Monday, July 30, 2012

Illuminati Occult Symbolism in The 2012 London Olympics Opening Ceremony

Magic, through Shakespeare’s play The Tempest, is a theme of the 2012 Olympic Games. A giant figure holding a wand (thought to be Prospero from The Tempest) and a cauldron feature in stadium preparations for the opening ceremony.

The Tempest is thought by most scholars to have been written in 1610–11, and is generally accepted as the last play that Shakespeare wrote alone. Scholars have noted the numerous parallels between Shakespeare’s final work and famous occultist Francis Bacon’s final book New Atlantis.

In The Tempest travelers arrive at an island ruled by Prospero, the Magus who has mastery over all nature, and Prospero’s farewell to his art in the play is the Bard’s farewell to his work. In New Atlantis the travelers arrive at an island ruled by a Society called Salomon’s House (Solomon’s House) which has achieved mastery over all nature. New Atlantis depicts Bacon’s vision of man’s mastery over nature, and this work is a summing up and a farewell to Bacon’s lifework. Both works depict travelers who arrive at an island filled with wonders. In the first case the wonders of science, in the second case the wonders of magic, both of which give mastery over all nature. Bacon, it is important to note, said that science in its higher form is magic. The surface parallels between New Atlantis and The Tempest are obvious. But beneath the surface there are more parallels, and more specific identities between the two works. So many, in fact, that they provide strong evidence for Bacon’s authorship of The Tempest.

As both The Tempest and New Atlantis depict societies ruled over by an elite made gods by virtue of their secret knowledge both works serve to define the occult philosophy of the Rosecrucians, Freemasons and the Illuminati. Bacon’s alleged connection to the Rosicrucians and the Freemasons has been widely discussed by authors and scholars in many books and a very good case can be made for him as the author of all Shakespeare’s plays.

Olympic opening ceremony preparations

As part of the Olympic occult ritual the British sheople are invited to participate in Work No. 1197 – those looking for numeric connections to 9/11 and 7/7 won’t have to work too hard. Others may notice 1+1+9+7=18 (6+6+6).


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