Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cry for Peace

This video is an excerpt of "Images of Global Peace" the MailArtumentary. Gwen and Anne used old rolls of newsprint saved when the local paper changed paper formats to a make the backdrop for this thoughtful duet. More songs, history and mailart information are being posted on YouTube! 231 artists from over 30 countries sent artwork via the postal service. The art was displayed at the Illinois State Capital building rotunda. About 2000 people per day started their tours at the display.

THE KUMBA MELA EXPERIENCE - Peace and Love (Groove corporation remix)

Bob Marley - War [One Love Peace Concert/Heartland Reggae]

The One Love Peace Concert was a large concert held on April 22, 1978 at The National Stadium in Kingston, Jamaica.

This concert was held during a political civil war in Jamaica between opposing parties Jamaican Labour Party and the People's National Party. The concert came to its peak during Bob Marley & The Wailers' performance of "Jammin'", when Marley joined the hands of political rivals Michael Manley (PNP) and Edward Seaga (JLP).

David Vest - It Don't Make Sense (You Can't Make Peace)

Peace by Grandmaster Zo

Peace by Grandmaster Zo goes after a generation of leaders who have failed us completely. The song Peace from his album Peace, Love & Harmony is available as a free download at Share peace!

12seconds for Peace - Bill Zygmant

Bill Zygmant, the man who took the very first photograph of John Lennon and Yoko Ono on the Kings Road in London, along with the classic 'Instant Karma' photographs of John and Yoko taken during a recording for the BBC, agreed to make a contribution for 12seconds for Peace. In this video you can see Bill standing alongside his own photographs of the man who inspired a generation and did so much for the cause of peace around the world. Surely John (and Yoko) would applaud Bill for his stand with them in promoting the cause of peace!

Peace Walkers - Khojaly Genocide

The Khojaly genocide is one of the most terrible and tragic pages of Azerbaijan history. Armenian millitary forces commited genocides in the town of Khojaly with the population of 7 thousand people on februrary 26 1992.

613 people were killed, among them, 63 children, 106 women, 70 elders.
8 families were killed completely.
25 children lost both parents.
130 children lost one of the parents.
487 people were wounded, including 76 children
1275 people were hostages.
150 people were missing

Guardian Angel Music for Peace and Harmony

FKN Newz: Slave Riots vs Nigga Bombing

Deek Jackson and Lone Wolf on a roll:

London Riots 2011 - Martial Law Coming Soon

London rioters 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

London rioters 'Showing the rich we do what we want'

Voice of the youth

Nothing 'mindless' about rioters

A Fitwatcher's view of the riots

London rioters point to poverty and prejudice

The story, so far, in summary



UK Riots Orchestrated To Enforce Martial Law And To Achieve Globalists Agenda?

So there's a problem on the streets of UK. Do the "rioters" get punished for their looting/ attacking police/ criminal damage etc?
Yes, along with the rest of the population who will have new laws enforced even though the vast majority have done nothing wrong.
Why should the new legislations affect EVERYONE, when they can enforce the current law on the troublemakers? Ask yourself what did YOU do to deserve this?

Divide and Conquer
Order Out of Chaos

UK Riots London Riots Anarchy In The UK
Problem Reaction Solution

Lady Angel aka Nya Ekpo serenades UK's youth

The last word has to go to Lady Angel aka Nya Ekpo who AJE's Elizabeth Dunningham found serenading her embarrassed cameraman outside the courthouse in Tottenham, where the riots began.

In her self-appointed role as unoffical counsellor to many young men in the area, she said, "I had young teenagers crying their eyes out. When they are on the streets they are giving it bad, but when they tell me what's really going on."

LET'S RIOT (like it's) 2011 (TEEFING SHOES MIX) BY King Fatu

Riot collage of music, sounds & pictures from the august 2011 riots. A visual & audio snapshot of the riots with music by King Fatu.

Drowning Pool: Tear Away

Anonymity and social censorship in the UK riots
The UK government is contemplating tactics against the UK riots that set dangerous precedents.

How a Brit Imagines the U.S. Would Respond to the Riots
By Heather Horn, Atlantic Wire

British paper The Telegraph has a real treat in the opinion section this morning. "London riots: Americans would have known how to respond to the violence and looting," reads the headline.

The writer is Tim Stanley, according to his bio "a research fellow in American History at Royal Holloway," and currently "working on a biography of Pat Buchanan." His is undoubtedly the most lively of the commentary offerings on the riots today. What does a Brit studying Pat Buchanan think Americans would do if New York were in flames? An abridged version:

"The public would have fought back more aggressively. America has a tradition of self-reliance that extends even to the sphere of criminal justice. When the 1992 riots broke out in Los Angeles, the Korean community didn’t flee: they set up barricades and shot looters. ...
"A leading Republican presidential contender would have advocated martial law and the summary execution of everyone wearing a hoodie. ...

"[A] liberal figure would have braved the violence and made a plea for reconciliation (probably Jesse Jackson). ...

"In America, the riots would have been followed by a national day of prayer. ...
"Bill Clinton would have cried and hugged someone. ... "

more... ~

How youth-led revolts shook elites around the world
From Athens to Cairo and Spain to Santiago, old certainties are being challenged after the Arab spring and financial crises

Ray McGovern: Why I Will Be There

October 6- it is not just another rally. This time we are staying.



