Monday, February 22, 2010

ACLU sues USAID: Are we exporting US taxpayer-funded religion?

The ACLU has waited long enough.

On Thursday, February 18th, they filed a lawsuit against USAID for refusing to comply with their Freedom of Information Act requests from July and September 2009, for documents related to USAID-funded abstinence-only-until-marriage programs abroad. The ACLU has patiently awaited documents that may help shed light on an audit completed last year suggesting USAID is dispersing money, unconstitutionally, for religiously-based HIV prevention programs. 

The report, filed by the Office of Inspector General, surveyed 9 out of the 10 faith-based organizations using USAID funds and stated clearly that USAID-awarded funds were being used for religious activities. 

For example, USAID monies fund abstinence-only-until-marriage programs for African youth that include "Biblical stories and religious messages."  What do these look like?

One curriculum, used for HIV/AIDS prevention education, includes an optional psalm for self-reflection: "How can a young man keep his way pure? By living according to your word."

The take-away concept the curriculum sums up: "God has a plan for sex and this plan will help you and protect you from harm." 

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