Thursday, June 2, 2011

Rebellion & Self-Organization in Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, & the Eastern Mediterranean (1)

Left Forum 2011
Pace University,
NYC March 18-20, 2011

This panel sponsored by ZNet

* Chris Spannos - ZNet, Panel Moderator
* David Porter - SUNY/Empire State College
* Horace Campbell - Black Commentator; Syracuse University
* Nada Matta - New York University

Panel Abstract from the Left Forum 2011 Website:

Beneath recent uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa exists a rich history of regional radicalism, direct democracy, and self-organization. The panelists explore recent events in Egypt, Algeria, and Tunisia within the context of today's struggles, possibilities for their self-emancipation and conditions specific to each of these countries.

Two undiscovered poems by Charles Bukowski

LA poet, Yvonne de la Vega has located two of Charles Bukowski’s “undiscovered” poems, which are published today in the Examiner:

Charles Bukowksi’s first generally recognized publication date is in the 1960s, yet citations from the early 60s exist in Sanford Dorbin’s early bibliography, and The Roominghouse Madrigals prints poems from the late 40s.
The fact is that Bukowski has published extensively in various small literary publications for over thirty years. These publications exist in small numbers and are difficult if not impossible to find. Fortunately, John Martin of Black Sparrow Press has managed to cull together these poems and stories over several collections, until catching up with his contemporary writings in the 80s.
The following poems are from the private collection of The Los Angeles Poetry Examiner’s, copied from Pearl-Number 14 Fall/Winter 1991 and have yet to be found elsewhere.

An Answer
within the past six years
there have been four
different rumors that i
have died.
I don’t know who begins
these rumors
or why.
and certainly humans
do worse things than
yet I always feel strange
when i must tell people,
usually over the
telephone, that I am
not yet dead.

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