Ray McGovern talks about why he will be part of a sustained occupation of Freedom Plaza on October 6th, 2011. She, and THOUSANDS OF OTHERS, have signed the following pledge:

"I pledge that if any U.S. troops, contractors, or mercenaries remain in Afghanistan on Thursday, October 6, 2011, as that occupation goes into its 11th year, I will commit to being in Freedom Plaza in Washington, D.C., with others on that day or the days immediately following, for as long as I can, with the intention of making it our Tahrir Square, Cairo, our Madison, Wisconsin, where we will NONVIOLENTLY resist the corporate machine by occupying Freedom Plaza to demand that America's resources be invested in human needs and environmental protection instead of war and exploitation. We can do this together. We will be the beginning."

You can sign the pledge here:

Let's Start The Revolution in Turkey!


A basic right in a fully functioning democracy based on the supremacy of law is that individuals and social groups have the freedom to initiate personal and social change. In other words, it requires that citizens play an active and transformative role in their relationship with the system's decision-making mechanisms (i.e., the state) and not a subservient and passive one, the prevalent climate being one of respect for rights. Individuals need to internalize and develop a critical understanding of their rights before they can embrace and exercise them.

Turkey is still in the process of establishing a system where individuals can thus benefit from the rule of law and contribute towards a democracy. Gender discrimination and the patriarchal nature of our society render this situation even more crucial for women. There are very few social services and programs that enable women to translate the legal rights they have gained since the founding of the Republic from the written page into everyday life.

The favorable conditions resulting from equal rights in the legal field were unfortunately turned to disadvantage through the widely-held belief that the problems of equality were solved at the founding of the Republic. This idea was so engrained that it took 75 years to change the Civil Code of 1926. Until 20-25 years ago, it was considered a luxury, at least in intellectual circles, to monitor, articulate or wish to remedy the inadequacies in the law, its administration and the pain and discrimination many encountered in daily life.

The lives of many women today are still shaped by social and religious customs instead of constitutional rights and the Civil Code. However, the demand and resolve to change this reality now makes its presence strongly felt. Women for Women's Human Rights-New Ways works both to target lawmakers and decision-making processes and to help women gain an awareness of their rights and to put these rights into practice.

Howard Zinn on Obama: "If you want to end terrorism, you have to stop being terrorists"

The Naxalite Rebellion: Social Inequality and Violence in India

An objective look at the social, political, and economic conditions in India which have given rise to the Naxalite insurgency.

Despite economic growth, overall poverty in India has increased due to uneven economic development. The Naxals consist of various political parties influenced by Mao Zedong's communist ideology calling for armed peasant insurrection against the upper classes.

India's poor and tribal peoples are the victims of a class war, suffering severe economic exploitation and brutal political repression as well as loss of land at the hands of the ruling establishment and multinational corporations.

The Naxals, representing the lower classes, have taken up arms against India's government in a bid for state power. They have instituted land reforms and other measures in areas under their control.

India's federal government continues to wage a bloody counterinsurgency campaign against the Naxals, refusing to undertake the necessary land reforms and other political and economic changes required for hostilities to cease.

Numerous sociological studies demonstrate that greater social, economic, and political equality correlate to increased individual and societal health.

Amnesty Int. warns of indigenous peoples' rights undermined


Civilians, main target of US drone attacks in Pakistan

A new study by the London-based Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed that at least 2,200 people, including women and children, have been reportedly killed in CIA drone strikes in Pakistan. Besides, more than 1,100 are stated to have been injured in the attacks.

Press TV's Zahid Hussain reports from Peshawar.

USDOR - Non Violent Civil Disobedience Training Talks - What is Nonviolent Direct Action?

US Day of Rage - Non Violent Civil Disobedience Training Talks - Part 1 of 6

What is Non Violent Direct Action?

Individual or group actions that endanger the physical well-being of other demonstrators should not be done. Generally actions that might endanger the safety of others at the demonstration include:

physical violence directed against others, including the police, spectators and demonstrators.

actions that cause panic such as running and throwing rocks

bringing weapons or anything that can be construed as a weapon to the demonstration site; weapons include but are not limited to: guns, knives, nail files, mace, letter openers, scissors, etc.

Don't touch police officers. It's assault and it's a felony.

Know Your Legal Rights

Check out ACLU's Know your rights: For Civil Disobedience manual: Download manual (PDF)

The only and best network of lawyers that support Nonviolent Direct Action (both as Legal Observers and as Criminal Defenders) is the National Lawyers Guild. Individuals organizing US Day of Rage demonstrations and occupations should make contact directly with the NLG in their cities/regions by using this: NLG Chapter Map

See also:

Nonviolent Response to Personal Violence
Nonviolence Training
Affinity Groups and Support
Legal Issues/Risking Arrest
Legal Flow Chart
Jail Solidarity
Handbook for Online Civil Disobedience (Coming Soon)

Remember to bring a video or photo camera.
If it isn't captured in video or photographs, it didn't happen.

Reverend Billy's Freakstorm: Life After Shopping

Reverend Billy's Freakstorm #14
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What is The Church of Earthalujah?

On the road, in the Windy City now - finding good storms in the church archives. In search of our faith, we've moved from Life After Shopping to Earthalujah! ... but I love our Coney Island and Union Square work in this tape. Freak-a-lujah!