Saturday, July 7, 2012

U.S. Mind Control Child Ritual Abuse Victims Public Testimony Full A-C, Human Experiments

U.S. Mind Control Child Abuse Victims Testimony, Reload Full. Same stench still going on S Tucson - AZCPS deaths. Foster Children Still Used (Below). U.S. Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments Public Meeting, Washington DC, March 1995. Valerie Wolf (A), Chris DeNicola Tucson Arizona (B), Claudia Mullen (C). Pg 77

MKULTRA Victim B Tucson AZ Testimony US Hearings. Transcript at

Project MKULTRA, CIA's Program Of Research In Behavioral Modification, 1977 SENATE MKULTRA HEARINGS, TESTIMONY, DOCS

THE GREENBAUM SPEECH. Lecture by D.C.Hammond, originally entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse", delivered at 4th Annual Eastern Region Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, June 1992, Alexandria, VA. Sponsored by Center for Abuse Recovery & Empowerment, The Psychiatric Institute of Washington, DC. and

S.M.A.R.T. cases, conferences

Organized Child Abuse Studies


The Secrets of Mind Control; Based on 3 Books by Top Mind Control Researchers

Experiments on foster children. Las Vegas Now reports Dr Mark Collins, director of Montevista Hospital who also contracts with several residential treatment centers, is ordering brain scans for foster children prior to their being prescribed highly toxic psychotropic drugs.
According to a legal complaint by Children's Attorneys Project, submitted to the Nevada Dep't of Health and Human Services, foster children in Nevada are being over-diagnosed w bipolar disorder, on the basis of a dangerous brain scan. Prior to the brain scan children are injected w radioactive material "to illuminate blood flow in their brain."
Legal Complaint:

The use of these scans to justify prescribing highly toxic drugs for children is an example of the misuse of experimental scientific tools. Their use as a diagnostic tool is bogus. Even the American Psychiatric Assoc does not accept the use of brain imaging for the clinical diagnosis of children, in part, because of children's sensitivity to radiation + risk of radiation-induced cancer.
The complaint indicates "there appear to be conflicts of interest among service providers and hospitals."

I-Team: Lawyers Question Medical Tests on Foster Kids. Nov 15, 2008. This is a story about an 8-YO boy in foster care. A boy we've never met. He exists for us only as a name on a letter questioning his mental health treatment. His lawyer Janice Wolf wants us to remember Nathaniel is real. "Some of the things our kids have gone through, you and I could only imagine in our dreams, or nightmares." Nathaniel described vivid nightmares according psychiatric records obtained by the I-Team.
During his first of 2 hospitalizations, Dr. Mark Collins ordered a procedure called a brain spect. It requires the injection of radioactive material to illuminate blood flow in the brain.
In a report to the family court, Collins writes the scan confirms Nathaniel has "severe bipolar disorder."
"I think my concern is that our foster kids are getting not just the best psychiatric care, but proper psychiatric care - that they're not being mistreated, or experimented on, or used as investigational tools," said Wolf.
A recent Medicaid review by the Nevada State Dept of Health and Human Services identified 96 Montevista patients who underwent brain imaging, the majority kids in the juvenile justice/child welfare system. Only a caseworker stands between a child and a controversial procedure.

Nevada Medicaid Statement:

More Reading on Govt Sponsored Child Abuse
* Bless The Beasts and The Children, Tom Flocco, March 13, 2005
* The Illuminati Formula Used to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Controlled Slave, by Cisco Wheeler and Fritz Springmeier
* The Finders, Ted Gunderson Report
* Thanks For the Memories, by Brice Taylor
* Beyond the Dutroux Affair: The Reality of Protected Child Abuse and Snuff Networks

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