Monday, June 22, 2009

Dear moderates, yell louder at the bad guys, not the left

MinistryOfTruth writes in Daily Kos:

...In Iran they are Yelling their Friggin Heads off! Ask an American to get off the couch and he will threaten to secede or call you a "whiner"

This is my memo to the RW Wingnuts, the "sensible" moderates and the cool aid drinking "Can do no wrong" crowd. Get up, get off your couch, start writing, calling, become an ACTIVIST, and start DOING SOMETHING!

If all you can do is voice your "concern" and rain on someone else's parade I suggest you use that right and remain silent, as your voice is not helping us progress towards change.

Yes, it is appropriate to compare the oppression in Iran and elsewhere with the oppression going on in the USA today. The severity is beyond comparison but the act of oppression is not. To deny this is foolishness.

A minority of wealthy, male, powerful religious extremists want to dictate how the majority of people live and die. Whether it is abortion, voting rights, equal rights or human rights. A few powerful people want to force everybody else to agree with them and do what they say.

This is just as true in Iran as it is in North Korea or America. There is a class war. There are two Americas. There are also two Irans, and Two North Koreas, but the same reality exists everywhere, and the same class war is being fought across the world.

When you shit on someone for yelling about it you are aiding the enemy. The enemy is the status quo, the enforcer of oppression and poverty, whether they wear sandals or business shoes or whether they trod on you with bare feet, it is the Iron Hell that stamps on your freedom, and when you call our outrage "whining" you just help to kick the weak while they are down. ...

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