Friday, June 15, 2012

In solidarity with the Greek People

From Critical Legal Thinking:

For joint actions around the Greek elec­tions, and for large Euro-Mediterranean’s mobil­iz­a­tions in autumn 2012!

The response to the fin­an­cial and eco­nomic crisis is the same every­where: cuts in expendit­ure and aus­ter­ity meas­ures under the pre­text of redu­cing defi­cits and the repay­ment of a pub­lic debt which is the dir­ect out­come of 20 years of neo­lib­eral policies. Gov­ern­ments in the ser­vice of fin­ance and big European cap­ital are actu­ally using this pre­text to fur­ther reduce social spend­ing, lower wages and pen­sions, privat­ize health care, dis­mantle social bene­fits and dereg­u­late labour laws, increase taxes on the major­ity while social and tax giveaways are gen­er­al­ized for the big com­pan­ies and the highest net worth households.

Meas­ures of viol­ence against the pop­u­la­tions, sim­ilar to those tested in the Greek social labor­at­ory for two years, are already being imple­men­ted in Por­tugal, Ire­land, Spain, Italy, and in East­ern European coun­tries. Latvia, Romania, Hun­gary and Bul­garia have inaug­ur­ated the same sad lit­any of aus­ter­ity meas­ures, with drastic fiscal cuts (sig­ni­fic­ant decrease in wages, clos­ure of schools and hos­pit­als, par­tial or total axing of social bene­fits, rise of VAT rates…). All the European peoples are threatened. This polit­ical ori­ent­a­tion, which res­ults in grow­ing unem­ploy­ment and poverty, must be rad­ic­ally rejec­ted. Every­where, com­pan­ies are clos­ing down and indus­trial waste­lands are cre­ated, all for the greater glory of imme­di­ate gains. Every­where, social inequal­it­ies are increas­ing. The pub­lic debt grows whilst many coun­tries enter into eco­nomic recession.

Finally, while gov­ern­ments of tech­no­crats are put in place by the cred­it­ors flout­ing uni­ver­sal suf­frage and the most ele­ment­ary demo­cratic rules, new European treat­ies (ESM, European Sta­bil­ity Mech­an­ism, and TSCG, Treaty on Sta­bil­ity, Coordin­a­tion and Gov­ernance in the Eco­nomic and Mon­et­ary Union) are adop­ted to the det­ri­ment of demo­cracy, for the bene­fit of fin­an­cial mar­kets and behind the people’s backs. These treat­ies grant immunity to senior civil ser­vants, allow for the par­ti­cip­a­tion of the private sec­tor in close col­lab­or­a­tion with the IMF, impose a limit on defi­cits and give pri­or­ity to the repay­ment of debt, no mat­ter the consequences.

Faced with such coordin­ated attacks on our social gains, res­ist­ance is get­ting organ­ized among Euro-​​Meditarrenean peoples, there are national gen­eral strikes and the ‘indig­na­dos’ move­ments are increas­ingly act­ive. In Ice­land the people refused to pay the Icesave debt to the UK and the Neth­er­lands. In Europe as in Egypt and Tunisia, ini­ti­at­ives for a cit­izens’ audit of pub­lic debt ana­lyze how much of the pub­lic debt is illegal, ille­git­im­ate, odi­ous or unsus­tain­able, and must there­fore be can­celled. Until all rights are guar­an­teed to all hab­it­ants, all debt repay­ments should be sus­pen­ded until exhaust­ive audits have been com­pleted. Pay­ing cred­it­ors is steal­ing what right­fully belongs to the pop­u­la­tion and pay­ments will con­tinue to be the cause of col­lege and hos­pital clos­ures, pen­sions cuts, etc. The Greek res­ist­ance per­severed for 2 years and recent elec­tion res­ults in Greece show a strong rejec­tion of cur­rent neo­lib­eral policies. We here express our firm sup­port of the refusal, by the Greek people in their bal­lots on 6 May 2012, to nego­ti­ate with the Troika and to apply its memor­andums and the cred­it­ors’ vil­lain­ous conditionalities.

How­ever the neo­lib­eral steam­roller has not yet been stopped, and it is high time for the pop­u­la­tions and their organ­iz­a­tions to develop mobil­iz­a­tion on a more sig­ni­fic­ant scale.

Along with other European and inter­na­tional net­works such as the Joint Social Con­fer­ence, the Inter­na­tional Cit­izen debt Audit Net­work (ICAN) calls for a com­mon mobil­iz­a­tion of all groups and trends within the social move­ment, without excep­tion, includ­ing trade uni­ons, ‘Indig­na­dos’ and ‘Occupy’ move­ments, women’s move­ments, alter­g­lob­al­iz­a­tion asso­ci­ations and NGOs, polit­ical organ­iz­a­tions, lead­ing fig­ures, grass­roots cit­izens, intel­lec­tu­als and artists.

Aware of the need of con­ver­gence of all mass mobil­iz­a­tions, we call for large Euro-Mediterranean’s mobil­iz­a­tions in autumn 2012, coordin­at­ing an inter­na­tional level of solid­ar­ity with the Greek people, against ille­git­im­ate, illegal, odi­ous or simply unsus­tain­able debt and aus­ter­ity meas­ures, to be organ­ized around the tra­di­tional week of global action against debt and inter­na­tional fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions which, this year, coin­cides with the 25th anniversary of the death of Thomas Sankara.

In the same spirit, we call for the cre­ation or rein­force­ment of grass­roots’ com­mit­tees together with local audit groups in all European coun­tries – they would spear­head res­ist­ance against the EU’s attacks and give sub­stance to our solid­ar­ity with the Greek people and all har­assed peoples.

Together we can !

Please send your sig­na­ture to : debtauditineuromed@​gmail.​com.

