Human - The film trailer 2012

Watch part 1 here-
Watch part 2 here-
Watch part 3 here-
Watch part 4 here-
Watch the full film here-

Human is a film about the system we all live and work in and how this system needs to be overhauled. We are all human and this was made for you!

The Greek Anarchists
This week an exclusive interview with Antonis Vradis of Occupied London. Antonis filled us in on the history and actions of the anarchists in Greece.

UK soldiers 'beat innocent Iraqi men in black ops jails but new secret justice law means their torture will be hidden forever'

The Mail on Sunday can today reveal devastating new claims of abuse by British soldiers carried out at a secret network of illegal prisons in the Iraqi desert.

One innocent civilian victim is said to have died after being assaulted aboard an RAF helicopter, while others were hooded, stripped and beaten at a camp set up at a remote phosphate mine deep in the desert.

The whereabouts of a separate group of 64 Iraqi men who were spirited away on two RAF Chinooks to a ‘black site’ prison, located at an oil pipeline pumping station, remain unknown.

Perhaps the most shocking aspect of these alleged abuses, which appear to have been flagrant breaches of international law, is that this secret network is claimed to have been sanctioned by senior Ministry of Defence lawyers.


Mighty Uke Trailer 3.0

MIghty Uke is a feature documentary that travels the world to discover why so many people are turning to the simple ukulele to express their inner music.


A film by Abby Moser

Throughout 1992 and 1993, sensationalized accounts of the Riot Grrrl phenomenon appeared in publications all over the country, describing a new subculture that had emerged out of the underground punk scene. Despite the intense media interest in Riot Grrrl, little video documentation of this important facet of feminist and pop culture history exists, due in part to a decision by Riot Grrrls to no longer engage with the mainstream media that sensationalized, misrepresented and co-opted them. Filmmaker Abby Moser was granted access to Riot Grrrl NYC, the New York City chapter of this international movement. She interviewed individual members of the group, and documented meetings, rock shows, marches and events. An invaluable historical document, GRRRL LOVE AND REVOLUTION glimpses how the women in Riot Grrrl NYC organized and participated in a movement that revitalized a stagnant alternative rock scene, created safe spaces for women musicians and queer punks, and created a new wave of DIY feminist politics.

For more information about this film, please visit

Bird Flu Paper Is Published After Debate

Some of the early alarm was fed by Dr. Fouchier speaking at conferences and giving interviews last fall in which he boasted that he had “done something really, really stupid” and had “mutated the hell out of H5N1” to create something that was “very, very bad news.” He said his team had created “probably one of the most dangerous viruses you can make.”


The artist of the revolution

The satanic figure in the artwork represents the former regime. His necklace is made of human skulls, his bones are made of explosives.

Asserting popular control over public spaces is what made revolutionary spaces such as Change Square possible by mirroring the larger goal of democratic control of government, public institutions and resources.

Publically [sic] displayed art makes claims; it signals that an area is in control of the people and not regulated by the government or corporate owners of private property, says Al-Ansi.

Posters of martyrs and revolutionaries such as Che Guevara are ubiquitous in the square. Al-Ansi displays several portraits of martyrs in his tent. He says he painted or drew most of them while he wept.
