Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rage Against Cash Machine: Bank Run Day take-away to trash financial terror?

French bankers have a nervous day ahead. They're waiting to see whether a campaign calling on depositors to withdraw all their money will really catch on. It's been organized by a former French football star against what he calls the 'corrupt and criminal' financial system.


Activists empty bank accounts to protest bailouts

(AP) A group of activists in Paris have emptied their bank accounts after a call by French sports icon Eric Cantona to protest practices by leading banks.

The group marched in costumes in Paris on Tuesday and withdrew money from a branch of Societe Generale. They then opened accounts with a nearby branch of Credit Cooperatif bank.

Activists have seized on former Manchester United star Cantona's call in October for depositors to empty their bank accounts. The groups suggest signing up with cooperative banks and rejecting major banks that were given bailouts and that are often blamed for the global financial crisis.

Bankers and some economists warn against heeding the call.

The football star-turned-actor was nowhere to be seen Tuesday.

~ Source: Washington Examiner ~

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