Saturday, October 29, 2011

Marine Scott Olsen Will Undergo Brain Surgery, And OccupyMARINES Are Making Demands

From Business Insider:

...In response to the police tactics, OccupyMARINES have issued a formal list of requests in Oakland. Whether these requests are pursued or met should be an indicator of how strong or extensive this branch of the movement has become.

Original demands below:

OccupyMARINES Have Watched Closely The Response From The OPD, The Mayor, The Governor, And All Others Involved In The Oakland Attack On Peaceful Demonstrators; We Have Observed These Pathetic Cowards Refuse Responsibility For Their Actions That May Very Well Alter The Course Of Our Brother’s Life. Additionally, Many Other Police Departments Nationwide Deploy Similar Riot Tactics Against Demonstrators Honoring The OWS 8, A Peaceful Declaration Of Assembly; We Will Organize Peacefully Against These Departments.

In Response To The Oakland Shooting Of Scott Olsen OccupyMARINES Request The Following:

The GOP Cowards Responsible For Influencing This Event Be Brought To Justice. Track Names And Photos Of Each And Email Them To Us
Identify The 300 OPD Riot Officers By Name, Photo, And Badge Number With Boots On The Ground Engaging In Illegal Excessive Force Acts Against Peaceful Americans For Prosecution.
Identify The Officer Responsible For Harming Scott Olsen By Name And Photo For Prosecution.
The Honorable Resignation Of Oakland Mayor Jean Quan And Acting Police Chief Howard Jordan.
A Public Apology From California Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. For The Unlawful Injury Of Our Brother Scott Olsen.

We Fully Intend To Make An Example, Legally And Peacefully, Of The Corwards Associated With Harming An American Veteran. We Will Not Stop Until Our Aforementioned Demands Are Met In Their Entirety.

God Be With Scott Olsen, We Pray A Speedy Recovery For Him And His Mother.

Semper Fidelis Scott Olsen

Keep Pushing Forward America We Support You.

Occupy Vancouver will remain despite police crackdown in U.S.

It was an unusual juxtaposition: Occupy Vancouver campers – now firmly entrenched in their ever-growing tent village – versus a condominium-dwelling corporate lawyer who lives a block away from their art gallery encampment.

Meet the 0.01 Percent: War Profiteers

War industry CEOs make tens of millions of dollars a year, putting them in the top 0.01 percent of income earners in the U.S.
Northrop Grumman CEO Wes Bush made $22.84 million last year.
Lockheed Martin CEO Robert Stevens made $21.89 million.
Boeing CEO James McNerney: $19.4 million.
These guys use their corporations' massive lobbying dollars to keep their job-killing gravy train rolling. Last year, their companies spent a whopping $46 million on lobbying, corrupting our politics and ensuring that their bank accounts continue to fatten at our expense. These executives are some of the main reasons why we're wasting so much on war instead of rebuilding our own nation here at home.
Help us fight their propaganda campaign to protect their profits. Use our list to share this video with your local Occupy group and encourage them to show it at their events:
CORRECTION: Lockheed Martin's CEO is Robert Stevens. The video refers to him as "Martin Stevens" which is incorrect.

How Occupy Wall Street Cost Me My Job

Joining the Occupy Wall Street protests has its dangers. You could get pepper-sprayed or end up in handcuffs. Or, as Brooklyn-based journalist Caitlin Curran explains, your boss could see a photo of you holding up a sign at a protest and fire you the next day.

Businessweek's Bennett on Anarchist Graeber, Protests (Video)

Bloomberg Businessweek's Drake Bennett talks about his profile of anthropologist and anarchist David Graeber, one of the founding figures of the Occupy Wall Street protest. Bennett speaks on Bloomberg Television's "InBusiness with Margaret Brennan."

Quote and Comment

Reuters vs. Reuters: News agency makes an ass of itself by trying to connect George Soros to Occupy Wall Street.
But some Reuters people realize it, and call their company out! “There was no story, and nothing to report.”
Reuters then backs down, changing the story line on its report. Or does it?

: Vermin Supreme files for New Hampshire's presidential primary at the State House in Concord on Friday afternoon, October 28, 2012. Supreme filed after Texas Gov. Rick Perry on Friday.

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