Sunday, September 5, 2010

Perfect Privacy Staff Member Gets House Search

Today, Friday, August 20, 2010, between 7:00 and 8:00 a.m. CEST, the premises of one of Perfect Privacy's administrators were searched by the authorities. The administrator is listed as the contact person for Perfect Privacy's servers in Erfurt, Germany. The house search warrant is based on the suspicion that unknown suspects had routed illegal communications over the privacy servers in Erfurt.

In total, five computers together with harddisks and storage media were confiscated in the course of the house search. As far as the computers had been used for administrative or other activities surrounding Perfect Privacy, they are altogether encrypted as a whole. The estimated damage amounts to about EUR 6,000.00 to EUR 6,500.00. Perfect Privacy has already contacted an attorney who will, amongst others, apply for access to the records.

Perfect Privacy's servers in Erfurt are at the time this annoucement is written still online, can be pinged, and Perfect Privacy continues to be in the possession of the root access and all administrative rights. The servers have so far not been confiscated. We decided, however, to disable all services (OpenVPN, PPTP VPN, L2TP/IPSec VPN, SOCKS5, SQUID) in Erfurt temporarily in order to give those of our members, who have elevated security needs, time to read this announcement and to evaluate the risks. It is not known to us whether the authorities initiated measures such as telecommunication monitoring in Erfurt.

More details will be following within the next days.

Best regards,
Perfect Privacy Administration

~ Perfect Privacy Support Blog & Knowledgebase

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