Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Quantum Physics, Breakthrough In The Remote Control Of Quantum Systems

“The degree of entanglement is often used as a figure of merit for determining its usefulness for quantum technologies. Strongly entangled systems, however, are very sensitive to extrinsic influence and difficult to prepare and to control. A team of researchers headed by the physicists Caslav Brukner (theory) and Philip Walther (experiment) at the University of Vienna have been able to show that in order to achieve successful remote state preparation entanglement is not the only way forward.”

“Under certain circumstances, non-entangled states can outperform their entangled counterparts for such tasks — as long as they have a significant amount of so-called ‘quantum discord.’ This novel and not yet fully understood measure of quantum correlations quantifies the disturbance of correlated particles when being measured.”


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