Monday, October 31, 2011

Riot Dog is 'a symbol of freedom'

It's official.

From The Fire Hydrant - Drawn to mayhem: It’s Sausage the riot dog:

A stray dog in Athens is becoming a celebrity due to his tendency to show up at riots — braving tear gas and fire bombs to join in the mayhem.

Sausage — though even his name is in dispute — is a ginger-colored mutt, who, like other strays in the city, is registered but owned by no one and allowed to roam the streets at will.

(Unlike places such as Fayetteville, North Carolina.)

Whenever there’s a demonstration, Sausage shows up — always siding with the protesters, observers say.


“The municipality takes especial care of him because he’s so lovable.,” Antonopoulos said of Sausage. ”And he’s also a symbol — a symbol of freedom.” ...

Tear gas Woof! Sausage the dog just loves a riot

Stuff co nz

Loukanikos even has fans in Turkey, proving he speaks a language all humans comprehend:

Riot Dog- Greece / support From Turkey

Meet Sausage, the riot dog in Greece , always in the thick of street protests latest oct 2011

Loukanikos, 28 Oct. 2011

Not entirely unrelated, Britain's most arrested musician plays at #OccupyLSX

No One's Slave, No One's Master - Occupy London - Theo Simon (Seize the Day)

Seize the Day perform Theo Simon's 'No One's Slave, No One's Master' at the Occupy London protest outside St. Paul's Cathedral. Banger.

On Modern Servitude

A powerful thought provoking film by Jean Franois Brient. Colombia, May 2009.
"The central objective of this film is to reveal man's condition as a modern slave within the context of the totalitarian mercantile system and to show the forms of mystification which mask his servile condition. Its aim is to attack head on the dominant world organization."

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