Friday, July 13, 2012

Anonymous deliver threat to Greece's Golden Dawn

Golden Dawn Expect Us (New Message by Anonymous Greece)

"Greetings citizens of the world

We are Anonymous

During the last elections on the 17th of June 2012 in Greece, one of the most criminal organizations in the Greek community has entered the parliament: The neoNazi organization called Golden Dawn (Chrisi Avgi).

Amidst the crisis and the despair experienced by most Greeks from the Referendums and austerity measures imposed by corrupt politicians they decided to believe the lies and demagogy of a dangerous organization that denies Auschwitz, uses Nazi symbols and military greetings but even worse, exploits the political legitimacy it has earned in recent elections and engages in criminal activity.

All around the country, Golden Dawn members blackmail immigrants, harass and attack all those who are unable to defend themselves and lead them to despair and fear.

They are common criminals who exploit the disappointment of the Greek citizens whom they persuade that immigrants to the country are responsible for the financial situation in Greece and not their corrupt politicians.

Every day in Greece, there are victims of the Golden Dawn organization in hospitals and on the streets, beaten and stabbed by the hatred of Hitler followers. Every day, people who have a different color or sexual preferences are terrified by threats against their lives and property. All this, under the tolerance of Greek Police.

This must be stopped.

Fear must end.

There is no place for fascism in a free country

The ghosts of 3rd Reich have no place in any country.

Everyone has the right to diversity, life and freedom.

We are watching them

We know them

Wherever there is injustice we will be there

They should ALWAYS expect us

We are Anonymous

We are a legion"

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