Saturday, March 28, 2009

Thirteen kinds of women should be avoided [as lovers]

From Notes on the Kama Sutra :

Thirteen kinds of women should be avoided [as lovers]: Lepers, madwomen, women thrown out of their caste, those who are incapable of keeping a secret, unchaste women, those who are too old, those whose skin is too white or too black, and those who smell bad, as well as kinswomen, those with whom one has friendship, those who have taken monastic vows, as well as the women of one's family, the wives of one's friends, of Brahmans, and of persons belonging to the royal family. According to the Babhravyas, when it is certain that a woman has had relations with five men, there are no longer any prohibitions. (p. 82)

Later we are told:

A girl who sleeps too much, weeps a lot, or goes out walking alone should be rejected [as a wife]. If she has a bad reputation, is secretive, breaks her word, is bald, has marks on her skin like a cow, has breasts that are too big, or yellowish hair; if she is round-shouldered, very thin, hairy, disobedient, immoral, has uterine hemorrhages, is agitated; if she has childhood friends or a very young brother, and if her hands are always damp, she should be rejected. (p.220)

[ Also fun: Kama Sutra Positions For Internet Writers ]

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