Thursday, June 11, 2009

James Von Brunn the face of white nationalism

James Von Brunn, an 88 year old well known white supremist who opened fire at the holocaust museum today and killed security officer Stephen Tyrone Johns, was not really the lone wolf gunmen the mainstream media would portray, To my thinking he is joined by the more infamous and popular voices of hate and bigotry.

Since the election of Barack Obama, folks like Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh have made it a holy mission to encourage the wing nuts and fruit loops to act out. Race baiters like Limbaugh and Beck no longer use words like nigger or spic openly, but the message to their listeners is the same, Barack the magic Negro, as Mr. Limbaugh labels him, is destroying our Christian nation and its time for patriots to step up. In a free country even the most vile and offensive speech must be tolerated, provided it does not direct people to engage in particular acts toward others, even the spew masters over at FOX who define on a daily basis journalistic inaccuracy, have a right to vomit into the pie holes of mouth breathers in search of ideological nourishment.

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From Holocaust Museum shooter von Brunn a 9/11 'truther' who hated 'neo-cons', Bush, McCain

The man accused of opening fire at the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC on June 10, James W. von Brunn, left a trail of unhinged writings around the internet.

The anti-semitism of von Brunn is the first thing one notices when visiting these bizarre websites. However, like those of most "white supremacists", many of von Brunn's political views track "Left" rather than "Right." Clearly, a re-evaluation of these obsolete definitions is long overdue.

For example, he unleashed his hatred of both Presidents Bush and other "neo-conservatives" in online essays. As even some "progressives" such as the influential Adbusters magazine publicly admit, "neoconservative" is often used as a derogatory code word for "Jews". As well, even a cursory glance at "white supremacist" writings reveals a hatred of, say, big corporations that is virtually indistinguishable from that of anti-globalization activists.

James von Brunn's advocacy of 9/11 conspiracy theories also gives him an additional commonality with individuals on the far-left. ...

[ Simon Wiesenthal Center reaction here. ]

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