Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Now Swiss Institutions Ask: Where’s the Gold?

Ron Holland writing at Lew Rockwell that Swiss institutions are joining the chorus of people wondering: Is Washington really  #1 In gold reserves?

As Chris Weber recently pointed out in an article, there's only ever been one audit of the gold in Fort Knox. And that was over 50 years ago! Since then, everyone has simply been taking the word of a few people that the gold is all there, and in good condition.

Even elected officials, including the U.S. President, are asked to blindly trust the word of a small group of people that the gold is still there. However, as the economy continues to falter, people are wondering if we could possibly go back to the gold standard.

And who trusts the government anymore. Even politicians know better, for friggin' sakes.

Americans are not the only ones wondering. (Recently, Ron Paul began calling for an audit of the gold in Fort Knox.) Ron Holland writes that people around the world are wondering where the gold is. If not in Fort Knox, where is it? It had to have gone somewhere.

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