Sunday, March 21, 2010

Funk The War paints recruiter, sets banner on Treasury Dept 2nd floor ledge

On March 19th, the 7th anniversary of the start of the Iraq War, Funk the War scored a direct hit on the military recruiter at 14th and L sts with a paint projectile, and two activists climbed to the second floor ledge of the US Treasury building and held a banner.

There were six known arrests One was at the recruiter, two more arrests happened when security at the Treasury grabbed those they allege were holding the banner-and three for nothing more than stepping into the street.

In one of the latter cases, a person was detained, possibly was one of those arrested for no more than trying to rejoin the crowd after leaving-even though no police line forbade entry! Police were present, lines or not, around the entire protest, and this arrest or detention comes dangerously close to violating the laws that were passed and court orders that followed the mass arrests in the 2000 IMF and 2002 Pershing Park mass arrest incidents.

One person then reminded Capt Harold that he was in line for $18,000 from that IMF mass arre[s]t in 2000-and did the cops want to go for $36,000?

In addition to the arrests, cops grabbed and threw people in the process of clearing people from the sidewalk in front of the recruiter and then from L st. This included people with bicycles, recklessly risking breaking people's legs.

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