“Das Netz (En: The Net) is an independent film directed by Lutz Dammbeck and subtitled “The Unabomber, LSD and the Internet”. Das Netz premiered in 2003. The film explores the ideas and histories of groundbreaking artists Marshall McLuhan and Paik Nam-june, hippy idealists such as Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, counterculturalists such as John Brockman and Stewart Brand, cyberneticists such as Robert W.Taylor and Heinz von Foerster, and neo-luddite Unabomber Ted Kaczynski.”
Alternately watch the video here.
What do LSD, advanced mathematics, computer technology, multimedia art, top scientists, hippies and the Unabomber have in common? Lutz Dammbeck's THE NET not only poses this and other questions, it also urges viewers to ask their own.
On April, 3, 1996, in the Montana mountains, the FBI took Harvard graduate and ex-mathematics professor Theodore J. Kaczynski into custody. Kaczynski was accused of mail bomb attacks against scientists and managers, three of whom died. Kaczynski, a model student in his youth with an IQ of 170, became one of the “most wanted” terrorists of his time and has since been found guilty in a court of law. To this day, Kaczynski denies having committed the bombings.
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