Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The American Military Industrial Killing Machine


The United States committed its greatest democide during the Second World War. This was in the indiscriminate area bombing of German and Japanese cities, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Not all American strategic bombing was of this type. Early in the war the American Air Force concentrated on precision bombing of both Germany and Japan. But as the war progressed British pressure and American bomber losses in such bombing persuaded the Americans to join the British in broadly targeting the center of urban areas. Regarding Japan, the apparent lack of success of precision bombing led to the assumption of command over the bombing by General Curtis Lemay, who was disposed to massive area bombing of Japanese cities.

Over 3 million innocent people lost their lives during the vietnam war... about 60,000 of those were american soldiers.

Civilian Victims of USA "Foreign Policy" for 17 years:

1991 - Iraq - 200,000
1992 - Somalia - 7,000
1974-1992 - Angola - 650,000 +
1986-1994 - Colombia - 20,000 +
1995-1998 - Turkey - 27,000 +
1997 - Rwanda - 6,000
1965-1997 - Indonesia - 1,000,000
1990-1997 - Iraq - 1,200,000 +
1998 - Afghanistan - 2,000 +
1986-1998 - Guatemala - 200,000
1999 - Yugoslavia - thousands
1999 - Iraq - hundreds
1991-1999 - Kuwait, Iraq - 1,620
2000-2002 - Palestinian Territories - hundreds
2001 - Afghanistan - 23,000 +
1995-2001 - Peru - unknown
2002 - Angola - unknown
2002 - Iraq - unknown
2003 - Afghanistan - 300 +
2003 - Algeria - hundreds
2003 - Iraq - 17,000 +
1976-2003 - Indonesia - 12,000 +
2003-2004 - Palestinian Territories - 1,400 +
2003-2007 - Iraq - 1,000,000 +
2006 - Palestine, Lebanon - 1,300 + (to August)
2006 - Haiti - 8,000 + (to September)
2007 - Somalia - 2,000 +
2008 - South Ossetia - 2,000 +


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