 million and 5.3 million Scoville units. The lower number refers to the kind of pepper spray that you and I might be able to purchase for self-protective uses. And the higher number? It’s the kind of spray that police use, the super-high dose given in the orange-colored spray used at UC-Davis.


The 21st-century army A new but risky sort of war

One aim of the new training system is to enable American soldiers of the 21st century to handle the “three-block war”. The phrase describes an operation in which they would simultaneously be distributing food and medicine to frantic civilians in one part of a city, quelling rioters and maintaining order in another, and fighting guerrillas in a third.

See also:

Egypt: American Tear Gas, Policy Loom Over Tahrir Square

Joint IDF - Marines urban warfare training at the Zeelim MOUT facilities

Ft. Knox Mangudai urban combat training

Military to prepare personnel for urban warfare

China now rehearses capture of Tibet passes

Italian militant to continue war in the streets


image from

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