Saturday, October 29, 2011

Only Wall Street protests break media blockade

Cherokee activist Albert Bender writes for The Tennessean:
The largest civil disobedience protest at the White House in decades was mobilized by Native Americans and hundreds were arrested, including prominent Native actress Tantoo Cardinal and distinguished actresses Darryl Hannah and Margot Kidder.

The protest was a two-week sit-in, Aug. 20-Sept. 3, at the White House gates to stop presidential approval of a proposed oil pipeline across the western U.S. It was described by consumer advocate Ralph Nader as “the most extraordinary citizen-organizing event in recent White House history.”

But where was the mainstream media coverage of this momentous protest? This was the most consequential continuing Native American demonstration since the Wounded Knee occupation and others of the 1970s. This should have been front-page news across the country. The Associated Press was conspicuously silent and even The Washington Post was mute.

This amply illustrates that the corporate media are the inveterate enemy of U.S. democracy. A functioning democracy requires the free flow of information and a free press is an indispensable part of the democratic process. This protest was hidden from the general public by a corporate media blackout, plainly out of fear that it would inspire other citizen actions. But for the Native American media, the blackout would have been successful.

Native Americans and their allies were descended upon day after day by D.C. SWAT teams, allegedly for carrying signs that read “Obama honor the Treaties” and “Stop the Keystone XL pipeline” too close to the White House gates. Protesters were taken away in handcuffs, and the first 100 arrested were kept in jail on cement floors for 52 hours, possibly to discourage others who planned to follow this first wave. ...

Occupy Melbourne calls for Treaty with Indigenous Australia

Occupy Melbourne released the statement below on October 27.
Occupy Melbourne’s 8th general assembly passed a proposal, put forward by the Indigenous Working Group, to support the creation of a treaty between the First Nations of Australia and the Australian Commonwealth Government.
The call for recognition of Aboriginal Sovereignty gained public prominence in Australia with the establishment of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy in Canberra in 1972.
At the 1988 Barunga culture and sporting festival Prime Minister Bob Hawke declared his intention to negotiate a treaty with the Aboriginal First Nations by 1990. Yet, such a treaty was never established.
In December this year the Australian Government will consider options for formally recognising Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the constitution.
Robbie Thorpe, member of Occupy Melbourne’s Indigenous Working Group, argues that Constitutional recognition isn’t enough to protect the sovereign rights of Aboriginal and Torres Islander peoples.
Thorpe asserts: “Without a treaty Australia doesn’t have a foundation for its law. The Treaty should underpin the Constitution, rather than having the Aboriginal People slotted into the Constitution 100 years later.”

Uncle Ben Taylor

Uncle Ben Taylor is an Aboriginal elder, who is being denied the right to address the commonwealth.
He will be giving a welcome to country and addressing the crowd at the chogm protest on the abuses against Aboriginal people.


Angry aboriginal protestor promising a legal challenge to CHOGM laws stoping her from practising her indigenous sovereign rights to go anywhere in Australia.

ParĂ¡: Statement From Partners On #OccupyBeloMonteDam - Update - Hundreds Protest At Belo Monte Dam Site

Yesterday the Belo Monte Dam construction site was occupied by 400 indigenous people, fishermen and riverine community members who oppose the project due to its severe environmental impacts and human rights violations. The occupation was a collective decision made by 700 representatives from local communities who attended a seminar against the Belo Monte Dam held this week in Altamira, and it proved an important step forward in the continuing struggle to halt the project.

American Indians Plan to Occupy Glen Cove Sacred Site to Prevent Park Construction

By six o’clock Thursday evening, two dozen American Indians, from various tribes, had already gathered at the Glen Cove sacred site to monitor and to show solidarity to prevent the Greater Vallejo Recreation District (GVRD) from starting construction for a proposed park.
A Full Occupation is to Begin this Morning at 8 am pdt.

