Monday, June 18, 2012

Greece's Rigged Election

"However, two senior Greek banking officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the issue, said recent withdrawals have not yet reached the pace seen in February, just before Greece staged an orderly debt default with private investors. There were no obvious lines outside banks in Athens Wednesday, though funds are also being shifted around online.

isn’t a panic, but we have to make sure it doesn’t turn into one,’’ said one of the banking officials....

Translation; there is a bank run across the continent and the banker's mouthpiece doesn't want you to know it.


See also:

BBC cuts off interviewee Yiannis Varoufakis and switches to German talking head...

BBC flashing a neon sign bankers intend to steal Greek elections.

Unofficial opinion polls suggest a fall in support for anti-bailout parties.

Under Greek election law, official opinion polls are banned in the two weeks before the election.


UPDATE: The polls have closed in Greece and even though the exit polls have the New Democratic Party (the money-junkie party) and the SYRIZA party (the anti-austerity party) as within a half point of each other, the western media are in many cases already proclaiming a victory for the money-junkies, that New Democrats will have 160 seats in the Parliament, etc. It is obvious there has been massive vote fraud in Greece, being sold to you with the ludicrous suggestion that the Greek people, driven into abject poverty by corrupt government policies, voted to keep those exact same policies in place. Such a suggestion is patently absurd on the face of it, and given that the United States has a long history of hijacking the democratic process to serve US interests, there is no reason to assume they have not done so here. ...

A consultant to the Ne Democracy was arrested for electoral fraud in Greece

Central Banksters Cry: “We rigged this election and all we got was a 70 point Dow Futures bounce!”

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