NB: For a bet­ter coordin­a­tion, the Inter­na­tional Cit­izen debt Audit Net­work (ICAN) will provide fur­ther inform­a­tion in each coun­try where it is present:

Bel­gium, http://​www​.sauvetage​-dexia​.be/ and www​.cadtm​.org

Egypt, http://​www​.dropegypts​debt​.org/

France, http://​www​.audit​-citoyen​.org/ and https://​sites​.google​.com/​s​i​t​e​/​r​e​f​e​r​e​n​d​u​m​d​e​t​te/

Ger­many, http://​blockupy​-frank​furt​.org/es and http://​www​.attac​-net​zwerk​.de/​a​g​-​s​c​h​u​l​den and

Greece, http://​www​.con​tra​-xreos​.gr/ and www​.elegr​.gr

Ire­land, http://​www​.notourdebt​.ie/

Italy, http://​rivol​taildeb​ito​.glob​al​ist​.it/ and www​.smon​taildeb​ito​.org

Poland, http://​nienaszd​lug​.pl/

Por­tugal, http://​aud​it​or​iacid​ada​.info/

United King­dom, http://​www​.jubileedebt​cam​paign​.org​.uk/

Spain, http://​aud​it​or​i​a15m​.org/

Tunisia, http://​www​.tunisie​.attac​.org/​d​e​t​t​e​/​i​n​d​e​x​.​php /​ and http://​zelzel​.net/

Hardcore Is More Than Music 2011


In recent years we have been witnesses to new trends amongst neo-Nazis. Still more and more of them leave the skinhead image, and try to “catch onto” something else. One of the targets for them is the hardcore scene.

They find the aggressive music and uncompromising lyrics impressive. The leading figures of Czech neo-Nazi scene have been trying to infiltrate to hardcore shows and to take pictures with famous faces of the international hardcore scene. But they do not care about HC ethics, history or culture of hardcore. They only care about the “tough guy” image and macho poses. But that has never been what hardcore is about. People in hardcore scene differ from one another in many aspects, and that’s a good thing. But hardcore has never been connected to racism or Nazism. Hardcore community has always been a space for the people to meet without prejudice. And we want it to stay that way. That’s why we turned to some of the bands that have something to say. Among them were the bands whose shows attracted Nazis, who attempted to attend them. You can find the views and opinions of these bands on this DVD. Our questions remained the same, but the answers varied significantly. But they have something in common – there is no space for racism, prejudice and Nazism in the HC scene.

For us, HC scene is a family. For Nazis, it is just another scene they wish to abuse to gain support for their political goals.

Ken Loach on his censored documentaries

From Ken Loach: 'the ruling class are cracking the whip' by Kira Cochrane,

... His documentary The Save the Children Film, part-funded by the charity, is being shown for the first time; made in 1969 for TV, it was never broadcast. The film was commissioned for the charity's 50th anniversary, and it's easy to imagine what they might have been expecting: a gauzy portrait, light on analysis, strong on praise.

Loach took a different tack. The documentary looks at the potential problems of aid, the ways those in a position to be charitable are often patronising and paternalistic. He took his cameras to a school run by Save the Children in Kenya, for homeless boys from Nairobi, for instance, that was set up along the lines of a British public school; the children are shown blowing bugles, marching, reading books including The Inimitable Jeeves and Tom Brown's Schooldays. A group of young Kenyan activists appear in the film, one of whom notes he can't think of another school in the world where the mother tongue isn't allowed.

The documentary moves beyond the charity's work to show British expatriates in Kenya; one stompingly posh woman remarks they have "a wildly gay time" there, and she feels that "even in their poverty, [the Kenyan people] are basically happy". Raising their living standards might just upset things, she adds. The film is full of issues that remain pressing: the limits of philanthropy, the patronage relationships fostered by aid, the subtle and not-so-subtle problems of colonialism. It ends with the comment that we "must change the property relationships of society, and then we change man. That's the only real solution, and all the rest is propaganda." ...

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus

Stuxnet: Anatomy of a Computer Virus from Patrick Clair on Vimeo.

An infographic dissecting the nature and ramifications of Stuxnet, the first weapon made entirely out of code. This was produced for Australian TV program HungryBeast on Australia's ABC1

Direction and Motion Graphics: Patrick Clair
Written by: Scott Mitchell

Production Company: Zapruder's Other Films.

Slow Revolution

5700 U/min downshifted by gears to approximately 0.0000013 U/min

Syngenta Charged for Covering up Livestock Deaths from GM Corn

Biotech giant Syngenta has been criminally charged with denying knowledge that its genetically modified (GM) Bt corn kills livestock during a civil court case that ended in 2007.

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Gloeckner continued to lose cows and many more had to be put down due to serious illnesses, compelling him to stop using GM feed from 2002. He approached the Robert Koch Institute and Syngenta to conduct a full investigation. However, only one cow was ever analysed and the data are still unavailable to the public. Unsurprisingly, no causal relationship between the GM feed and deaths was determined; and there is still no explanation for the deaths.

But in 2009, the farmer learned of a feeding study allegedly commissioned by Syngenta in 1996 that resulted in four cows dying in two days. The trial was abruptly terminated. Now Gloeckner, along with a German group called Bündnis Aktion Gen-Klage and another farmer turned activist Urs Hans, have brought Syngenta to the criminal court to face charges of withholding knowledge of the US trial, which makes the company liable for the destruction of the farmer’s 65 cows. Syngenta is also charged with the deaths of cattle in the US trial and on Gloeckner’s farm, which should have been registered as “unexpected occurrences”. Most seriously, the German head of Syngenta Hans-Theo Jahmann, is charged for withholding knowledge of the US study from the judge and from Gloecker in the original civil court case.