Thursday, December 2, 2010

Government Agency Warns Employees That Looking at Wikileaks Could Be a Criminal Offense

From the Progressive Review: At least one government agency - The Social Security Administration - is warning employees that even browsing Wikileaks could be a criminal offense. The Review has received a copy of an email sent to staffers with the subject line, "Information Security Bulletin: WIKILEAKS." Here's the threat:

"Earlier this year a large amount of United States government classified information was illegally released to the public website WIKILEAKS. The documents on WIKILEAKS could place military personnel and United States supporters in Iraq and Afghanistan at an increased risk of harm.

"Despite these documents being publicly accessible over the internet, the documents remain classified and SSA employees should not access, download, or transmit them. Individuals may be subject to applicable federal criminal statutes for unlawful access to or transmission of classified information."

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