Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Facebook Gods

I'm not ot sure how it all started, perhaps finding friends on Facebook had reached an end. So, I searched for God.

First, there are several Gods on Facebook. I suspect Facebook of trying to cover their bases. What if one of them really is God? Would you want to be the guy at Facebook to say - "Sorry, we already have a God. You could be God01." Right then and there, I decide (to my dismay) Facebook itself is not God.

This first God has just 317 Friends. And apparently this God is administered by a guy named Jordan Howard - better known as the "creator."

OK, I'm not falling for this. I don't think God would allow Jordon to call himself the creator. Seems a little blasphemous to me. And according to Facebook, we're connected by geography. So right there, I know this isn't God, because I live in New Jersey.

This next God, has 387 friends.

Not sure this is God at all because there are posts from someone named Aylin Baysefr from Russia posing the burning question... "russian girls is the most beautiful girl in the world/... do u agree?????" Well, I don't think God would allow god-awful grammar and spelling on his wall - 19 times. This God is administered by Afsal Hamza from Romaina, so maybe it's some sort of our-girls-are-hotter-than-your-girls smackdown site. I considerd joining this group, but this God lists a related group as "Kung Fu Panda." God only knows, that movie sucked.

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