Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy London says let the G7billion decide our future, not the G20

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Occupy London says let the G7billion decide our future, not the G20

As G20 leaders meet in Cannes, Occupy London Stock Exchange (OccupyLSX) has released a statement to occupations across the world with the aim of starting a collaborative project to achieve a unified global statement, representing the grievances and goals of the worldwide Occupy movement.

At OccupyLSX’s General Assembly yesterday – at St Paul’s Churchyard just by the London Stock Exchange and St Paul’s Cathedral – 500 people unanimously ratified the call to action highlighting the global structures which they believe to be unjust, unsustainable and undemocratic.

The statement is aimed at sending a powerful message to the G20 leaders meeting in Cannes, who will make key decisions that will impact on the lives of billions of people. The short, four point statement, which will continue to be drafted by occupations around the world and the G20 Counter Summit, criticises the current global system for creating inequality and environmental destruction. It calls for a global system which is democratic, just and sustainable, with the world’s resources favouring people not profit.

Ragnchild Dale, one of the authors of the statement said, “We want real dialogue and real debate to create a statement which represent the real voices of the people to counter the false dialogue of the G20 leaders. Our current global system is unjust and is only causing destruction and suffering.

At the occupation in London, a new banner has been erected, reading “Real Democracy Now”, reaffirming the principles and goals of the camp and against the lack of democracy protesters feel is present in their government and the G20 summit.

Jammie Arad, supporter of OccupyLSX, said, “We are asking questions that the G20 will never ask, such as why are decisions that affect 7 billion people made by a powerful elite behind closed doors? Why do we rely on a global economic system based on infinite growth when we know that the world’s resources are finite? Why do we assume the G20 are to be trusted to put people and sustainable living before profits and corporate interests?”

Proposed global Occupy Statement:

  • Our global system is unsustainable. It is undemocratic and unjust, driven by profit in the interest of the few.
  • An economic system based on infinite growth, but which relies on finite resources, is leading humanity and the environment to destruction. As long as this system remains in place, people of the world continue to suffer from an increasingly unfair share of income and wealth.
  • We seek a global system that is democratic, just and sustainable. The world’s resources must not go to the military or corporate profit, but instead go towards caring for people’s needs: water, food, housing, education, health, community.
  • An international, global collaboration has started, and is working on a statement that will unite the occupy movements across the world in their struggle for an alternative that is focused on and originates from people and their environment.

Source: OccupyLSX

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