Lakota Media Project Photos: A Day with Daryl Hannah and Tom Weis

Huichol protest against mining project in Sacred Area - Mexico City

Huichol native American people protested in front of President Felipe Calderon's residence, demanding respect for their sacred and protected areas from a planned mining project in the state of San Luis de Potosi. Mexico. 27th October 2011

'Occupy' protests give birth to new catchphrase

The nearly 6-week-old social protest in Manhattan has inspired campaigns, headlines and spoofs that often have nothing to do with income inequality or challenging corporate overlords: Occupy the NBA and Occupy the Bathroom are just a couple.

VIDEO: Who shot Scott Olsen at Occupy Oakland?

Protests at Commonwealth summit as leaders set to debate plans for new stronger line on civil rights abuses

Protesters laid siege to the Commonwealth summit in Perth, Australia, this morning as leaders met to debate how human rights can be secured across all 54 member states.
Police locked down the city centre as 1,500 protesters gathered for a demonstration and march through the city streets to coincide with the opening of the summit.
The lead-up to the event has been dominated by pressure on Commonwealth leaders to take a tougher line on human and political rights abuses.

60s Scoop Era Canada: Thousands of Native Kids Stolen & Sold in Adoption $$$ by Church & State!

Yet another Stolen Generation by the Church. This time, in Canada.
Religious leaders and the government of Canada have so-called "apologized" to First Nations peoples for the abusive experiences they endured in the residential school system. Yes, they have said "sorry" for abusing 150,000 children, somehow they want the world to think this was a "mistake", or "regrettable"....but sure enough, the abuse did not end there...

Residential schools was not the only organized crime scheme put in place by the Church - and facilitated by the State - in an attempt to assimilate Aboriginal children into mainstream Anglo-Canadian society through separation from their families. A sudden acceleration in child "welfare workers" removing Native children from their Aboriginal communities coincided with the dismantling of the church run education system. (You can clearly see how Church and State work together to implement and cover up these crimes)

As the next painful chapter in the history of the colonization of Canada's Aboriginal peoples, the Sixties Scoop quickly evolved into the aggressive tool for assimilation and cultural genocide.

Thousands of Native Children were sold into adoption since the Church just how much money each child would generate in terms of profit.

Here you can see the courageous men and women speaking out against these organized crime scheme, as they want justice. To-date the corrupt and evil churches involved have not been encarcerated for ruining the lives of thousands of children just so that they can generate dishonest gains and continue fooling the masses with their false "holy appearance".

Enough is enough! The Protect Your Children Foundation exposes the evil organized crime schemes implemented by the Vatican and other religions on a worldwide scale. We are out to alert households of these evil men and women who use God's name to gain trust and commit crimes.

Visit us at: or

New Rules for Dictatorship Crimes in South America
A generation after dictatorships gave way to democracy in South America, Brazil and Uruguay are catching up to their neighbors in digging into long-buried crimes against humanity.
A "truth and reconciliation" commission to investigate four decades of human rights abuses passed Brazil's Congress unanimously this week. On Thursday, Uruguay's Congress revoked a military amnesty and classified dictatorship-era kidnappings, torture and killings as crimes against humanity.

Occupy London could be protected by Christian ring of prayer
Coalition of Christian groups plan to prevent forcible attempts to remove tents outside St Paul's Cathedral

It is Past Time to Stop Using the Rest of the World as Our Penal Colonies
Our Honored & Decorated Hard-Core Criminals in ‘Their’ Backyard

War and Serfdom: Is This The World We Really Want to Live In?
I'm raising three sons in a world that I don't want them to live in. A world of hate, deception, war, injustice, and serfdom. A world that seems out of our control to change. If given a choice, who would want to live in that world?

COG - Are You Interested (Official Video)

COG's video for the single "Are You Interested" from the Album "Sharing Space" (2008)
Produced By Silo:6 For COG 2008

Marine Says Oakland Used Crowd Control Methods That Are Prohibited In War Zones
As the events that led to Oakland protester Scott Olsen's head injury continue to unfold and investigations begin, we thought it important to offer some perspective.

A Memorandum in Solidarity with Indigenous Peoples
I went to the General Assembly at Occupy Oakland tonight where a group of us proposed the following memorandum, which passed with 97% support! I'm writing another post about Occupy Oakland, but wanted to post this tonight. The full text...

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