Tuesday, July 3, 2012

itccs.org Historic Lawsuit to be Filed in Federal Court Against Church and Crown

"Victims of church, state and big pharma are finally uniting to put an end to their terror" said Kevin Annett today.

"Among other plaintiffs in our class action will be survivors of Canada's genocide against native people, who have never had their day in court. The whitewash is over. More than 50,000 murdered children will finally be confronting Canada and the Catholic, Anglican and United Church, and placing them all on trial".

Citizen vicims' group to commence proceedings at the Federal Court of Canada against the Vatican, the United Church of Canada, the Queen, the Harper Government & Big Pharma for their alleged involvement in wide-spread conspiracies pertaining to crimes against humanity, genocide and institutional corruption.

For complete information or to join visit: http://www.federalclassactions.wordpress.com

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