Recommended daily allowance of insanity, under-reported news and uncensored opinion dismantling the propaganda matrix.
Monday, July 2, 2012
Ed Herman on "Humanitarian Imperialism"
Edward Herman Pt2: The development of humanitarian intervention as a concept is essentially an overthrow of international law
Pt 1 of this series: Ed Herman, Co-Author of "Manufacturing Consent"
Alan Watts - Money
The following is from another speech given by Alan Watts entitled "From Time & Eternity".
*"Do you remember the Great Depression? One day everything was going all right. Everybody was pretty wealthy and had plenty to eat. The next day everybody was in poverty. What had happened? Had the fields disappeared; had the dairy vanished into thin air; had the fish of the sea ceased to exist; had human beings lost their energy; their skills and their brains?
No, but on the morning after the Depression a man came to work building a house and the foreman said to him "Sorry chum you can't work today, there ain't no inches." He said "What do you mean there ain't no inches?" "Yeah" he said, "Yeah, we got lumber, we got metal, we even got tape measures." The foreman said "The trouble with you is you don't understand business. There are no inches. We have been using too many of them and there's not enough to go around."
Because what happened in the Great Depression was a slump in money. Human beings are so unbelievably stupid, that they confused money with wealth. They don't realize that money is a measure of wealth, in exactly the same way that meters are a measure of length. They think it is something that is valuable in and of itself. And as a result of that get into unbelievable trouble, in exactly the same way time is nothing but an abstract measure of motion.
And we keep counting time. We have the sensation time is running out, and we bug ourselves with this as we sit and watch the clock. Supposing you are working, are you watching the clock? If you are, what are you waiting for? Time off? Five o'clock, we can go home and have fun? Yeah, fun. What are you going to do when you get home? Have fun? Or are you going to watch TV, which is an electronic reproduction of life which doesn't even smell of anything and eat a TV dinner which is a kind of a warmed over airline nastiness until you just get tired and have to go to sleep. You know, the great society.
This is our problem you see. We are not alive, we are not awake. We are not living in the present."
*This speech was slightly edited for clarification.
Full Speech:
Cindy Sheehan, "Revolution, A Love Story" tour, Eugene Oregon
Cindy Sheehan speaks in Eugene Oregon about her new book "Revolution, A Love Story". A crowd of 30 turned out despite the rain to hear her speak. The Squadron13 bus was utilized at the last minute to serve as venue for Cindy's talk and the potluck that preceded it, instead of the previously planned outdoor "stage" at Maurie Jacobs Park.
Melbourne counter-demonstration: Muslims and Pastafarians Vs. Atheists
During lunch break on Sunday April 15th at the Global Atheist Convention in Melbourne, a group of 20 or so courageous Muslim extremists gathered in front of the convention center filled with 4000 Atheist unbelievers. They were quickly joined by two Pastafarians and shoulder to shoulder they demonstrated against those ignorant Atheists who do not understand Creation nor fear God. Islam and Flying Spaghetti Monsterism have the same core beliefs in common; we believe (and truly know) that the universe and all living beings were created by a deity and a Prophet spoke in His name. We just have different opinions about the name of that god and Prophet and also treat our wenches slightly differently. Apart from that, Islam and Pastafarianism: Same struggle!
You know "Rasta" the song by Bob Marley? Well this is the pastafari version "Pasta"...
Song written by Tobias Geiger
Christian school in Louisiana: Loch Ness Monster exists, disproving theory of evolution
A taxpayer-funded Christian school has become embroiled in a controversy for using a textbook that claims the Loch Ness Monster is real, to prove that evolution does not exist.
From the next school year Eternity Christian Academy, a private school, will be eligible to accept students with state-sponsored vouchers, meaning the government will pay the school for their tuition.
And this is the education it will be funding.
“Have you heard of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland? ‘Nessie’ for short has been recorded on sonar from a small submarine, described by eyewitnesses, and photographed by others. Nessie appears to be a plesiosaur,” says a ninth-grade Biology textbook.
"CANCER is curable NOW" is a feature length documentary which covers all aspects of holistic cancer treatments and the main causes of cancer.
More than 30 Presenters, leading doctors in the field of holistic cancer treatments, Nutritionists, Naturopaths, Scientists, Health Advocates, Psychologists share their knowledge with you how to prevent and reverse cancer.
This film gives you insights about our present health system and the undeniable mistakes in treating cancer as well as a comprehensive holistic healing approach to cancer never seen before.
"Cancer is Curable Now " informs about all options you have for you and your family's health in curing, treating or preventing cancer as well as all other degenerative diseases.
Being informed could save your life.
Super Mario Bros.: The 8-Bit Opera
Music, lyrics and video editing by Jon Kaplan and Al Kaplan (Conan the Barbarian: The Musical, Silence! The Musical).!/JonandAl
Special thanks to The Game Station (
Russia: The non-profit organizations will be granted the status of foreign agents
The Iron Triangle - The Carlisle Group
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Alternate view:
The rise of one of the most powerful and influential and secretive firms in Washington. The company is called The Carlyle Group. And in the wake of the events of September 11th and the invasion of Iraq, its power and influence have become significantly stronger. The company operates within the so-called iron-triangle of industry, government and the military. Its list of former and current advisers and associates includes a vast array of some of the most powerful men in America and indeed around the world. This program exposes the history of the Carlyle Group, from it's inception as a private equity firm to it's precent status as one of the largest defence contractors in the world.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5