Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Greece: 'Mother Of All Strikes' Begins

Athens Protests – Live Blogging – Oct 19, 2011
Unprecedented! It must be the biggest protest since 1974. Already more than 80,000 protests ( some sources speak of 100,000) have gathered in front of the Parliament at Syntagma square, just 1,5 hour after the beginning of today’s demonstration. Members of the public and private sector unions and political parties, students and teachers, but also people without a union or party umbrella flock in downtown Athens to raise their voice against the strict austerity measures that crack down the back bones of the society.
This is the latest stand of the protests as of 13:10 local time.

GREECE LIVE CAM - Massive protest in front of the Greek Parliament

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Greece general strike begins over spending cuts
Thousands of protesters have begun marching in Athens amid tight security.
The 48-hour strike comes as parliament prepares to vote on the latest round of austerity measures, including more tax hikes, pay cuts and job losses.
Greece is struggling to reduce a huge government deficit amid fears it may default and set off a eurozone crisis.
The EU and IMF have demanded tough cuts in return for two bailouts.
The BBC's Chris Morris in Athens says the pace of protests in Greece has been increasing for several weeks.
There have been lightning strikes across virtually every sector of the economy, with rubbish not collected and government ministries blockaded by their own workers.
The strike for Wednesday and Thursday has been called by the two big unions that cover public and private sector workers.
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Watch live streaming video from stopcarteltvgr at

Syntagma Square Assembly
Watch live streaming video from syntagmasquare at

Greece: The Mother of All Strikes, Oct 19-20/2011

The Mother of All Strikes, the 48-hour general strike of public and private sector where even shops are closed has started already. For 48 hours the country will be paralysed. Greece’ capital is getting ready for a ‘battle’ that would possibly take place in the city’s centre due to an expected wave of protest marches. The 48-hour strike in public and private sector started already and strikers are preparing to raise their voices against the odious measures that will further reduce the living standards of citizens and will circumvent decades-old labour rights.

Massive Greece strike turns violent
A massive general strike brought Greece to a standstill on Wednesday and thousands of angry protesters took to the streets, while parliament prepared to vote on deep public sector cuts.
Greek riot police fired tear gas at hooded youths hurling petrol bombs on the fringes of the strike in Athens on Wednesday, a Reuters witness said.
“With these measures they are killing us slowly. There will be war today and I am going to take part,” said 75-year old private sector pensioner Dimitris Panagiotopoulos.

Athens Clashes LIVE: RT at Greece massive protest showdown

For latest updates, follow RT on and
In the streets of Greece, arguably the biggest protest in years is now descending into violence. People are venting their anger against a new package of austerity measures the country is likley to adopt as soon as Thursday.

Athens Public Transport Strike Schedule, Oct 19-20/11
Public transport in Athens will participate only partially to the general strike on October 19-20, 2011 in order to facilitate demonstrators participate in the protests.

Greece Braces For 'Mother Of All Strikes'

Greece is braced for one of the biggest strikes by workers in years as demonstrators protest against austerity measures.

Genesis - Get 'Em Out By Friday

Journalists walk off job to protest Greek cutbacks

Journalists walked out of newsrooms across Greece on Tuesday as tax officials, lawyers and ferry and railway workers scaled up their protests ahead of a two-day general strike to coincide with a vote of new austerity measures in parliament.

Syrians living in Greece protest in Athens

Syrians living in Greece shout slogans during a protest at Syntagma square in support to the peoples unrest in Syria in Athens, Greece, 15 October 2011.

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