Friday, June 24, 2011

Greek trade unions call for historic first ever 48-hour General Strike in face of parliamentary vote on new IMF/EU/ECB agreement

From The Greek Streets blog:

As it has just been announced, the two mainstream trade in Greece (GSEE and ADEDY) have just called for an unprecedented 48-hour General Strike for the 28th and 29th of June, to coincide with the parliamentary vote on the new bailout agreement between the Greek government and the IMF/EU/ECB troika.

The unions are calling for a Strike demonstration on 11 a.m. on Tuesday the 28th at the Mars Field (Pedion Toy Areos) and for a Strike protest gathering at 7 p.m. on Wednesday the 29th, at Klauthmonos square.

This comes in addition to the call for action by the Open Assembly of Syntagma for the same days.

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