Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Greece to set up internment camps for immigrants

From a great post by Teacherdude:

The Greek daily Nea newspaper reported that the government was in the process of setting up internment camps for illegal immigrants throughout the country. Eleven disused army bases have been chosen in order to house those found without legal residency documents.

Stung by their losses in the recent European elections the ruling conservative New Democracy party has taken a sharp turn to the right in order to win back dissatisfied voters who's defected to the far right LAOS party in last week's elections.

In addition the police have made hundreds of arrests of suspected illegal immigrants in the centre of Athens in an action which has been interpreted as a “get tough” message by the government of Kostas Karamanlis to the party's base following months of falling opinion poll results brought on by a series of corruption scandals and unhappiness with Athens's handling of Greece's deepening recession.

However, many opposition groups are doubtful whether the proposed measures will be anything other than a publicity exercise. Despite recent crackdowns the government has failed to formulate a coherent policy concerning the integration of the country's 1 million foreign born inhabitants.

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