Saturday, June 6, 2009

The truth about bird flu, H5N1, vaccines and AIDS

"For almost one year we have been asking authorities, politicians and medical institutes for the scientific evidence for the existence of such viruses that are said to cause disease and therefore require "immunization". After almost one year we have not received even one concrete answer which provides evidence for the existence of those "vaccination viruses".... Dr. Stefan Lanka, Sept. 2001 interview

Pictures of "Isolated Viruses" Debunked

What all of these photos have in common is that they, according to authors Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld, can´t claim that they present a virus, as long as they do not also provide the original publications which describe how and from what the virus has been isolated. Such original publications have been cited nowhere.

Indeed, in the entire scientific literature, there´s not even one publication where Koch´s First Postulate is even claimed for "viruses in medicine" . That means, that there is no proof that from humans with certain diseases that the viruses - which are held responsible for these diseases - have been isolated. Nevertheless, this is precisely what is publicly claimed.

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Dr. Stefan Lanka, virologist and molecular biologist, is internationally mostly known as an "AIDS dissident" (and maybe "gentechnology dissident") who has been questioning the very existence of "HIV" since 1994. In the past years, however, he stumbled over a breathtaking fact: Not even ONE of the (medically relevant) viruses has ever been isolated; there is no proof of their existence. Actually, Dr. Lanka has already stated three years ago, in the almost "legendary"  Zenger´s interview: "So for a long time I studied virology, from the end to the beginning, from the beginning to the end, to be absolutely sure that there was no such thing as HIV. And it was easy for me to be sure about this because I realized that the whole group of viruses to which HIV is said to belong, the retroviruses -- as well as other viruses which are claimed to be very dangerous -- in fact do not exist at all."

So he was thoroughly reading the literature on those "other viruses" again, and after he could still not find any paper which would provide the evidence, he encouraged people not to BELIEVE him but to ask the institutes and authorities themselves. This has actually taken place, mostly initiated by mothers. The responses were revealing. In September 2001 the German book "Impfen - Völkermord im dritten Jahrtausend?" (Vaccination - Genocide in the third millennium?) by Stefan Lanka and Karl Krafeld was published in which they state that there is still no proof of any (medically relevant) virus.

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