Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cover-up claim after Peru clashes

Human rights lawyers have accused Peru's government of a cover-up, after clashes between police and indigenous protesters killed at least 50 people.

The lawyers say hundreds more may be missing, amid rumours that the police have hidden bodies. But they say rights groups cannot get in to investigate.

The government denies the claims and says police were the victims.

For two months Amazonians have rallied against laws which they say will open their lands to oil and gas drilling.

The government of President Alan Garcia - a hate figure for the protesters - insists it has guaranteed millions of acres for native people.

Meanwhile, Nicaragua has granted political asylum to indigenous leader Alberto Pizango.

He sought refuge in the country's embassy in Lima after an arrest warrant was issued on charges of sedition, conspiracy and rebellion.

'Truth will come out'

The violence erupted last Friday when more than 2,000 Indians - many of them carrying spears and machetes - launched a protest over the drilling plans.

About 30 protesters and 24 police officers were killed in the worst clashes for at least a decade.

After visiting the area, near the town of Bagua Grande, 1,400km (870 miles) north of the capital Lima, rights lawyers said hundreds of people could not be accounted for.

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