Thursday, May 12, 2011

Can you live without money?

... "I think everyone can make a transition towards being less dependent on money," Mark said. "For most people living completely moneyless is unrealistic, unless they are totally committed. But I think everyone wants to save money and have less of an environmental impact and have some fun in the process. It doesn't have to be a big sacrifice."

With this in mind, Mark spilled the (ethically sourced) beans on how he's managed to nab holidays, accommodation, garden tools… and a place to live, all for absolutely nothing.

How to get... a house

…well, a caravan at least. Mark picked his up at freecycle, an online community of millions of likeminded money savers. It works like this: If you've got a toaster that you don't want, you can post a message on the site saying "I've got a toaster" with your post code. You can also post wanted messages like "I need a new toaster". Then if someone does they'll email you back, saying "I have one, pick it up at so-and-so-time".

Mark says: "It's very simple, you can send out an email and in 15 minutes you'll usually have what you're looking for. I've got everything from mobile phones to tents to my caravan. This woman got in contact and said she had one that she couldn't be bothered to fix-up so I just took it off her hands. It was worth £500 and in really good condition." ...

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