Tuesday, June 21, 2011

UK banks abandon eurozone over Greek default fears

UK banks abandon eurozone over Greek default fears. UK banks have pulled billions of pounds of funding from the eurozone as fears grow about the impact of a "Lehman-style" event connected to a Greek default.


The Chaos Of A Currency Collapse
"Revolution is always more likely when the population are starving.
The consequences of a collapse. Shelves quickly emptied of food and any "tangible asset" that would hold value better than their currency. Wide spread panic broke out as the economy effectively became paralyzed and people suddenly realised their currency was of diminishing worth. Shops were quickly emptied of everything that could be bought. Everyday food was snapped up at "luxury" style prices as people thought of survival but also they also bought electric goods like toasters, microwaves, canned goods and virtually anything that was for sale as they rushed to convert their currency into "any tangible assets" that were not losing value."


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