Saturday, May 14, 2011

Mysterium Iniquitatis - The mystery of evil

Abstract: Shadow projection, as the transference of personal inferiority, and the related concept of sin transference, lie at the heart of the mystery of evil. Destructive projection does not depend on "misunderstandings" in the micro-social context, nor on instinctual predatory instincts. It is an archaic method of ego emancipation by which the transgressor's unconscious suffering is transferred to the victim. It aims at maintaining ego firmness. Intellectuals often become subjects of shadow projection as they are capable of questioning the established order, due to their ability to think freely. It is analysed as the projection of Promethean guilt. An answer to the machinations of evil has been formulated in Christian theology. The ego's suffering is laid on the shoulders of Christ, who carries the sins of the world. The Christ figure is understood as the spiritual awareness of the inner self ("Christ liveth in me"). A regress to a pre-Christian cultural mentality implies the massive return of scapegoat psychology, as exemplified by the collective shadow psychology of the Third Reich. The Western world is undergoing transitions that undermine our notion of, and our awareness of, the spiritual self. If the sins aren't carried by Christ anymore, then they must be carried by other human beings, with foreseeable consequences.

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Regressive consequences of immigration

The immigration to the Western world has harmful consequences in that it moves the collective psyche in the pre-Christian direction. Terrorism as sacrificial theme is not at all the greatest danger, it is the "psychological terrorism" in the social context which inflicts the greatest harm. Certain ethnicities have recourse to honour cultures, clan structures, and oppression within families, especially victimization and oppression of females, to mitigate the inner urge of sin transference. Victimization of the outgroup also obtains. However, to the extent that these ethnic groups are forced to adjust to a Western cultural context and Western laws, they have no other choice than to subject outside society to their venom, if their own system of regulation of sin transference, and shadow projection, can no longer be upheld. In UK they have big problems with people of certain ethnicities who uninhibitedly prey on schoolgirls:

Police 'hid' abuse of 60 girls by Asian takeaway workers linked to murder of 14-year-old (here)

Mother of murdered girl 'put into kebabs' runs from court after gruesome testimony (here)

Today, Western intellectuals choose not to relate to this problem and instead put the lid on. They know that they will infallibly be appointed "Hitler personality" if they attempt to grasp it and opine in the matter. Perhaps, if they contemplate their own daughter being put into a kebab, they will pluck up courage. Otherwise, the consequence is that it will come to violent ethnic clashes in the future, and to new ethnic cleansings. In accordance with the scapegoat principle, innocent immigrants will be chosen as victims for retributive actions. That's how it works. Inferior personalities on both sides will have their heyday, as in the Balkan wars.

Intellectuals who raise the problem of evil risk being publicly flogged, as they are accused of casting suspicion on ethnic groups, in this case those gangs of immigrants who victimize schoolgirls. But my argument is that we have no other choice than to grapple with these issues. To repress the problems will only lead to yet bigger problems in the future. It is better to dirty oneself a little than let our grandchildren suffer pandemonium. Prevention is better than cure. It is a question of taking responsibility for the future. A mature man should be capable of this if he hasn't been poisoned by all the hormonal active chemicals in the environment, and his testicles have shrivelled up.

Shadow projection and "sin transference" lie at the heart of the Mysterium Iniquitatis, the mystery of evil. It does not depend on "misunderstandings" in the micro-social context, nor on instinctual predatory instincts. It is predicated on an archaic psychic economy that demands transference of internal suffering onto others. The personality with a weak ego structure, deprived of the spiritual experience of the 'inner self', lacks the moral strength to carry its own weaknesses and failures. The ego at the brink of dissolution imagines itself the subject of constant offences and insults, always prone to a fit of 'narcissistic rage'. It creates a dark cloud of revengeful evil in the soul, which must sooner or later find expression, if the personality is going to feel a little relief.

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