Monday, March 28, 2011

That Elusive Peace Vibration

Difficult but perhaps not impossible to achieve. Some suggestions:

From Moving Into The Palace Of Peace by Jonathan Avalon

This task is not as daunting as it might sound. We do not have to create the peace we are looking for as it already exists. Where is it you ask? Take a look inside and there you will find it nestled safely within each and every one of our very own hearts. The peace movement is truly not about making things change outside of ourselves; it is about moving ourselves into that place of peace that already exists within each one of us.

If we stop screaming and fighting so much, take a pause from the chaos of life for a moment, sit down and take in a big resounding breath we will remember that place of love and peace we were all born from. Believe it or not it is still within us all. All of us!

Now that we are all here remembering and standing before this palace of blissful calm and peace, let’s move in. Move yourself into the peace palace with all of your belongings. There is plenty of room for All. This is the peace movement or the moving into peace. We are all now surrounded by peace, it is all around us. We have moved in, taken up house. We are all sharing space in the palace of peace.

Next, take in another one of those resounding breaths and breathe it in. Let us all take in a few more deep breaths and fill ourselves with the peace that surrounds us. Breathe here for a while as we replace, or exchange, our inner air with the breath of peace. Fill yourself up! Now, peace is within us all. The palace of peace dwells with us as we dwell within it.

The peace movement is complete because we have moved into peace as peace has moved into us. Welcome my friends to the New World. Remember to be kind and gentle with yourselves and others fore the path we are now on is as a razors edge. We shall lift each other up as we slip and fall fore we will surely slip and fall.

Not difficult to visualize according to Sufi teachings:

It is the gradual increasing activity which causes vibrations to materialize, and it is the gradual decrease of the same which transmutes them again into spirit. As has been said, vibrations pass through five distinct phases while changing from the fine to the gross, and the elements of ether, air, fire, water and earth - each has a savoir, color and form peculiar to itself. Thus the elements form a wheel which brings them all in time to the surface. At each step in their activity they vary and become distinct from each other, and it is the grouping of these vibrations which causes variety in the objective world. The law, which causes them to disperse, man calls destruction.

Vibrations turn to atoms and atoms generate what we call life; thus it happens that their grouping, by the power of nature's affinity, forms a living entity. And as the breath manifests through the form so the body becomes conscious. In one individual there are many fine and small beings hidden: in his blood, in his brain cells, in his skin, and in all planes of his existence.

As in the physical being of an individual many small germs are born and nourished which are living beings, so in his mental plane also there are many beings, termed muwakkals - elementals. These are still finer entities born of man's own thoughts, and as the germs live in his physical body so the elementals dwell in his mental sphere. Man often imagines that thoughts are without life; he does not see that they are more alive than the physical germs and that they have a birth, childhood, youth, age and death. They work for man's advantage or disadvantage according to their nature. The Sufi creates, fashions and controls them. He drills them and rules them throughout his life; they form his army and carry out his desires. As the germs constitute man's physical being and the elementals his mental life, so do the angels constitute his spiritual existence. These are termed farishtas.

Vibrations as a rule have length as well as breadth, and they may last the least fraction of a moment or the greater part of the age of the universe. They make different forms, figures and colors as they shoot forth, one vibration creating another; thus myriads arise out of one. In this way there are circles under circles and circles over circles, all of which form the universe. Every vibration after its manifestation becomes merged again in its original source. The reach of vibrations is according to the fineness of the plane of their starting-point. To speak more plainly, the word uttered by the lips can only reach the ears of the hearer, but the thought proceeded from the mind reaches far, shooting from mind to mind. The vibrations of mind are much stronger than those of words. The earnest feelings of one heart can pierce the heart or another; they speak in the silence, spreading out into the sphere, so that the very atmosphere of a person's presence proclaims his thoughts and emotions. The vibrations of the soul are the most powerful and far-reaching; they run like an electric current from soul to soul.

And we need at least 8,000 humans to get the ball rolling. From Creating Peace by Being Peace by Gabriel Cousens:

Being Our Peace Prayer/Meditation ~
In order to effectively usher in the new paradigm of peace through a group collective effort of prayer/meditation, it is important that we create a feeling-based prayer in which we are being our prayer. The ancient Essene-Kabbalistic teaching (on which Greg Braden’s “Isaiah Effect” is based) has a specific word for this technology of prayer-- l’hitpallel. It is a unique expression, which is profoundly different than the contemporary meaning of prayer that infers praying to God or begging God to change God’s mind (as if God is outside of us). L’hitpallel is a verb. It means to do something to oneself. This way of being in prayer is embodied in the Native American way. The Native American shamans did not pray for rain, they prayed rain. L’hitpallel is not about some external God hearing prayers; it is about us being our prayers, in other words, to hear our own prayers by being them. This is the key technology. We create a feeling of peace, rather than a prayer asking for peace. In l’hitpallel, we are actively and intentionally filling our hearts and having a feeling-based experience of what it is that we are creating. It is feeling that what we are praying for has already happened, and for this we stay in a state of thankfulness. (If this ancient prayer/meditation doesn’t resonate with you, any form of prayer/meditation with a sincere heart creates a vibration of peace.)
To create peace we must change ourselves—becoming what it is that we wish to see in ourselves and in the world. When we change ourselves, we change the whole situation. This feeling-based prayer puts into place the vibratory possibilities of a particular outcome—in this case world peace. In other words, we create a collective resonance that becomes a holographic model of peace consciousness. Peace Prevails on Earth.

A Global Collective Effort ~
It has been hypothesized that as little as the square root of one percent of the world population, which is approximately 8,000 people, is enough to shift the global mind into one of world consciousness for peace. It is for this reason that the Peace Every Day Initiative is committed to inspire at least 8,000 people to collectively create a powerful thought-form of peace, every day. Our vision is that the number of people meditating collectively through consciousness and intention will soon surpass 144,000, a sacred number for the healing of the world that will bring the Thousand Years of Peace. May the initiative spread to include millions of committed peace workers world-wide.
History shows us that it takes more than a few peace celebrations to sustain peace on earth. This is the time to step-up the effort of our intention and become a continuous, active, global vibration of peace.

Some may benefit by approaching such meditation through physical means:

or perhaps even mechanical?

Whatever works...

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