Friday, June 5, 2009

Peru: State of siege declared to put down revolt

Federico Fuentes reports in Green Left:

The Peruvian government decreed a 60-day state of emergency on May 9 across various districts in the Amazonian region in the east.

The move is in response to a wave of indigenous protests that began one month earlier against a series of laws granting greater privileges to mining, oil and logging transnationals companies.

The laws allow the companies to loot natural resources, while attacking indigenous rights and community traditions.

Under the emergency decree, all constitutional rights have been suspended — including the right to hold meetings and freedom of movement.

Wagna Musoni, a representative of the indigenous community of Loreto, one of the districts affected by the state of siege, said: “The government can not decree a state of emergency against the just struggle of the Amazonian peoples.”

Musomni said his community was “willing to die” to overturn the laws. 

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