"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious."
—C. G. Jung
In a hierarchical society free will is generally proportional to your position within the hierarchy, which allows you power and freedom to take more from those below and also create systems to allow this process to be self perpetuating. This positive feedback cycle generally leads to an expansion of the hierarchy until those at the bottom cannot sustain those at the top and a point of collapse is reached. It is at this point where we find ourselves today and it is at this point where a decision is made to collapse with conscious intention for positive creation or if collapse is simply an unconscious process into a controlled dystopia.
The most obvious example of this is the financial system where debt money funnels energy to the elite with absolute certainty, creating scarcity for the general population until it is replaced. Another example is the whole concept of 'evil' people who are really just people born with less free will and the process of judgment is a system which further reduces their free will and amplifies the very 'evil' which is being judged. Over time most of the consciousness of humanity ends up in 'hell' with little free will being judged by tiny egos in heaven, preventing the species individuating and easily controlled by higher intelligence. Which party is actually 'evil' in this case becomes a question of perspective. Light and dark are relative polarities with one simply being defined by the other with one persons good being another persons evil and the whole system able to rise or fall depending on the collective consciousness. With the understanding that we are all connected the decision to punish as opposed to heal can be recognized as a form of insanity.
There are many polarizations in the world today such as consciousness, knowledge, money, energy, love and technology and as each of these is balanced and spread evenly around the planet a golden age can be created. The free will taken by those at the top in a service to self capacity can be returned and evenly distributed to the larger body and the whole system can evolve to a higher expression providing the opportunity to move from a system of separate individuals to a collective conscious planetary body.
The financial elite have planed for many decades to institute a global new world order based on scarcity and control. This group has nearly unlimited resources and responsibility to understand the processes of global creation in terms of increasing free will for the planet and her people and yet choose to minimize free will and limit creation with consequences lasting millennia. On one level they are simply corrupt and seeking temporal benefit for their brief existence at the expense of a planetary body and their own children, on another level they are unconscious and on another they are mind control victims, pawns of higher intelligence, so its just a question of perspective.
A parent controls a child, the government control the population, the elite control the government, the global managers control the elite, whilst et's control the entire planetary system. These are all just fractals of the teacher-student ordering of the universe. We could assume that the alien race is organized in a similar manner to the elites dystopia, where children are raised in state sponsored care centers where their creativity is stifled, both parents burdened with debt working meaningless jobs, where thought and action are closely monitored and controlled to maximize fear, the species DNA segregated by conflict and polluted with chemicals to prevent unifying as a planetary body leading to a process of devolution. They are most likely a synthetic race lacking DNA so naturally try to create a planet of clones in their own image where free will is minimized rather than one mirroring our DNA holographic fractal matrix where each persons individuality, creativity and free will is maximized for the benefit of the whole. A technological transfer program would allow the human population to be more easily controlled, with decisions being made by super computers programmed to see humans as 'useless eaters' rather than co-creators. Potentially 'consciousness' could eventually be gently encouraged onto a technological platform where the fear of death would gradually see humanity self replicate into the same synthetic race. So from one perspective we find ourselves in a system of control which attempts to prevent the free will of the planetary body extending beyond a certain level and from another its a preset planetary initiation created to help evolve the consciousness of humanity.
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